Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page


Well-Known Member
Madonna Day 33 of 12/12(3 week Stretch)& Hercules Day 18 of 12/12(14 day stretch)
Rm Temp:80F
RH: 45-50%
co2 ppm:1500
Res Temp:68-73F
ppm: 180-350





Active Member
Hello! Just found this thread, exciting to see so many great ideas & awesome grows! Been growing awhile but this is the first scrog and I've already made a bit of a mess of it, live and learn. Working on creating a journal now, should be up this evening with lots of pics. Hope my mistakes can help other folks, thanks for sharing the knowledge!


Well-Known Member
Big Congrats to ScrogThis!!!

Our hats are off to you my friend. I too agree that you have created one of the best, most cleanly built scrogs to date. I like most every detail of your design and the ideals it hosts. I would ask that you give yourself a major big pat on the back from me and mine as we are happy to see your success posted here and are excited to see you taking the best ideas and putting them into practice. I do hope that all of our guests take the time to visit your thread and make comment. I want to nominate you as the Scrog King of the Year! I will contact you with details after I return from my trip. (Returning Nov 4th). I will have the chance to review comments here however will not be spending much time corresponding with you folks until my return date. Feel free to contact me directly with any questions or comments. Looking forward to seeing more from you! Please feel free to post photos directly to this thread with links to your own. THANKS!



Active Member
A good starting place is ~50W/sq. ft. HPS lights tend to get pretty hot, factor cooling as well.

edit: should have mentioned light intensity (lumens) also, opinions vary widely but I like to shoot for at least 7000/sq. ft.


View attachment 1190572View attachment 1190571View attachment 1190573View attachment 1190574View attachment 1190575View attachment 1190576Here is my scrog grow under CFLs and T8 tubes. Its not a pure scrog, because the screen was added as an afterthought because I let them veg too much, and they were getting too tall. Plus, at the time I set this all up, I hadn't heard of scrog. Anyhow, more light would be nice, but for personal use I'm satisfied for now. Here are the latest shots of my buds, from bag seed, about 6 weeks into 12/12. What do you think?



Well-Known Member
Hey gang. I am preparing to officially "enter the scrog". I've got 10 blue widow clones that I just cut yesterday. New grow room and went pretty techy. Dual dimmable 600's over a 2x5 ebb/flood table with Rez outside the room. Cap xgc1 controller with ppm co2.

I built a 6 1/2 x 3 1/2 screen (as this is the space that I get the b
most even and powerful lux with the hoods 14" above) anywho I have a couple questions.

Do you fid or prune to induce multiple branches or just LST the main stem? I've got 2sq ft/ plant so I'm worried that fussing will create a monster.

Is there a reccomended height of the screen? I have mine 18" above the table which only leaves me about 2' of growth space before the plants would likely scortch.

Do peolpe lollipop their plants? Or just pick off dead leaves late in flowering?

I'm planning on a grow journal with nute conc. /enviro data (as many journals leave this out)

Thanks for any info!


Active Member
No scrog expert as you know but have links to a ton of info on the subject you might find useful. Working on the best method to make it available but in the interim here are my thoughts (for what they are worth, free advice is worth every penny you paid). :bigjoint:

So far I think topping to produce 2 or more main stems before they reach the screen is preferable, it adds a week or so to veg but saves tons of effort training. Shoot for a "T" shape. Train UNDER the screen, much easier (this is painful experience talking). LST does not really apply to scrogs, nothing "low stress" about twisting a stem into a pretzel. :-o FIM is cooler but I haven't tried it in a scrog (yet).

Seems to be the consensus that 12-18 inch screen height is about right, more room makes it easier to work under but requires a few more days to start the training and fill the screen. Less room=quicker but harder to work, any lower and you don't have enough stems to reasonably fill the screen, mine have 9 each.

No consensus on the pruning, some advocate pruning anything that shades the bud sites, others contend they are the solar panels that fuel your buds. I tend to take a middle of the road approach - prune what you can't manage to move out of the way, bud is king. Consensus is ~1 plant/sqft, your mileage may vary but 2 sqft will take a little longer.

Setup sounds awesome but out of my budget :sad: look forward to envying it.

Hope that helps, I'll subscribe your journal for certain.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. I hear you on grow room costs. Even thogh I voted the xgc1 on CL for $400 I know I'm in excess of 2k at thi point. Fun to rekindle an old hobby when you actually have cash to buy shit with. But anyways, after buying all the best shit I better produce some serious nugs lest I look like a douche bag. Lol

I'll post some pics in a day or two. Just standing around watching roots grow at this point. :(. If you run co2 u should look at the CAP fuzzy logic shit. I'll be damned if it doesn't stay within 10 ppm of where you set it


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1190572View attachment 1190571View attachment 1190573View attachment 1190574View attachment 1190575View attachment 1190576Here is my scrog grow under CFLs and T8 tubes. Its not a pure scrog, because the screen was added as an afterthought because I let them veg too much, and they were getting too tall. Plus, at the time I set this all up, I hadn't heard of scrog. Anyhow, more light would be nice, but for personal use I'm satisfied for now. Here are the latest shots of my buds, from bag seed, about 6 weeks into 12/12. What do you think?
Fantastic, no matter how you find scrog it always seems to be a good idea that led you there. GL


Well-Known Member


1 Do you fid or prune to induce multiple branches or just LST the main stem? I've got 2sq ft/ plant so I'm worried that fussing will create a monster.
Each plant and even individual phenotypes within one strain, may and will respond differently to various training methods. I have learned over the years that learning the plant prior to scrog is not only a benefit in terms of knowing what to do with it when you are ready to try scrogging the plant, but also in finding the most efficient response that you are trying to achieve. In the vast scheme of things, a plant that does not respond well to stress, is not a plant for scrog. A plant that requires additional training in order to create a bush is also not "typically" an ideal plant to scrog. I however do enjoy the benefit of scrog when growing plants that don't typically bush on there own in order to have a bush load of that particular strain when finished. Keep in mind that the plant choice is just as key a factor in success as is all other factors involved and that your strain choice will dictate what you can do with the plant and what training methods will be the most successful.
Some training methods such as fimming, creates a focus on where energy is being spent. In the case of scrog, it may be seen as a benefit to the inexperienced however the ideal of scrog is uniformity. Focusing the plants energy in one location can also work against the overall concept and not be seen until later. For pre-training of the plant in order to prepare a bush for screen entry, methods can be directly compared to see which is overall the greater benefit. As I mentioned before, different strains respond in different ways however in most controlled studies that I have done, these methods do not supersede that of a proper LST. If anyone would like me to create a tutorial on my personal training techniques prior to screening I can do that please don't hesitate to ask. I do however work each plant into the proper shape prior to entering the scrog.

A good rule of thumb and my best advice for the novice: Train by method of LST early. This will be the first and least stressful attempt in learning what your plant responds best to. If your plant cannot handle low stress, scrap the idea of scrog because screening is low stress training into a mesh...simply put.

Is there a reccomended height of the screen? I have mine 18" above the table which only leaves me about 2' of growth space before the plants would likely scortch.
Access below the screen is essential in maintaining a proper scrog. Be sure that the space available is enough for you to work, water, train, etc. Above the screen you should be attempting to create the most ideal conditions for each and every bud site. Meaning equal opportunity at maximum level of light intensity provided. If your producing 65,000 lumens from your bulb, ideally your plant is receiving 65k at every bud site. If that means the center of your screen is hot due to needing the light closer to reach the outside of your screen, your attention should be on resizing the screen down to the footprint size of the bulb/hood, or a cooling effort be made on the light in order to achieve the same concept. Example: if my light is capable of 65k at a foot print of 4 x 4 at 4 feet away from the bulb; that is how big the screen size should be and the distance at which the screen should be from the bulb (granted there is no means of moving the light to cover a larger area) for maximum use of available space and available light. The ideal is to maximize on your potential given the factors involved in your particular set up. It is up to you to determine what is right for your own set up, and or what set up is right for you. Once your scrog is designed properly, your production can be measured based on GPW or grams per watt. You will be able to measure the efficiency of your grow based on the variables that do not include your lighting and screen size and will more easily be able to determine progressive advancement based on production from one session to the next. (ie. what strain works better in your set up)

Do peolpe lollipop their plants? Or just pick off dead leaves late in flowering?
I rarely top, I have yet to find a plant that works well in scrog that does better with topping vs LST. Most plants that I choose for scrog are plants that grow into a bush without training. Dead leaves should never be left on the plant. Removal of vegetative matter below the screen is beneficial when the screen is creating a canopy that does not allow for light penetration. A LIM or Light Intensity Meter, can be used to measure the available light at chosen distances. When I can measure that the lower growth is receiving 10 - 15 % less light that that of the canopy, I choose to remove the growth and allow available nutrients to be used on production above the screen. This can easily be judged by seeing that the canopy is filling in thus creating shade.