Active Member
What does that mean??? Any half educated rational non fudamentalist human being knows that the big bang happened. I thought we were discussing the existence of GOD not the idea that GOD crafted the earth and everything on it in six days. We know that the universe expanded from the big bang because there is evidence to back up the claim. Not only in background radiation showing us the exact moment the universe was cool enough that the pure energy and light were able to settle into atomic structures but the current expansion of the universe and the tidal effects of gravity all point to the fact that the universe came into existence in this way.
Clearly school and rational thought has no sway on the shit that flips off your lips. To think that, just because you can't remember what happened, or imagine what may have happened, there is a spirit god that listens to the murmers of 6 billion people at the same time, made a list of 10 things we cannot do and if we do we go to a place of fire and torture and pain for all eternity, but he loves us.
Here is my god:
its called the big bang theory because its a theory. it cant be without a doubt 100% proven. the theory began because of the formation of gasses and such, but it is yet 2 be proven. read the bible. u have no idea what ur talkin about. if u believe in the almighty your sins are forgiven and you are granted entrance to heaven. we all fall short of the glory of god and do not deserve salvation. but the lord so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son 2 die 4 our sins. for whoever shall believe in his name and what he has done shall be granted entrance into the kingdon of heaven. (not exact scripture, but its the gist of it)