DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

I admit I haven't read every page of this thread(I actually search this thread if I have a question because it's so fucking big). Has Heisenberg ever changed the recipe? Just curious.

Here's a before and after pic of my roots on the 3rd(posted them here) and here is an after pic of today. You can totally see a "whitening" of the roots in the background. The roots in the foreground show improvement but it takes time. It's hard for the roots to bounce back but I"m happy with my four day progress :)


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Thanks Mr. TB. I raised the water level in a few Dutch Pots and see if it makes any difference. I also reinoculate the plants having the biggest problems. I'm dealing with 90 plants so it takes some time to give every lady the time she needs.

Thanks again.
In the notes i kept while reading this thread i think that this is the latest TEA recipe form Mr. Heisenberg:

for 2 gal of tea
1 tbsp mycogrow soluble
1 large handful ancient forest
2 tbsp (40-60gram) molasses
Add to res at 48 hour mark, store the rest in fridge

He also adds a 1tsp of mycogrow hydro to his clone water at the first sign of roots.
In the notes i kept while reading this thread i think that this is the latest TEA recipe form Mr. Heisenberg:

for 2 gal of tea
1 tbsp mycogrow soluble
1 large handful ancient forest
2 tbsp (40-60gram) molasses
Add to res at 48 hour mark, store the rest in fridge

He also adds a 1tsp of mycogrow hydro to his clone water at the first sign of roots.
I thought it was 1tbs molasses and 2 handfuls of EWC..??
Here's my bennies "house". Besides the tea each tote gets one of these with rooters myco and a little ZHO. Not shown are hydroton or lava rock with some molasses drizzled on it. I weigh them down with pieces of (shitty)blue air stones.
I think you'll find the improvement you want from the ancient forest. No need to special order the mycogrow right away, but get some when you run out of other.

If the question is, what is THE most important ingredient, I pick the mycogrow because it has all the basics and utility beyond the tea. (root dip, foliar spray, ect.) If the question is, which product helps the most to quickly eradicate the slime, the answer is probably the ancient forest because of the diversity. The truth is you could make a great tea out of either product alone, but together they ensure a super tonic.

BTW this is currently the products I use.

for 2 gal of tea

1 tbsp mycogrow soluble
1 large handful ancient forest
2 tbsp molasses
Around the 47 hour mark, I add 2 tsp mycogrow hydro
Add to res at 48 hour mark, store the rest in fridge

I also add a 1tsp of mycogrow hydro to my clone water at the first sign of roots.

I found the thread (#1751), posted on 04-13-2012 which lists the recent ingredients of the Tea by Mr. H.
What i don't know is if Mr. H. posted a newer version.
I just wanted to thank you. This worked really, really well and within days--unlike the crap the people at the hydro stores kept trying to sell me (I went to 3 and they all pushed Hygrozyme, which I found drastically exacerbated the problem as you said, and then silly things like Regen-root and Wilt-away and Rooting hormones... though, these have been helpful in keeping the plants alive, nothing offered results like this).

It's been about two weeks: my plants are coming back, the roots look GREAT, the root slime is gone, and I have so many supplements, I don't need to go to the hydro store for years, lol.
Hey thanks forty8!! i missed that. I'm still using the zho and aquashield. It's been working great. Maybe I'll order the mycogrow when i run out! can't believe this tea could get any better but I'll give it a go!! Thanks again!
I use aquashield,zho,ewc,alaska humus and molasses.Someday,when I can afford it, I will get some mycogrow to fool around with but this works awesome just the way it is.I cant thank you enough for this heis!I make mine by the 3/4 gallon cuz my single suckass air pump can only put out enough to make that much turbulent but it works and I make it weekly for my rez changes and the rest goes for foliar and soil drenches on my other ladies.I even go as far to clean and sterilize a new bottom bucket and pump tubes and ring each week.I get explosions of root growth with this.I also use rapid start which is kinda a no no but so far so good.I think all the inoculations are keeping it in check.Tonight she goes to flower!!!
Here's picture of the magic at work. I had ruined a set of 6, stem rot. (if I ever learn) I hope I do better, this time. IAC, I took 2 of the strongest ones left although they were on their last legs, 35 days into the setup run.

Strong meant I could not pull them up by the stem with no roots attached. These 2, I inoculated and just ran a quick rooting test, before i restart.

Lords of Gnaga!

You can see new roots all the way along between my finger tips and that long one from the right of my top finger wasn't there at all.

This is just 3 days of bennies in the res. Plus an inoculated bag of lava rocks in the pump bucket.

Has anyone ever experienced snot on the tips of the roots after inoculating them in dwc? I have seen bennies added and the roots exploded with growth. However, there were clear snots the size of a tear drop hanging from each root when removed from the res after innoculation. Few days later the snot was turning yellow and the water began to smell... the roots still grew rapidly though and the plants were healthy looking minus minor leaf "ripples" (the leafs were kind of ruffled and not growing flat). Would that be the bennies or something unwanted?
Has anyone ever experienced snot on the tips of the roots after inoculating them in dwc? I have seen bennies added and the roots exploded with growth. However, there were clear snots the size of a tear drop hanging from each root when removed from the res after innoculation. Few days later the snot was turning yellow and the water began to smell... the roots still grew rapidly though and the plants were healthy looking minus minor leaf "ripples" (the leafs were kind of ruffled and not growing flat). Would that be the bennies or something unwanted?
Did you clean your roots and sterilize your rez? Sounds like you have brown slime building up. It starts clear but then turns more and more brown. I would suggest reinnoculating every couple days and be patient.

I had leaf ripple like that in a plant where I was experimenting with eagle20. I put the eagle20 directly in the DWC res(very low dose), then cleaned the roots and res, added new nutes and innoculated. It's doing fine, was a little stunted, but the leaves continue to grow "ripply". Strain was OG Kush.
Just a quick note: If you see raindrop shaped 'snot' on the very tips of your roots after adding tea, that is totally normal. It's a type of fungus which only lives on the root tips and helps it grow. Bad smells however are not normal. The res should be cleaned and re-prepared.

Leaf ripple can be caused by many things. In my experience it's often caused by low humidity/low turgidity (internal water pressure).
Is turgidity related mostly to humidity? Can there be other causes to consider?

I just set 12 (2 per bucket) and only one seems turgid. I'm keeping the humidity up with top spraying. I've seen people take a wet wash cloth in a bowl or cup and set that next to the plant.

Here is a rooting discovery, I'll pass along. I use the bucket lid with a net top formed into it. And run the air stone lines down the inside and then out the side, down near the bottom.

There is enough friction on the air line as it passes thru that I can pull the air stone up to just under the water surface. More bubble and splash.

I did a 3rd root check and sure enough, the plants on the side, nearest the air stone are popping roots from the side of the cube!

The next time I set, I'll run the air hose into the middle of the net pot and then out. Just enough to cover all but the top of the cylinder. But, in the middle for both the clones sitting above it. That's the fastest rooting I've so far.
I got roots, but you can see how one side beat the other...the air stone was on that side.

I've hooked it back. This tea really works, all I can say, fast growing roots, only a few days. Best I've seen so far. Kudos for writing it up, Mr. H...and trying it out. :)