Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants man!

Also, how in the hell are those pics 800X600 and still 200+ kbs in size 0_o? lol.

Here is my contribution to the porn stack today :).

I built a new setup so that I didn't have to tie the bitch down any more. It was a quick fix though. I am still planning on getting a nice grow tent for my next grow though.

Oh yeah, I measured that main cola, and it's just over a foot long from base to tip. and 5 inches wide at its widest part.

It's a fucking BEAST! hehe. Not to mention all those smaller tops looking all fat n wet.

Also the hairs are just starting to turn red now, so maybe 2 more weeks, 3 at most till I harvest. Sound about right?



Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants man!

Also, how in the hell are those pics 800X600 and still 200+ kbs in size 0_o? lol.

Here is my contribution to the porn stack today :).

I built a new setup so that I didn't have to tie the bitch down any more. It was a quick fix though. I am still planning on getting a nice grow tent for my next grow though.

Oh yeah, I measured that main cola, and it's just over a foot long from base to tip. and 5 inches wide at its widest part.

It's a fucking BEAST! hehe. Not to mention all those smaller tops looking all fat n wet.

Also the hairs are just starting to turn red now, so maybe 2 more weeks, 3 at most till I harvest. Sound about right?
Fucking sweet bro.....kiss-ass


Active Member
Nice roots!
This is my first grow ever, she has about 2 weeks left. Right now using 4 gallon bluckets, 8 airstones, gn nutes 0/6/16, botanicare sweet, and just added canna gravity to the mix(had to reduce nutes to 0/3/8 due to the gravity, cannazyme and thats it. 150 watt hps(recently added a 2nd 150 watt hps since I had a second one in there) and led ufo and small 4 bulb T5 on side.
Hoping for a good harvest since the other plant became hermie, it all falls on this one, I tested a not so frosty lower bud and was very strong, so I can't wait till it is done. Good thing I found this site and learned from mistakes and she has been fairly forgiving.



Well-Known Member
looking good rotwiler. They look like their doing good. Thanks for all of the compliments guys, I thought you's appreciate that root ball. It blows my mind how good they look. You can actually see how they fill out the exact shape of the tum like it was a mold.


Well-Known Member
How is it going everyone? I am back in A low swing but will be in full hopefully soon enough! My buddy had called and said he had found me some clones, so I said great I go over there at 11 pm and go to get these things and what A joke! I spent 40.00 on these and I should have gotten them free (they are the nasty looking 1's in soil)! I have some in my cloner rocking out and A pretty little girl in my DWC that is around 4-5 weeks old!


:wall:Hey Guys I'm Just starting a DWC about a month in and i was using rockwool cubes with coco mat on top to prevent light from getting to the Rockwool so it wouldnt get algae......but me coco mat has grown Mold ALL OVER .....can Fix my problem b4 its to late....and if not what can i use instead off cocomat to stop the light.....i will be posting pics tommorow night !!! mY ROOTS have started to change color but i donno if its the AQUAVEGA chems i am using or not......the plants show sings of distress and have come to a halt when it come to them growing anymore...pics will be here tommowow:wall:


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow and need a little expert advice. These pics are at the end of Week 6 from seed. Strain in Magic Bud, nutes are GH using Lucas Formula 0/8/16, pH is 5.8, res temp is 70, PPM is ~ 900. By the way, pay no attention to the Bubbleponic tote. I have been going straight DWC - no feeder tubes - just 3 large airstones. As a side note, my seeds germinated in less than 36 hours in rockwool and had roots in the water in 5 days (without the feeder tubes).

My question is - are they ready to put into flowering? I had read the Jorge Bible that said you should wait until you see female pre-flowers before you put into flowering or it will stress the plant. These are 4 feminized seeds.

Also, when is the optimal time to take clones? I was going to take a couple of clones and put into soil just to get the experience of a soil grow.

Any help you have would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Nice man. Looks a lot better than my first grow I can tell you that right now haha.

Check it out guys, Just got my birthday present.

New grinder.

CNC machined, aluminum, with screen and keifcatch :bigjoint:

