Drugs and Religion

I don't believe that christ was reincarnated into an ethiopian, but jah is just short for jahova, which is the english translation of god. I do however believe in the rastarafi peoples interpretation of the bible and babylon is most aspects.

Blaznb do you believe in christ as a savior and jah? ..as in the rastafarian view?
Obviously God put these substances here for a reason, maybe to make us think deep... but theres always a risk and as always, caution should be taken when using. Dont abuse and let your conscious find the answers, not what other people say.
i had to reply to you since your in the same city ..... look up kamonra's threads ... there is proof of the supreme being ... and every life that lives with the supreme life are gods ... me and you are gods .... once we learn how to do everything its gonna be blamed on advancement of science and not the advancement of our godly powers ..... the supreme being = sum{ (geological life)(biological life )(loose matter)}

the problem is ... weve been mislead .. so naturally you wont believe a lie .... the truth is the sun is god and the earth is godess.... the big bang or before the big bang ... that point in which all was contained in one point is the great supreme being .... see only life can produce life .. so therefore that point had to be life ... and if energy cant be created or destroyed .. then that concludes there is only one life form .. that is the supreme being ....which transformed (bigbang explosion) into other lifes suns earth , planets etc.... u see only life can create life . again name one non-life form that can creat life ....see the sun created the earth think about it the sun cooks hydrogen to make helium .. then those two together makes all other elements.... water oxegen carbon etc.... so the sun created us and the earth .. then the sun has to be a life form ....see religion makes you think god has to be some one we can command .. pray for this and pray for that ... nonsense... we are a fraction or a working organism with in the creator(supreme being) remember god is a product of the supreme being ...so me and you are brother and sisters and are gods.. all from the sun god ra .. who is closer to the supreme being .... think about electron protons and neutron all look like planetary systems .. well what do you think the sun and the planets are .. and all other stars that they now know planets orbit around them ...they are also like those electrons protons and neutrons .. on a macro scale... so jesus budha and all those guys were just people like me and you who taught this but unfortunately the romans made sure that was messed up for their control purpose.... and death your people are afraid of it ,... how could god allow so many deaths .. well death is a mere transformation so its not really bad at all to die your energy will be transformed into something else with other purposes..... so when the supreme being kills or god allows death .. it is not because it is a angry god its just sending you somehwere else .....point blank ...and if you want i can break this down for you scientifically and logically .....
first of all! MaryJj is not a socially corrosive drug. It is not even a drug.
drugs are altered by man. So they termed it "psycoactive change in the brain" Under this term they still can not say it is a drug. So they deemed it a controlled substance.
well! In church, if you catch the "holyghost" This is a form of psycoactive change in the brain.
In many religions, they require psycoactive states to be altered in order to have a greater expirience, understanding, and relationship with god.
It appears the Govt. has made a set of laws that would suggest they do not want us to have this greater expirience with god?
you are right the great supreme being never wrote a book .. we are all part of the supreme being so we all know what is right or wrong .. we may try and justify why a wrong is a right .. but we know ... THE LAW OF HURT IS ALL IN CODED IN US
Yo Kamonra, your views go a little extreme, even for me... But you do make sense on some things. The sun is a burning ball of gas, and im sure God can control it but i dont think it is a spiritual entity. When the sun uses most of its hydrogen and blows into a supernova and destroys the solar system, that is when the earth is done for. Unless its some rogue comet, then who knows... But in the meantime, toke up and live happy cuz life is short
if your doing it to let your concious find the answer it is not abuse..
its use.

Obviously God put these substances here for a reason, maybe to make us think deep... but theres always a risk and as always, caution should be taken when using. Dont abuse and let your conscious find the answers, not what other people say.
a drug is anything thatcauses a change in the chemicals structure of your brain...
cannabis does this.
its a drug.
just not a harmful one.

first of all! MaryJj is not a socially corrosive drug. It is not even a drug.
drugs are altered by man. So they termed it "psycoactive change in the brain" Under this term they still can not say it is a drug. So they deemed it a controlled substance.
well! In church, if you catch the "holyghost" This is a form of psycoactive change in the brain.
In many religions, they require psycoactive states to be altered in order to have a greater expirience, understanding, and relationship with god.
It appears the Govt. has made a set of laws that would suggest they do not want us to have this greater expirience with god?
if your doing it to let your concious find the answer it is not abuse..
its use.

Yup, but i have to hide this wonderful herb from 90% of the people in my life because of the stigma put on in. I need to introduce cannabis in the diet of certain people... lol
41% of american adults admit to smoking it.
why hide it?
even those who deny it smoke it....

Yup, but i have to hide this wonderful herb from 90% of the people in my life because of the stigma put on in. I need to introduce cannabis in the diet of certain people... lol
so lets here it. did the/a/some god or gods create herbal substances and why?

my thoughts are that the christian god created drugs like shrooms and cannabis for our consumption. cannabis is one of the 3 principle spices used in the making of holy annointing oil. in the old testement it was burned as a sacrafice. the lord was angered because the israelites had not sacraficed it in awhile. in the wilderness the lord gave moses and the other israelites shrooms. god commanded an israelite whose name escapes me to sell cannabis at the market.

my thoughts are that many drug users hide behind the bible to look good.. and thats a shame.
We dont hide behind the bible, we just embrace it.
just because your religious doesnt mean your hding behind anything.
it just means ur able 2 think 4 urself, and not let scientists tell u whats real...

my thoughts are that many drug users hide behind the bible to look good.. and thats a shame.
We dont hide behind the bible, we just embrace it.
just because your religious doesnt mean your hding behind anything.
it just means ur able 2 think 4 urself, and not let scientists tell u whats real...

what i ment is that i know on many people that are still users on perole going to church hiding behind the bible to look good.. im not saying every one..