Drugs and Religion

Wow, what a fantastic and educated response, "Buddy".

Enlighten us on your "creditable" religions.

By the way, you state in your first post that you believe the Christian god created natural drugs. Well if you follow the Christian god then you shouldn't believe in any other "creditable" religions, as "Jah" has a serious problem with people putting gods before him.

That would happen to be any of those other religions.
Hehehe, spell check is a wonderful thing, eh?
....What the Bible speaks of Hell and demons is an explanation of the sacrifice for the greater good. According to the Bible, those who do not follow God will perish for all eternity, while those who followed God's commandments reaped the benefits. Prime examples are our workplaces today. You don't reward an employee for sitting on his ass playing video games at his desk when he's suppose to be analyzing data, you fire him. The employee that works his ass off gets promoted and/or a pay raise....

The definition of social control.....

You speak as if you are so sure of yourself. How would you know they are stories made up? You don't have an answer that proves otherwise. Therefore, each and every person is acting on faith of what they believe. Be it science or theology.

Sickness is not caused by demons.

The moon is not eaten by wolves that chase it across the sky.

The world does not ride on the back of a giant turtle.

Noah did not cram all the animals of the world into an ark and save them from a global flood.

The elephant did not get a long trunk from having a crocodile pull on its nose.

Hercules did not summon a tidal wave to clean up an epic amount of horse shit.

Osiris was not resurrected from having his parts gathered from around Egypt, except for the missing penis which was replaced with a gold simulacrum, and then sung over.

Cutting out the hearts of Aztecs each day did not make the sun rise.

There is no Ouroboros circling the ocean depths with its tail in it's mouth.

There was no Garden of Eden with a man made of mud, a woman from a rib, and a talking snake.

Volcanos are not enraged dragons beneath the earth.

You can believe it all if you want, because they are part of the mythology of cultures around the world. Whoopee for you.

On the other hand, if a scientist publishes the results of an experiment you can expect to be able to go out and replicate that experiment, whether it's PCR cloning in the lab or at home, amino acid synthesis, predictions of light distortion around massive objects, etc.

I don't have faith in science. I don't blindly follow it like a god. Science is evaluative not faithful. It takes measure of the world, looks for patterns of behavior, etc., and through repeated analysis confirms or disproves.

Faith is adherence to something for which there is no evidence.

Your god gave us Smallpox. Science got rid of it.

That pretty much sums it up.
Sickness is not caused by demons.

The moon is not eaten by wolves that chase it across the sky.

The world does not ride on the back of a giant turtle.

Noah did not cram all the animals of the world into an ark and save them from a global flood.

The elephant did not get a long trunk from having a crocodile pull on its nose.

Hercules did not summon a tidal wave to clean up an epic amount of horse shit.

Osiris was not resurrected from having his parts gathered from around Egypt, except for the missing penis which was replaced with a gold simulacrum, and then sung over.

Cutting out the hearts of Aztecs each day did not make the sun rise.

There is no Ouroboros circling the ocean depths with its tail in it's mouth.

There was no Garden of Eden with a man made of mud, a woman from a rib, and a talking snake.

Volcanos are not enraged dragons beneath the earth.

You can believe it all if you want, because they are part of the mythology of cultures around the world. Whoopee for you.

On the other hand, if a scientist publishes the results of an experiment you can expect to be able to go out and replicate that experiment, whether it's PCR cloning in the lab or at home, amino acid synthesis, predictions of light distortion around massive objects, etc.

I don't have faith in science. I don't blindly follow it like a god. Science is evaluative not faithful. It takes measure of the world, looks for patterns of behavior, etc., and through repeated analysis confirms or disproves.

Faith is adherence to something for which there is no evidence.

Your god gave us Smallpox. Science got rid of it.

That pretty much sums it up.
I did not belittle you when I argued my position. I did not ridicule your disbelief in theology or your belief in modern science. I did not provide examples that have no substance in our argument. I did not speak as if I knew the answers, only my beliefs.

I do not wish to converse with someone who is so full of himself that foolishness easily flows out his mouth. I spoke in a considerate and meaningful manner to continue the discussion. I do not appreciate your response.

Your ability falls short in understanding the substance of faith, let alone the definition.
Those were all examples of established beliefs at one time or another.

If you find any one of them to be unbelievable or ridiculous, feel free to evaluate the value of faith.
But what about faith is a good thing? Why is just believing something someone said at one time or another a positive thing? Does it prove that you can trust anyone and in turn anyone can trust you?
If I ran up to you and said I just flew around the earth and now it is 2 days earlier than when I left, give me a phone I need to call the president. What about that is unbelievable or believable?

A main argument for a god figure is that the universe just appeared from nothing, and since that doesn't make sense it has to have been made by GOD. Well where did GOD come from? Was he just always there? What makes GOD a more applicable candidate for preexistence then the universe? Because there is no solid definition of GOD, other than a personified entity, why can't GOD just be the miracle that we are here? Why do we have to shape our actions regarding a man in the sky as our guides?

To me when people are using the word god so liberally as a real entity, it kinda makes me upset. I mean what reason does a GOD have to make a universe, is he lonely? Does he want a movie to watch? Don't just say because it's the way it is, how can a watch know why the watchmaker made it? If you are just going to say you have faith don't come here. I want answers as to why faith is well looked upon, or as I have said before is it just a life raft people cling to because they are unhappy with their own existence? Don't drag my unhappiness into this, I am happy enough watching the bible thumpers squirm. Is it just an unwillingness to think that all we have is right now. The future might not come, even in one second. The past is already gone, and one day we will all rest.

You speak as if you are so sure of yourself. How would you know they are stories made up? You don't have an answer that proves otherwise. Therefore, each and every person is acting on faith of what they believe. Be it science or theology.

I wasn't speaking of having faith in the experiment itself, yet of ones ability to perform the experiment. Your belief in another persons ability is called faith. Since you are knowledgeable in science, you should know that variables exist in each experiment performed. These variables can cause tremendous inconsistencies with further examination, even with the most minute change. This being noted, no matter the care taken to remove them, variables cause the experiment to be singular in result. Even when several experiments are performed with consistent evidence, we still haven't reached such subatomic levels of observation to prove that they are indeed consistent and we may never reach that level.

The argument here is not that you are wrong and I'm right or vice-versa, it's that no one knows.

Yes, I realize that we are striving for further improvements in science to reach higher levels of technology that can prove your theories. Yet another example of faith in science. You haven't proven anything except you rely on faith to determine your next move.

As for the time period of the creation of earth, who is to say that a day to a God isn't a thousand years to a human?

Everything doesn't have to make sense. Gravity still doesn't make sense and we've been studying it for a very, very long time.

What the Bible speaks of Hell and demons is an explanation of the sacrifice for the greater good. According to the Bible, those who do not follow God will perish for all eternity, while those who followed God's commandments reaped the benefits. Prime examples are our workplaces today. You don't reward an employee for sitting on his ass playing video games at his desk when he's suppose to be analyzing data, you fire him. The employee that works his ass off gets promoted and/or a pay raise. (except for in todays economy where you ask your boss for a raise and he says "hell no!" :mrgreen:)

I respect each an everyone's position and belief. I do not speak as if I hold the answer to all life's questions. I do know one thing, though. I strive to be like my God, and I am rewarded with happiness and peace of mind. When you strive, you may be happy, but what happens to all that hard work when you're dead and gone?

who do you worship?
Wow, what a fantastic and educated response, "Buddy".

Enlighten us on your "creditable" religions.

By the way, you state in your first post that you believe the Christian god created natural drugs. Well if you follow the Christian god then you shouldn't believe in any other "creditable" religions, as "Jah" has a serious problem with people putting gods before him.

That would happen to be any of those other religions.

i dont believe in any creditable religion other than christianity, but i think every being deserves to practive their beliefs. as it was said before no one really knows the truth. i could be wrong. the other religions could be correct. you could be wrong 2. why do you insist on putting others beliefs down?
Magic: 1. Possessing distinctive qualities that produce unaccountable or baffling effects. 2. any mysterious, seemingly inexplicable, or extraordinary power or quality. 3. A mysterious quality of enchantment.

Yeah I think that about sums up how those deities are perceived. Unless you speak of Mormanism, or scientology, which should be part of this discussion.....;)


the ancient hebrew definition of magic is witchcraft. the ancient hebrew definition for witchcraft is unearthly satanic powers. the mystical powers of the devine are not considered magic.
Sickness is not caused by demons.

The moon is not eaten by wolves that chase it across the sky.

The world does not ride on the back of a giant turtle.

Noah did not cram all the animals of the world into an ark and save them from a global flood.

The elephant did not get a long trunk from having a crocodile pull on its nose.

Hercules did not summon a tidal wave to clean up an epic amount of horse shit.

Osiris was not resurrected from having his parts gathered from around Egypt, except for the missing penis which was replaced with a gold simulacrum, and then sung over.

Cutting out the hearts of Aztecs each day did not make the sun rise.

There is no Ouroboros circling the ocean depths with its tail in it's mouth.

There was no Garden of Eden with a man made of mud, a woman from a rib, and a talking snake.

Volcanos are not enraged dragons beneath the earth.

You can believe it all if you want, because they are part of the mythology of cultures around the world. Whoopee for you.

On the other hand, if a scientist publishes the results of an experiment you can expect to be able to go out and replicate that experiment, whether it's PCR cloning in the lab or at home, amino acid synthesis, predictions of light distortion around massive objects, etc.

I don't have faith in science. I don't blindly follow it like a god. Science is evaluative not faithful. It takes measure of the world, looks for patterns of behavior, etc., and through repeated analysis confirms or disproves.

Faith is adherence to something for which there is no evidence.

Your god gave us Smallpox. Science got rid of it.

That pretty much sums it up.

you dont know that. the disbelief in deities is just as nuch of a religion, because it is your belief that they do not exist. God could very well be real. you say u want proof b3fore god is proven real. but wheres your proof hes made up?
I did not belittle you when I argued my position. I did not ridicule your disbelief in theology or your belief in modern science. I did not provide examples that have no substance in our argument. I did not speak as if I knew the answers, only my beliefs.

I do not wish to converse with someone who is so full of himself that foolishness easily flows out his mouth. I spoke in a considerate and meaningful manner to continue the discussion. I do not appreciate your response.

Your ability falls short in understanding the substance of faith, let alone the definition.

he is just tryin 2 get others 2 believe what he does. he has made himself like unto that of babylon.
Those were all examples of established beliefs at one time or another.

If you find any one of them to be unbelievable or ridiculous, feel free to evaluate the value of faith.

u cant evaluate the value of faith based on certain individual practices. if only one is true then obviously there will be rediculous theories of different religions.
But what about faith is a good thing? Why is just believing something someone said at one time or another a positive thing? Does it prove that you can trust anyone and in turn anyone can trust you?
If I ran up to you and said I just flew around the earth and now it is 2 days earlier than when I left, give me a phone I need to call the president. What about that is unbelievable or believable?

A main argument for a god figure is that the universe just appeared from nothing, and since that doesn't make sense it has to have been made by GOD. Well where did GOD come from? Was he just always there? What makes GOD a more applicable candidate for preexistence then the universe? Because there is no solid definition of GOD, other than a personified entity, why can't GOD just be the miracle that we are here? Why do we have to shape our actions regarding a man in the sky as our guides?

To me when people are using the word god so liberally as a real entity, it kinda makes me upset. I mean what reason does a GOD have to make a universe, is he lonely? Does he want a movie to watch? Don't just say because it's the way it is, how can a watch know why the watchmaker made it? If you are just going to say you have faith don't come here. I want answers as to why faith is well looked upon, or as I have said before is it just a life raft people cling to because they are unhappy with their own existence? Don't drag my unhappiness into this, I am happy enough watching the bible thumpers squirm. Is it just an unwillingness to think that all we have is right now. The future might not come, even in one second. The past is already gone, and one day we will all rest.


God is not a man. he is a spirit. and he created us because he knew everything that would happen. and knew that he would love us all, just as a father knows he will love his baby before he/she is born. its not just because its the way it is. its love.
u cant evaluate the value of faith based on certain individual practices. if only one is true then obviously there will be rediculous theories of different religions.

And what makes your Christianity, which borrows heavily from other religions, more correct than Greek, Norse, and Chinese mythology which have much more extensive writings and considerably less contradictions?

Oh, and don't forget that Australian aboriginal lore can be traced back over 30,000 years before the Bible was written.
And what makes your Christianity, which borrows heavily from other religions, more correct than Greek, Norse, and Chinese mythology which have much more extensive writings and considerably less contradictions?

Have you been listening to what ive said? christianity only has contradictions because of ancient government corruption and the changes they made to the word.
And what makes your Christianity, which borrows heavily from other religions, more correct than Greek, Norse, and Chinese mythology which have much more extensive writings and considerably less contradictions?

and i havent said christianity is any more correct than the other religions. I believe christianity is right. but for all i know another theory could be correct. as i keep saying everyone deserves to practice their own religious beliefs without persecution by government and ppl like u.
And what makes your Christianity, which borrows heavily from other religions, more correct than Greek, Norse, and Chinese mythology which have much more extensive writings and considerably less contradictions?

Oh, and don't forget that Australian aboriginal lore can be traced back over 30,000 years before the Bible was written.

u seem like the type of person that believes in the big bang theory. no offense
u seem like the type of person that believes in the big bang theory. no offense

What does that mean??? Any half educated rational non fudamentalist human being knows that the big bang happened. I thought we were discussing the existence of GOD not the idea that GOD crafted the earth and everything on it in six days. We know that the universe expanded from the big bang because there is evidence to back up the claim. Not only in background radiation showing us the exact moment the universe was cool enough that the pure energy and light were able to settle into atomic structures but the current expansion of the universe and the tidal effects of gravity all point to the fact that the universe came into existence in this way.

Clearly school and rational thought has no sway on the shit that flips off your lips. To think that, just because you can't remember what happened, or imagine what may have happened, there is a spirit god that listens to the murmers of 6 billion people at the same time, made a list of 10 things we cannot do and if we do we go to a place of fire and torture and pain for all eternity, but he loves us.

Here is my god: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeSSwKffj9o

Jah could very well be real. its not a substitution for knowledge. who are you 2 put down other peoples beliefs? everyone deserves 2 practive their spiritual beliefs.

ive already written 2 ppl here on the american side.:-P
he walked among us so hes as real as the sun and the mo0n".,.,To love Jah is the beginning of wisdom
And knowledge of the Creator is understanding
For the Holy One giveth wisdom
By wisdom he made the heaven
And stretched out the earth above the water
And made a great light
The sun to rule by day
And the moon and stars to rule by night
Wisdom is found in the secret place of the Most High "