You speak as if you are so sure of yourself. How would you know they are stories made up? You don't have an answer that proves otherwise. Therefore, each and every person is acting on faith of what they believe. Be it science or theology.
I wasn't speaking of having faith in the experiment itself, yet of ones ability to perform the experiment. Your belief in another persons ability is called faith. Since you are knowledgeable in science, you should know that variables exist in each experiment performed. These variables can cause tremendous inconsistencies with further examination, even with the most minute change. This being noted, no matter the care taken to remove them, variables cause the experiment to be singular in result. Even when several experiments are performed with consistent evidence, we still haven't reached such subatomic levels of observation to prove that they are indeed consistent and we may never reach that level.
The argument here is not that you are wrong and I'm right or vice-versa, it's that no one knows.
Yes, I realize that we are striving for further improvements in science to reach higher levels of technology that can prove your theories. Yet another example of faith in science. You haven't proven anything except you rely on faith to determine your next move.
As for the time period of the creation of earth, who is to say that a day to a God isn't a thousand years to a human?
Everything doesn't have to make sense. Gravity still doesn't make sense and we've been studying it for a very, very long time.
What the Bible speaks of Hell and demons is an explanation of the sacrifice for the greater good. According to the Bible, those who do not follow God will perish for all eternity, while those who followed God's commandments reaped the benefits. Prime examples are our workplaces today. You don't reward an employee for sitting on his ass playing video games at his desk when he's suppose to be analyzing data, you fire him. The employee that works his ass off gets promoted and/or a pay raise. (except for in todays economy where you ask your boss for a raise and he says "hell no!"

I respect each an everyone's position and belief. I do not speak as if I hold the answer to all life's questions. I do know one thing, though. I strive to be like my God, and I am rewarded with happiness and peace of mind. When you strive, you may be happy, but what happens to all that hard work when you're dead and gone?