DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

Onecup is 8 fluid ounces. Soo, heres wher i f up....1.6 fl oz of tea. Maybe.. Id round up personally :):):)
Ok, thanks!! I don't y that was soo hard for me.. Oh... Yes I do :bigjoint:lol!! I was thinking 5 gal would be 4 ounces then half of that would be 2 ounces for 2 1/2 gal. But I'm baked so wasn't to sure.
Heisenburg i know your out there somewhere, what in your personal opinion (which is pretty much fact) is the top three causes of slime minus adding organic nutes.
Also, have you noticed any increase or decrease when ph solutions are used vs. not used?
Newbie here with first grow! I am very glad i found this thread, it has been extremely informative and i am thankful for everyone's input! I am growing DWC in 2-5 gallon buckets. 1 5inch puck airstone in each bucket fed by a 4 outlet 170 gallon airpump. One Blue Dream and one Golden Goat, not sure if that is relevant!? Anyway, got both as clones about 1-1/2 months ago and were roughly 7 in tall. I have been using GH flora nutes at half strength for 3-4 weeks now and the plants seem to respond well to them.
First plant is the Blue Dream!
About 2 weeks ago all roots had turned brown and all growth seemed to stop. The plant itself still looked healthy. A couple of days later i pulled the brown roots out, as much as i could, cleaned,flushed and replace nutes. Those are the new roots as of today. Looks to be a few brown spots here and there but otherwise good. For the last couple of days i have been adding 3% hydrogen peroxide to the res in hopes it would help prevent "the brown" in the future. I have ordered all the items to make the Tea on the internet and was hoping the peroxide would help until I got the items in the mail!? Next is the Golden Goat!

These were new roots about 11-12 days ago!

This is today. Same as before, slow to no growth but healthy looking plant. There is new healthy white roots just starting to poke out of the net pot. My question is should i cut these brown roots out?? I am waiting for the Tea ingredients to arrive but won't be here for 7-10 days and i really don't want the new roots to grow into the brown roots. Is using peroxide a good way to keep this at bay until i can add the Tea? I have been adding 30ml every other day. Sorry for the long post but I wanted to add as much info as I could! Thanks in advance for the help!!!
Newbie here with first grow! I am very glad i found this thread, it has been extremely informative and i am thankful for everyone's input! I am growing DWC in 2-5 gallon buckets. 1 5inch puck airstone in each bucket fed by a 4 outlet 170 gallon airpump. One Blue Dream and one Golden Goat, not sure if that is relevant!? Anyway, got both as clones about 1-1/2 months ago and were roughly 7 in tall. I have been using GH flora nutes at half strength for 3-4 weeks now and the plants seem to respond well to them.
View attachment 2543793
First plant is the Blue Dream!
View attachment 2543737View attachment 2543739
About 2 weeks ago all roots had turned brown and all growth seemed to stop. The plant itself still looked healthy. A couple of days later i pulled the brown roots out, as much as i could, cleaned,flushed and replace nutes. Those are the new roots as of today. Looks to be a few brown spots here and there but otherwise good. For the last couple of days i have been adding 3% hydrogen peroxide to the res in hopes it would help prevent "the brown" in the future. I have ordered all the items to make the Tea on the internet and was hoping the peroxide would help until I got the items in the mail!? Next is the Golden Goat!

View attachment 2543748View attachment 2543749
These were new roots about 11-12 days ago!

View attachment 2543760
This is today. Same as before, slow to no growth but healthy looking plant. There is new healthy white roots just starting to poke out of the net pot. My question is should i cut these brown roots out?? I am waiting for the Tea ingredients to arrive but won't be here for 7-10 days and i really don't want the new roots to grow into the brown roots. Is using peroxide a good way to keep this at bay until i can add the Tea? I have been adding 30ml every other day. Sorry for the long post but I wanted to add as much info as I could! Thanks in advance for the help!!!
I dont know if you should cut them off but i hope you run those t5s alot closer than they are in the picture ;)
I recently raised them because the leaves were starting to get dry and crispy. was going to give a couple days rest then lower them back down. I had them about 5 inches away! Apparently that was too close.!
Heisenburg i know your out there somewhere, what in your personal opinion (which is pretty much fact) is the top three causes of slime minus adding organic nutes.
Also, have you noticed any increase or decrease when ph solutions are used vs. not used?

I'll guess:
Quality of water
Light leak
Heisenburg i know your out there somewhere, what in your personal opinion (which is pretty much fact) is the top three causes of slime minus adding organic nutes.
Also, have you noticed any increase or decrease when ph solutions are used vs. not used?

Unnecessary additives
High water temps
Poor cleaning practices

PH adjusters have a negligible effect so long as they are not organic.

Unfortunately the exact factors are not known. Water quality and general environment certainly play a role, but there will always be those guys out there who have terrible cleaning habits, never change their water, have almost no bubbles and still get beautiful roots. Conversely there are those who use RO water, are meticulously clean, have tons of bubbles, and still get slimed.
Newbie here with first grow! I am very glad i found this thread, it has been extremely informative and i am thankful for everyone's input! I am growing DWC in 2-5 gallon buckets. 1 5inch puck airstone in each bucket fed by a 4 outlet 170 gallon airpump. One Blue Dream and one Golden Goat, not sure if that is relevant!? Anyway, got both as clones about 1-1/2 months ago and were roughly 7 in tall. I have been using GH flora nutes at half strength for 3-4 weeks now and the plants seem to respond well to them.
View attachment 2543793
First plant is the Blue Dream!
View attachment 2543737View attachment 2543739
About 2 weeks ago all roots had turned brown and all growth seemed to stop. The plant itself still looked healthy. A couple of days later i pulled the brown roots out, as much as i could, cleaned,flushed and replace nutes. Those are the new roots as of today. Looks to be a few brown spots here and there but otherwise good. For the last couple of days i have been adding 3% hydrogen peroxide to the res in hopes it would help prevent "the brown" in the future. I have ordered all the items to make the Tea on the internet and was hoping the peroxide would help until I got the items in the mail!? Next is the Golden Goat!

View attachment 2543748View attachment 2543749
These were new roots about 11-12 days ago!

View attachment 2543760
This is today. Same as before, slow to no growth but healthy looking plant. There is new healthy white roots just starting to poke out of the net pot. My question is should i cut these brown roots out?? I am waiting for the Tea ingredients to arrive but won't be here for 7-10 days and i really don't want the new roots to grow into the brown roots. Is using peroxide a good way to keep this at bay until i can add the Tea? I have been adding 30ml every other day. Sorry for the long post but I wanted to add as much info as I could! Thanks in advance for the help!!!

I personally wouldn't cut them just yet unless they are smelly and/or mushy, but I would give them a slight tug to see if they wanted to come off. Let us know how the tea works for you. Good luck!
Many Thanks to Mr. Heisenburg and all of you contributing info concerning curing Slime problems.
I have read every page, every post so I wouldn’t come up with questions already answered.
Because i’m living in Belgium it was not easy to come up with a tea which is similar to Mr. H tea. I'm not growing DWC but I think the systems I use are very similar:

  • For Veg: GH Rainforest (RF)
  • Blooming: GH Dutch Pot Aero’s. (DPA)

For the past 6 month I’m dealing with Slime, but always thought I had a Pythium problem. Because i was trying to cure a different disease I never managed to come up with healthy plants. My ladies died each growth. I was desperate as many of you reading your posts.

Currently I have 100 seedlings in 3 Rainforests. They are 16 days old, living in the Tea and looking good so far. My problems occurred at the end of the Veg period and covered with Slime completed within a week when I transferred them to the DPA. I also immediately had heavy leave problems showing all kinds of deficiencies which I barely read you guys are having when the Slime hit your ladies.

I use GH Micro, Grow and Bloom. I also used before GHE (General Hydroponics Europe) Diamond Nectar, Bio Root Plus, Bio Worm, Bio Weed, Urtica and Diamond Black. Reading these Threads I stopped using all the BIO stuff.

Mr. Heisenburg, would you be so kind and have a look at this page from GH-Europe if you think that I can use one or more of these nutrients in the Tea (the ones i listed above)? At the moment I’m not using any of these in the Res but will do so in the Tea if you give me a green light on this.

I have a lot more questions but I think for now it’s enough.
Thank you all again, especially Mr. Heisenburg. Within 3 weeks I will know exactly if the Tea works for me and if indeed Mr. Heisenburg saved my butt!
I will let you know.
Wanted to thank Heizenburg and share my story. I'm running 18 gal totes with 2-4 plants per tote. First, there was a clear snot on my roots but that eventually turned into full-blown brown slime algae. I read this thread, but because it was my first DWC(and because I'm occasionally an idiot), I decided to just buy a bunch of sterilizing agents and some 29% H2O2.

Changed/cleaned the res, washed and tugged on the roots, added H2O2... and the damn slime came back EVERY TIME!
So I increased DO, fixed some light leeks and then bought some earth juice rooters myco. I already had aquashield and a buddy had given me a half bottle of benefox. The rooters myco suggests weighting down a plastic container that has big holes in the top and tiny holes on the sides, kinda like a little "house" for the myco fungis to live :-) Says to change the box out every 4 weeks.

Well, within days(if not hours) strong, thick bright white new roots were poking out of the net pot. I didn't brew a tea per say but thank you so much for turning me on to beneficials!!!!
I don't think I have anything with trichoderma in it BUT I've got some liquid earthworm castings coming in the mail so that should round it all out.

1) The trichoderma are the "eaters" right? Do they create certain enzymes that eat bad stuff, or do they eat the bad stuff themselves?
2) I have some old liquid enzyme that says it has earthworm castings in it, but it has little chunks of seaweed in it and I'm afraid it will gunk up my res. Could I use that? I wasn't sure so I bought something that only has liquid castings.
3) I also have a bottle of H&G multi zen. Where does that fall into this and how could it be used?
(jeesus! This thread is donald trump uuuuge! Possibly too many OT posts... hope my post isn't too OT :) )
And my noob question is.... Is honey a suitable replacement for molasses? Ta.....
Honey has been used for rooting clones but I've never heard of using it in a tea. If you search for honey and molasses there will be posts about "why use honey when everyone uses molasses?". If it's a cost-effective reason then maybe it might work, since the molasses is just food(in sugar form) for the beneficials. Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong.
1) The trichoderma are the "eaters" right? Do they create certain enzymes that eat bad stuff, or do they eat the bad stuff themselves?
2) I have some old liquid enzyme that says it has earthworm castings in it, but it has little chunks of seaweed in it and I'm afraid it will gunk up my res. Could I use that? I wasn't sure so I bought something that only has liquid castings.
3) I also have a bottle of H&G multi zen. Where does that fall into this and how could it be used?
(jeesus! This thread is donald trump uuuuge! Possibly too many OT posts... hope my post isn't too OT :) )

Trichoderma attack other fungi, including pythium and yes sometimes even mycos if they have nothing else to feed on. They do so by producing enzymes which degrade cellulose and chitin. The first detect their prey and then rapidly grow towards it, coil around it and bathe it in enzymes so they may eat it. Target fungi include Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Botrytis, Colletotrichum, Alternaria solani, Phytophthora capsici, Fusarium, Sclerotinia and even Green-mottle mosaic virus. Trichoderma can have systemic effects, meaning treatment of the root zone can lead to resistance from leaf pathogens, probably by stimulating phytoalexin, the plants natural defense.

Anytime you are unsure of a product simply test it in a small bucket on a plant you do not care about. The multizen is probably okay to use once you have an established microbe colony.
And my noob question is.... Is honey a suitable replacement for molasses? Ta.....

Honey has antimicrobial properties and also produces H2o2 as it breaks down, although it is unclear how harmful this is to microbes once diluted in water. An acceptable substitute for molasses is maple syrup.
Mr. Heisenburg, would you be so kind and have a look at this page from GH-Europe if you think that I can use one or more of these nutrients in the Tea (the ones i listed above)? At the moment I’m not using any of these in the Res but will do so in the Tea if you give me a green light on this.

The bio worm and bio root would go well in the tea. The bio thrive can be used directly in the res.
Hey, Mr. H. Great stuff and right up the alley I try to bowl. I use lava rocks in a "housing" to take the return water from the Fresca Sol.
I know it can harbor and foster benies.

So, when you say housing, do you mean a pump filter box, where the pump is covered in lava rocks? I've heard of that in outdoor ponds. The pump is in a milk crate buried in lava rocks. Something like that?

Or can the rocks just be in the bottom of a bucket with the pumps on top....if you know?

I simply use small lava rocks, the type you can get at walmart in the BBQ area. I drizzle molasses over them and place them into the tea brew. I then place a few in the res of my young plants who do not yet have enough roots to provide housing. For a really large res a koi pond mat works well, however I do not see anything wrong with what you describe. Should work just as well.
Honey has antimicrobial properties and also produces H2o2 as it breaks down, although it is unclear how harmful this is to microbes once diluted in water. An acceptable substitute for molasses is maple syrup.
In australia we have golden syryp which is made from cane sugar so I'm imagining this is the ticket...so my bent brain is thinking....sock bombs!..worm castings with hydroton smothered in molases inside sock,end tied off and tossed into my dwc...what do you think Heis?