Drifting back into psychotropics.

Sup MM... saw this thread, decided to catch up with ya... for the record, I think you are one of the most rationally-voiced and down to earth 'psychopaths' I've ever been exposed to, lol.

Just wanted to say, good luck with your trip, i'm sure it will be what you need one way or another, new perspective does give so much benefit.

Peace mang.
I meant my concerta but I see now that its methyphenidate and nowhere near a psychotropic sadly enough its just a go-go pill for some folks, helps me concentrate they say! 54mg though so you'd feel it!
Dude don't pick wild peyote unless you come across a HUGE patch,and that's very unlikely...id go with san pedro..if you're 40 and start peyote now,you'll have enough in 15 years to get some trips in..in 2 years with can pedro you will be giving trips away..canndos cactus garden is huge and he's still got a young garden by all accounts..plus peyote IS illegal in any form..you can have 100lbs of san pedro and it won't matter legally till you consume it..
It isn't that big really, about 40 of them. Took 9 years I think.
I meant my concerta but I see now that its methyphenidate and nowhere near a psychotropic sadly enough its just a go-go pill for some folks, helps me concentrate they say! 54mg though so you'd feel it!
it's psychotropic. Psychotropic means it effects the mind, not that it's psychedelic.
I meant my concerta but I see now that its methyphenidate and nowhere near a psychotropic sadly enough its just a go-go pill for some folks, helps me concentrate they say! 54mg though so you'd feel it!
roa plays a big part with that stuff, crude as it is, it still works ok nasaly.
Trick is to get 10 sprites, water and feed them regularly, every 3 days in summer 5 days in spring and once a month in fall and winter. I'm getting two feet a year fom each established plant, that's 20 doses per year. Start with 10, cut the tops off and replant in year two, do the same with those tops the next year and any sprites you have.
how the hell could the U.S. Postal service find LSD in a envelope? Only if the sender was really high on LSD when he sent it, then put a sticky note on the hit that said ''this is acid''....... all you need to do is buy a birthday card and put the lSD between the card. I could think of a thousand ways to send LSD and up to 5 grams of powder. probably way more than 5 grams but that would be a lot of anything!!!
You can fit an absurdly large amount of LSD in an envelope. And when it's on paper it really looks liek every other piece of mail that goes through the usps.
Sup MM... saw this thread, decided to catch up with ya... for the record, I think you are one of the most rationally-voiced and down to earth 'psychopaths' I've ever been exposed to, lol.

Just wanted to say, good luck with your trip, i'm sure it will be what you need one way or another, new perspective does give so much benefit.

Peace mang.

Thank you. I'm hoping it helps stop the stir crazy. A lot of change in a little time -- a fling with dear old Lucy may be just what the good Doc. ordered...

Trick is to get 10 sprites, water and feed them regularly, every 3 days in summer 5 days in spring and once a month in fall and winter. I'm getting two feet a year fom each established plant, that's 20 doses per year. Start with 10, cut the tops off and replant in year two, do the same with those tops the next year and any sprites you have.

After the move, once all settled and happy, I'd really like a bit of assistance in getting a cactus garden growing. I hope that being in the middle of the high desert won't cause any problems with growing them!

how the hell could the U.S. Postal service find LSD in a envelope? Only if the sender was really high on LSD when he sent it, then put a sticky note on the hit that said ''this is acid''....... all you need to do is buy a birthday card and put the lSD between the card. I could think of a thousand ways to send LSD and up to 5 grams of powder. probably way more than 5 grams but that would be a lot of anything!!!

In the early 90's we used to get it in the joint. A bit of fuss on the outside, but easy as pie. Chicas write some crazy ways to guys in the joint. Thinks like "Love" and a bunch of hearts, in gel-pen ink... So, if your crazy chica takes to making you cards, and writes lotsa cute little words all over it, and glitters it, and covers it up with plastic, so the glitter doesn't get all messy, then when the guards check it, they don't find the L. And, I guess the K9s weren't trained for it, cuz they never barked at the letters...

Postage isn't my concern, though (not with buying from the internet.) It's that it is the internet...
K9s can't be trained for LSD. There's simply not enough of it present for the dog to detect. And when there is enough for it to potentially have a smell you seal that shit up airtight to keep it safe from the atmosphere, not dogs.
If shuffling around like a zombie is getting somethign done then thorazine has helped, I doubt it has helped get anything useful done!

Thorazine... fuck that stuff. I couldn't see straight for a month. They forced me to take it. I tried my best to refuse. Eventually I just had to act like I was taking it... hide it in my lip... and then take it out. Other people in that mental hospital wanted the thorazine like crack..... so I would trade for better drugs. Goooood times. The worst part about it was how it affected my vision. I like to be able to read.
Thorazine... fuck that stuff. I couldn't see straight for a month. They forced me to take it. I tried my best to refuse. Eventually I just had to act like I was taking it... hide it in my lip... and then take it out. Other people in that mental hospital wanted the thorazine like crack..... so I would trade for better drugs. Goooood times. The worst part about it was how it affected my vision. I like to be able to read.

Made 6 months in solitary seem like 6 hours. They kept me zombie for the whole time, and it worked out for both them and I just fine. Probably not a great "on the town" recreational drug, though...
Haldol!!! That's the word!!! I was trying to remember what those pills were called they keep giving me like skittles whenever I was trying to jump out a 3 story window to get out of that place. lol... Couldn't break those windows no matter what.
You really shouldn't fuck with SR any more, unless they've untangled it from the TOR trunk.

The feds lied. The structure of TOR isn't impermeable, and when the feds took servers, they took keys to the kingdom. TOR works on alt. DNS and encryption. Two things that are generally embedded into the underlying architecture. With those servers in their physical control, they have everything they need to unravel it.

After I move and settle, I'll grow some shrooms, and maybe go hiking up in the Taos area and see if I can't find a little cactus to call my own, nurture, care for, and clone the shit out of. This hit is either a gift or a curse. I can't -- CAN NOT afford a test kit. It's why I didn't just drop 40 on a half of shrooms. I'll attempt due diligence in every other fashion, though -- to assure that if I'm not dropping L. I'm also not dropping poison.

40 for a half a shrooms!! jump on that shit lol
Everything on FH had the same message and was hosting the exploit. SR and Atlantis continued to function without serving up the exploit and both of their leaders stated they aren't on FH so I think it's a pretty fair assumption that they weren't compromised. Also if they had gotten the SR servers we'd have heard about it by now. I bet there's a DEA agent rubbing one out thinking about busting DPR right now.

fuck yeah bustin loads every where !!
40 for a half a shrooms!! jump on that shit lol

So, that was probably a plug price, or a plug with a favor price? I didn't grab it before, cuz the guy also sells meth, and I have a personal thing against meth. I have a really really hard time controlling my anger around meth cooks/dealers...