Bin Laden stated his main reason was US bases in Saudi Arabia
We got invited
So you beleive that the head sheik sent a "Your Invited!" hallmark card to us? DO you think the people were asked through referendum?
Bin Laden stated his main reason was US bases in Saudi Arabia
We got invited
Typical "America fuck yeah" comment. The reason America was attacked in the first place is because you have a tendency to want to stick your finger up the ass of every country in the world...eventually someone was gonna turn around and sucker punch yous.
Do you not see how it's American Imperialism that is causing all of your countries problems? You's took a much more isolationist stance prior to World War 2 and were never attacked. Now you've over 900 bases worldwide and try to spread democracy by force and you got attacked.
Doesn't take a genius to see why it happened.
(That's not to say the attack on Sept 11 2001 was justified, it was a horrific waste of life... but come on, surely it was gonna happen eventually).
Necessary for what? Boosting your arms companies? Causing hundreds of thousands of dead/wounded?
Between Iraq and Afghanistan your country has spend 14 trillion dollars since youve a big defecit and huge national debt.
Yeah it was necessary to run your country into the ground by the looks of it.
So you beleive that the head sheik sent a "Your Invited!" hallmark card to us? DO you think the people were asked through referendum?
Are you slow or something? WW2 started in Sept 1939.Harriken said
isolationist stance prior to World War 2 and were never attacked.
Ah Dec 1941 ring a fuckin bell?
The attack on Pearl Harbor (called Hawaii Operation or Operation AI[6][7] by the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters (Operation Z in planning)[8] and the Battle of Pearl Harbor[9]) was a surprise military strike conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the morning of December 7, 1941
Jobs are being created and filled. Problem is we are giving people incentives for staying home. When i got laid off i took a job that paid 5 an hour less. Its better to work than have a huge gaping hole on your resume
No. The problem you describe is there are more unemployed workers than jobs, demand for labor is lower, so jobs pay less.
But the real problem is still that there are more people than jobs. That's the main problem and it isn't getting better. Laziness is not driving unemployment. Not enough jobs to go around is what's causing unemployment.
Whats your zipcode
Lets see if there is a job for you and your lazy ass brother
I think you are right. We should not of invaded stan
We should of nuked the fuck out of it
The taliban had the opportunity to turn bin laden over. They refused.
That's not true. They offered to turn him over to the hague and we refused so we could get the war the American people demanded. It was bloodlust, nothing more.
You realise your two current "wars" were supposed to be short-term engagements? Welcome to Vietnam pt 2 & 3.
Also they're not wars, theyre illegal "extended military engagements". Congress never issued a declaration of war.
EDIT: And for the record, do you really think of America concentrated all her military power in the US that anyone would be capable of attacking you? You've less than 35% of your military power at home...good defensive choice![]()
I think there was quite a bit more to it, however, even accepting your premise, I still have a part of me that says that's a good thing.
News World news Afghanistan
Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over
President George Bush rejected as "non-negotiable" an offer by the Taliban to discuss turning over Osama bin Laden if the United States ended the bombing in Afghanistan.
We are animals, highly evolved as a species, but animals none the less. Brutal, savage, envious, vindictive, selfish animals in a world of billions just like us. Every once in a while, as a world power, facing said animals and many of them hostile towards us, we need to let the dogs off the leash. You can preach bibles before bullets and make love not war all you want, but like it or not, there are times when peace can only be achieved in the aftermath of combat. Not a big fan of these drawn out campaigns, but short term, focused warfare has it's merits. At least until it's all Eloi and Morlocks up in this bitch.
EDIT: And for the record, do you really think of America concentrated all her military power in the US that anyone would be capable of attacking you? You've less than 35% of your military power at home...good defensive choice![]()
So why havnt you launched any? Cos there's a shitload of countries that could nuke the shit out of you back.
Nuclear weapons are a good deterrent, but as for their practical applications...they're basically unusable. As for domestic gun really think if you were attacked by a military force you could defend yourselves just cos you've aload of AR-15's and hunting rifles? Lol, the arrogance never ceases to amaze me.