Economy Is Improving


Well-Known Member
Then you have no right ever to complain about the unemployment rate
You got me all fucked up. I never complained. I just stated the facts. I never complained.
DA you put words in peoples mouth to suit you argument. You don't deal in facts just sound bits. how sad for you.


New Member
Amen to that my friend.My brother has been trying to get a job for 2 years and nothing.And he is a master mechanic and shit!! Companies are just not hiring and not hiring people in their 50's for sure around these parts.
Your brother is a bum. Sorry to inform you


New Member
The plural of anecdote is not data. Sure, there are jobs listed on craigslist. But for every one of those job how many people are competing for it? Usually it's dozens to sometimes hundreds. There are not enough jobs out there to employ all the unemployed. I'm not sure why you're are under the impression that listing jobs off craigslist contradicts the data, but it does not. There are not enough jobs to the people who are currently unemployed. That is a fact. Nothing on craigslist changes that.

The unemployment rate is real. It has nothing to do with your strange notion that all of a sudden everyone in America simultaneously got struck with an epidemic of laziness. But that's not the case. The problem is that there are not enough new jobs being created to employ all the unemployed. That problem is not getting better. Until it does this economic recovery is only for the wealthy, not the American people.
Jobs are being created and filled. Problem is we are giving people incentives for staying home. When i got laid off i took a job that paid 5 an hour less. Its better to work than have a huge gaping hole on your resume


Well-Known Member
Jobs are being created and filled. Problem is we are giving people incentives for staying home. When i got laid off i took a job that paid 5 an hour less. Its better to work than have a huge gaping hole on your resume
Another fantasy in your fantasy land......


New Member
Work circles around your dumass anyday.....
976,839 unemployed in my state.
Not enough jobs or so called job listings and copanies are not hiring regardless of the puke you produce to show other wise.
Whats your zipcode
Lets see if there is a job for you and your lazy ass brother


Well-Known Member
Afghanistan was necessary
Necessary for what? Boosting your arms companies? Causing hundreds of thousands of dead/wounded?

Between Iraq and Afghanistan your country has spend 14 trillion dollars since youve a big defecit and huge national debt.

Yeah it was necessary to run your country into the ground by the looks of it.


Well-Known Member
I think the answer would be very simple ...

If We Americans just not stick our nose into everybody's business and stay the hell home, we would not be spending the $$ per day fighting a war that we just cannot win ( We should have learned from VietNam) ... The war in Afghanistan and Iraq has cost us needless "American Lives", and we must get the hell out of there immediately.

We also cannot bail ouit Greece, Italy and I am sure there are many more that are just waiting in the wings. We also cannot send in help at the drop of a hat when a major earthquake, or other nature happening, and then send then billions to rebuild etc.

The old addage goes ~ " Charity begins at home ... Take care of your family before you help out others ~ If you have some left after all of that, then, and only then, do you help out your neighbor."

The MaineYankee
I dunno what you've been told man, but it's the EU primarily and the IMF a little that is bailing out the Eurozone a rate of 4-6%. Bailout doesn't mean free cash, it's a liquidity loan that makes real money for the people who provide the loan cash.

But I agree, America should take its nose outta everyone else's business and stop policing the world.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
the population on the planet has never been as such, the more people... the more competition, the more unemployment. also, the more people there are... the more people will be reproducing. 2=4, 4=8, 8=16 and so on. we keep fucking and having babies that will innevitably not be able to get jobs as the world keeps becoming more and more overpopulated. the more people, the less jobs and resources we have to go around.

maybe we will be given the illusion that the world economy is doing better, or even our own. but don't be blind to the truth of the state of the world, the less blindness in life you have the better.


Well-Known Member
I think you are right. We should not of invaded stan

We should of nuked the fuck out of it
Why? Because a terrorist group was operating out of it? Cos they attacked you on Sept 11?

America has no domestic terrorists no? Why not nuke the states with terrorist groups operating in them?

No offense DA, but your remarks are childish and devoid of any sense of reason.


New Member
The taliban had the opportunity to turn bin laden over. They refused. If i punch your mother. You going to look the other way?


Well-Known Member
The taliban had the opportunity to turn bin laden over. They refused. If i punch your mother. You going to look the other way?
If you or your group of associates "punch my mother" I'm sure as fuck not gonna invade, bomb and occupy your country in a childish revenge attack.


New Member
If you or your group of associates "punch my mother" I'm sure as fuck not gonna invade, bomb and occupy your country in a childish revenge attack.
Oh really?
Well than i think I will go on punching your mom. Its fun and it makes you look like a pussy. Since you wont do notbing about it.


Well-Known Member
I dunno what you've been told man, but it's the EU primarily and the IMF a little that is bailing out the Eurozone a rate of 4-6%. Bailout doesn't mean free cash, it's a liquidity loan that makes real money for the people who provide the loan cash.

But I agree, America should take its nose outta everyone else's business and stop policing the world.
Careful what you wish for...


Well-Known Member
I really feel bad for dukeanthony and people alike... don't even have enough sense to get out of the rain probably. Every time i read a comment i think, "brawndo! it's what plants crave!"


Well-Known Member
Oh really?
Well than i think I will go on punching your mom. Its fun and it makes you look like a pussy. Since you wont do notbing about it.
Typical "America fuck yeah" comment. The reason America was attacked in the first place is because you have a tendency to want to stick your finger up the ass of every country in the world...eventually someone was gonna turn around and sucker punch yous.

Do you not see how it's American Imperialism that is causing all of your countries problems? You's took a much more isolationist stance prior to World War 2 and were never attacked. Now you've over 900 bases worldwide and try to spread democracy by force and you got attacked.

Doesn't take a genius to see why it happened.

(That's not to say the attack on Sept 11 2001 was justified, it was a horrific waste of life... but come on, surely it was gonna happen eventually).