Drugs and Religion

What does that mean??? Any half educated rational non fudamentalist human being knows that the big bang happened. I thought we were discussing the existence of GOD not the idea that GOD crafted the earth and everything on it in six days. We know that the universe expanded from the big bang because there is evidence to back up the claim. Not only in background radiation showing us the exact moment the universe was cool enough that the pure energy and light were able to settle into atomic structures but the current expansion of the universe and the tidal effects of gravity all point to the fact that the universe came into existence in this way.

Clearly school and rational thought has no sway on the shit that flips off your lips. To think that, just because you can't remember what happened, or imagine what may have happened, there is a spirit god that listens to the murmers of 6 billion people at the same time, made a list of 10 things we cannot do and if we do we go to a place of fire and torture and pain for all eternity, but he loves us.

Here is my god: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeSSwKffj9o


its called the big bang theory because its a theory. it cant be without a doubt 100% proven. the theory began because of the formation of gasses and such, but it is yet 2 be proven. read the bible. u have no idea what ur talkin about. if u believe in the almighty your sins are forgiven and you are granted entrance to heaven. we all fall short of the glory of god and do not deserve salvation. but the lord so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son 2 die 4 our sins. for whoever shall believe in his name and what he has done shall be granted entrance into the kingdon of heaven. (not exact scripture, but its the gist of it)
None taken.

And you seem like the type of person that believes in unicorns. No offense.

well i do believe that as a ounishment the lord has closed off our eyes from reality as a test. i believe that when we take certain drugs the lord is pleased and opens our eyes. hallucinogeons are proven to open the mind and allow more receptors to interact with eachother, so i think when we use these drugs its a holy sacrament jah is pleased and opens our minds and allows us 2 witness true spiritual reality. so if someone sees a unicorn on shrooms it is a real unicorn that is an angel, or messenger sent by god. even if it doesnt speak the image of it is a spiritual sign 2 me. plz do not critisize me for my beliefs as i have not critisized yours even though i do not agree with them.
he walked among us so hes as real as the sun and the mo0n".,.,To love Jah is the beginning of wisdom
And knowledge of the Creator is understanding
For the Holy One giveth wisdom
By wisdom he made the heaven
And stretched out the earth above the water
And made a great light
The sun to rule by day
And the moon and stars to rule by night
Wisdom is found in the secret place of the Most High "

that was deep, and very true. +rep for ur philosophical comment.
its called the big bang theory because its a theory. it cant be without a doubt 100% proven. the theory began because of the formation of gasses and such, but it is yet 2 be proven. read the bible.

Scientific theories are built on volumes of evidence.

The bible is not. The bible is a series of statements of supernatural causes and events without supporting evidence.

Beer was invented before Christianity. It's temples are a lot more fun too.
so if someone sees a unicorn on shrooms it is a real unicorn that is an angel, or messenger sent by god. even if it doesnt speak the image of it is a spiritual sign 2 me. plz do not critisize me for my beliefs as i have not critisized yours even though i do not agree with them.

I was referring to the repeated references to unicorns in the bible.

But I certainly agree that religion or god blinds people to reality.

But lifting the veil is as simple as refusing to adhere to the doctrine of whatever religion and looking at the world without adding Mr. Spooky to everything as an explanation.
Scientific theories are built on volumes of evidence.

The bible is not. The bible is a series of statements of supernatural causes and events without supporting evidence.

Beer was invented before Christianity. It's temples are a lot more fun too.

the oldest version of the bible began with the 1st men. it was written on the walls of the temple of eden. these markings date bacc to what is believed to be the era of adam and eve. man made beer, so it had to be created after. theirs plenty of evidence of christianity. the word speaks of the earth bein roun long before it was even a theory. how could the writers of the word have known things like this if god is not real?
I was referring to the repeated references to unicorns in the bible.

But I certainly agree that religion or god blinds people to reality.

But lifting the veil is as simple as refusing to adhere to the doctrine of whatever religion and looking at the world without adding Mr. Spooky to everything as an explanation.

religion is not about mr spooky or scaring ppl in2 the belief of religion. its about love. the loves that god has for us. and the love we have for him. i love my lord, and he will save me. and ive read most of the bible and dont remember anything about unicorns.
the oldest version of the bible began with the 1st men. it was written on the walls of the temple of eden. these markings date bacc to what is believed to be the era of adam and eve. man made beer, so it had to be created after. theirs plenty of evidence of christianity. the word speaks of the earth bein roun long before it was even a theory. how could the writers of the word have known things like this if god is not real?

The sumerians were drinking beer before Christianity.

Why did these prehistoric christians you speak of believe sickness was caused by demons and sin instead of being aware of bacterial and viral infection? If they're so aware of the origins of the universe you'd think they'd have a better grasp on nature.

I'd love to hear your take on dinosaurs.
That is interesting that you should mention about virus and bacteria, even pathogen theory dictates that germs cause disease, it is a theory but people have enough sense to believe it and see the logical connections, although can never be PROVEN. Hell even the external world can't be PROVEN, it is merely a subjective hallucination. Check out solipsism, it is concrete as a philosophical view, and can even be practiced. A major argument against science is that most things are theories, and its true because human don't have the conceptual ability to imagine reality we merely see a best guess map, not everyone sees the same things but we relate to them with language. The brain is able to sense 11,000,000 bits of information per second but is only able to interpret about 200 bits/second this means most of our experience is just, in mind, an illusion.

The sumerians were drinking beer before Christianity.

Why did these prehistoric christians you speak of believe sickness was caused by demons and sin instead of being aware of bacterial and viral infection? If they're so aware of the origins of the universe you'd think they'd have a better grasp on nature.

I'd love to hear your take on dinosaurs.

yes but christianity wasnt invented till after the christ was crucified. scripture and belief of jah however has been around since man 1st walked the earth. prehistoric christians didnt believe all decease was caused by demons. some were, but nothing happens except by the will of god. it happened because the almighty aloud it. sometimes its 2 test your faith. sometimes its 2 punish us. and they had a very good grasp on nature. they grew the holy spice(cannabis).
That is interesting that you should mention about virus and bacteria, even pathogen theory dictates that germs cause disease, it is a theory but people have enough sense to believe it and see the logical connections, although can never be PROVEN. Hell even the external world can't be PROVEN, it is merely a subjective hallucination. Check out solipsism, it is concrete as a philosophical view, and can even be practiced. A major argument against science is that most things are theories, and its true because human don't have the conceptual ability to imagine reality we merely see a best guess map, not everyone sees the same things but we relate to them with language. The brain is able to sense 11,000,000 bits of information per second but is only able to interpret about 200 bits/second this means most of our experience is just, in mind, an illusion.


no we interpret just as much as we see, but only for a split second so we dont realize it. this is because of certain receptors in the brain that erases parts of your memory. without the erasing of memory your brain would overload itself.
The sumerians were drinking beer before Christianity.

Why did these prehistoric christians you speak of believe sickness was caused by demons and sin instead of being aware of bacterial and viral infection? If they're so aware of the origins of the universe you'd think they'd have a better grasp on nature.

I'd love to hear your take on dinosaurs.

i believe in dinosaurs. but i dont think they became extink. i think they slowly evolved into dofferent creatures. this is an accepted theory by scientists because all the dinosaurs are very closely related to the creatures that still exist including crocodiles lizards and certain birds.
if god is fake then what do you have to loose by beliving in him but if he is real then god help you
And what if god is real and he is the jealous type like the Abrahamic god (Jew Christian or Muslim) and you have been worshiping another god rather than him, then I would say you are Royaly screwed.
the oldest version of the bible began with the 1st men. it was written on the walls of the temple of eden. these markings date bacc to what is believed to be the era of adam and eve.
And when was this that the 1st men 'appeared'? What evidence is there of this 'oldest version of the bible'.Where is this temple of eden? I only ask so you can provide us with evidence that these things are real, until then they can hold no weight.

Please don't tell me that it was 6000 years ago that the 1st men appeared on earth and received/wrote the bible (as you say you know of), if that is so I will then know what you say are fallacies that you have either fallen for, made up or been indoctrinated to. It is thought man (homo sapiens) has been around 300,000 years, that is as much as the evidence shows us so far. This can only be proven to a certain degree and 300,000 is a rough estimate, as are most things when we talk time lines in the hundreds of thousands. But regardless of not being able to prove exactly how long we have been about it can be taken as an absolute certainty that we have been here a damed sight longer than 6000 years.
no we interpret just as much as we see, but only for a split second so we dont realize it. this is because of certain receptors in the brain that erases parts of your memory. without the erasing of memory your brain would overload itself.

NO! We do this and this and this so your wrong!

I've never run into someone who said they believed in the garden of eden AND evolution/dinosaurs in the same conversation.

So while everything in the world has been evolving over millions of years, man just appeared in a special garden one day?
It is clear he is just here for the attention. He doesn't really believe this stuff, if he was a believer I am sure he would take check of that stuff, or maybe just an eight year old fool heartedly defending baseless OVEREXAGGERATED claims, with neither fact nor consistent sourcing.
