Well-Known Member
Bro in these new pixels they dont look so bad and most of them have enough foliage now to probably handle the 1K. I see they are wet..U dont need to do that either.Most people Mist to folair feed because they say plants absorb more nutrients thru the leaves. And they do i guess. It is not neccesary in hydro tho. Ur plants roots are already living and growing submerged in water.. Have u been misting them the whole time?Your definitly right man, 1k is too much for veg. I have the lamp set 40" above now and the kids seem to be happier. For my next grow I'm gonna veg with cfl's and flower with hps. How detrimental do you think this curling is? Will they recover? Here are some pixs I took a few minutes ago....I also upped the EC to 1.2 as per the Advanced Nutes feed chart on their website....
Usually heat damaged leaves will curl under..Urs have curled up.But like i said ive seen this by leaving a CFL too close to the fans on accident.
That and misting may have both played a part in the leaf situation.
Unfortunetely no damaged leaves will not heal themselves..
But yes the plants will recover just probably shocked them a bit with all that lamp.
Just be carefull with the lamp lol thats some serious Veg lamp.
Bro i ruined a whole entire sog with heat damage. It happens to us all.
Ur plants should be fine.