Dynagro is under-rated as fuck

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joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
currently running 30% well water 70% ro I am adding 1 Oz of magpro/50 gallons in flower...no magpro in veg. and things are looking lovely. Not sure I even need the magpro at all, but I have it and am using it up. When it is gone I'm not buying more unless deff. symptoms start showing.

also adding 2 oz of protekt/50 gallons throughout.


Well-Known Member
Tap water yes. I agree with you, dynagro supply all the elements needed but it doesn't mean you have enought of each elements. Glad for you if your not having this issue. :)
There is your issue. My tap water causes all kinds of leaf spots which is why I use RO. If your 'fix' is calmag, then that's certainly easier than running an RO setup but that still doesn't mean the food is to blame in your case.


Well-Known Member
I don't blame the nutrients, I know my water suck and I should use RO. The only thing I stated is that dynagro don't contain enought mg. That's my opinon.


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I never feeded more than 11.35ml/gal and experienced light burn tips at this dosage( probly nitrogen burn). This say, I still enjoy foliage pro but I don't consider it as a one part cuz I need my calmag.


Well-Known Member
I never feeded more than 11.35ml/gal and experienced light burn tips at this dosage( probly nitrogen burn). This say, I still enjoy foliage pro but I don't consider it as a one part cuz I need my calmag.
I'd love to see some pictures of some plants at harvest that have been fed 11mls/gal. That's wicked strong, IMO.


Well-Known Member
Foliage Pro element profile at full strenght(730PPM - EC=1.5)
I never feeded more than 11.35ml/gal and experienced light burn tips at this dosage( probly nitrogen burn). This say, I still enjoy foliage pro but I don't consider it as a one part cuz I need my calmag.
Okay, are you trolling? First, you filled out that calculator/Nutrient Profile incorrectly. Second, said calculation was done at a feeding of 15ml/gal (!!!) and then you say you never feed over 11ml/gal? What was the point of the 15ml calculation. Please don't mislead people.

Here is a properly filled out Nutrient Profile calculation for Foliage pro at 5ml/gal (which is still higher than I'd probably go):

Like HB said, can you please show plants that have been fed 11ml/gal? I'm concerned of the excess nitrogen at ~4ml/gal and you're saying you're getting SOME burn at almost triple that? Please, please, please show these plants.


Well-Known Member
lol im not going to buy a camera for your pleasure. I said like 393049 times i'm in hydro.... so if you were in soil , it's std to experience nute burn at 4ml/gal, especially with this amount of nitrogen.... I know I didnt completly fill the calculator but there a SLIGHT difference, do the math yourself. you experienced nute burn at 4ml/gal? so you prove my point thx. you're feeding 10ppm of mg at your maximum dosage when the optimal range is between 30-50. I did the calculation at 15.14ml/gal to show how dynagro leaks in mg, you will never reach optimum mg value.


Well-Known Member
I'd love to see some pictures of some plants at harvest that have been fed 11mls/gal. That's wicked strong, IMO.
this was fed on my motherplant. it's not that strong , only too much N that's it. It wont kill your plant in hydro except if you keep feeding them this dosage.They ran like 2-3 day with this mixture and was lightly affected. this say, my motherplant is 4'tall and 4'wide, not small plant.


Well-Known Member
lol im not going to buy a camera for your pleasure. I said like 393049 times i'm in hydro.... so if you were in soil , it's std to experience nute burn at 4ml/gal, especially with this amount of nitrogen.... I know I didnt completly fill the calculator but there a SLIGHT difference, do the math yourself. you experienced nute burn at 4ml/gal? so you prove my point thx. you're feeding 10ppm of mg at your maximum dosage when the optimal range is between 30-50. I did the calculation at 15.14ml/gal to show how dynagro leaks in mg, you will never reach optimum mg value.
Where is this 'optimal dose' of magnesium coming from? I have the lab data and know for a fact that in hydro our plants don't use a lot of magnesium. If you fed your plant 30ppm of magnesium, 25ppm would go down the drain at res-change-time.

If you think you're seeing some kind of 'magnesium issue', I'm telling you it's your water mucking things up AND your feeding levels aren't helping anything either.


Well-Known Member
there's no «optimal dose» but an optimal range for each element.more doesnt mean better..anyway I won't debate more on this subject cuz it's useless. what's my source for optimum range? simply Google hydroponics nutrient range and you should find your answer.it's stated in every good book/site that concern hydroponics crops.


Well-Known Member
Where is this 'optimal dose' of magnesium coming from? I have the lab data and know for a fact that in hydro our plants don't use a lot of magnesium. If you fed your plant 30ppm of magnesium, 25ppm would go down the drain at res-change-time.

If you think you're seeing some kind of 'magnesium issue', I'm telling you it's your water mucking things up AND your feeding levels aren't helping anything either.
Why you put all the blame on my water? You think dynagro formula are perfect? sorry but they're not. One part formula can't be as complete as two part formula for obv reason.Their one part is still the best one part.Like stated previously, I'm glad for you if you're not experiencing mg defiency.


Well-Known Member
Your information is still very credible HB so, I will test my water to confirm your state. Maybe MJ doesnt need much mg as other plants does. I doubt it need only 5ppm. I will post result as soon as I have them.


Well-Known Member
Why you put all the blame on my water? You think dynagro formula are perfect? sorry but they're not. One part formula can't be as complete as two part formula for obv reason.Their one part is still the best one part.Like stated previously, I'm glad for you if you're not experiencing mg defiency.
I use an RO filter and when the ppm of my RO water gets up to about 60-70ppm, my plants will show signs that it's time to change my membranes. I'll start getting funky leaf spots on my plants making me think of the ever-so-popular issues on these canna forums like 'pH' and 'cal/mg' when in reality it's just my sh*tty tap water rearing it's ugly head.

Do what you've gotta do to 'fix' your 'issues' but I come from a place of experience. I've had your issues before, now I don't.


Well-Known Member
experience are not always revelent of the reality . several factor come in fact when you're doing experiment. For example, if you feed too much K , you are more likely to have mg def as K reduce Mg uptake. If you feed too much nitrogen/phophorus you are more likely to have general uptake problem as general biosynthesis of plant is reduced. There's a lot of factor that will determine your result. It's not as simple as most people think and I doubt it can be experimented by someone who don't have everything dialed-in to process this experiment. My «issue» is definitely a Mg def but It could be a result of too much chlorine. I didn't found any info that confirm this tho but I know too much chlorine is bad so... it's a possibility

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Nothing is official at IC Rag. It's just another forum with a lot of newbie bullshit, witness your link.....and this recommendation - "The plants can be foliar feed at ½ teaspoon/quart of Epsom salts" Ridiculous. That will not only induce a toxic issue but severe leaf burn.

This guy's take on N toxicity looks more like the subject plant lost its root system to rot. The best take on elements, toxicity and deficiency, is in Mel Frank's book.

Since the subject of water quality has come up, see if you guys could work with my well water! (next page after this page) https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/251235-stop-blaming-issues-ph-people-8.html


Well-Known Member
Since the subject of water quality has come up, see if you guys could work with my well water! (next page after this page) https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/251235-stop-blaming-issues-ph-people-8.html
I've seen you post about using rain water before but how often are you using your well water on your indoor plants? I suspect it's my bicarbonate content but my plants cannot take my tap water.

I've also read that the calcium in our tap water (in the form of calcium carbonate) isn't readily available for our plants' use.
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