Fat bastard, buy two seats!


Well-Known Member
What do we define as to big. When someone is siting next to me I tuck my elbow below the arm rest as not to be in someones bubble. I never understood the point of giving two people 1 elbow rest.


Well-Known Member
everyone got rep;-) let see if we can take the thread over and post a few thousand pictures


Active Member
Seriously, If I pay for a plane ticket and on top of that have to pay another 60 for the extra leg room because that's all that's left on the seating chart, I don't want you spilling into my seat for 6 hrs. Buy two seats.:wall:
Not such a big problem here in the UK because you americans have much worse obesity problems (not that we're not catching up in numbers of obese people, it's just that you guys go BIG when you go big) but it is irritating to think that I have to pay for 30kg of baggage allowance but some guy can come on carrying 80kg of weight that shouldn't be there and that doesn't incur ANY extra cost. Especially since their excuse for charging baggage is fuel usage, I'm damn sure 10kg of fat takes the same amount of fuel to move as 10kg of fabric.

So 1 of 3 ways to look at this, fat people aren't paying what they should be for a single seat, fat people should have to buy 2 seats, or I should pay less because my weight allocation is being hindered by an inconsiderate fat guy who not only won't lose weight for society's benefit but won't even do it for himself


It's just because everyone wants to keep everything pc, and be sensitive.. I'm not really like that myself but I understand it.

I also understand and agree with you guys... I am a big guy and I realize I take up more space than other people, so I'm courteous about it. It's not really hard, and truthfully I think fat guys shouldn't take reality so hard... Sure, sometimes people give you shit for being fat, even if you haven't done anything directly to deserve it other than being fat. The problem is some people get weak because of that, and become so soft even the most casual remark hurts their feelings. Just think of how many fat people just happen to be "sensitive to their weight".

On an unrelated note, I've been losing weight lately. I'm still a fat fuck but I'm down 47lbs and I'm still working on it.