Drifting back into psychotropics.


Well-Known Member
Greensummit..I remember reading an article in playboy(yes I read the articles) as I was looking at boobies as a 13 year old boy..they had an article on dipt,real long one at that...its allways sparked interest since then...the article kept on about heightened senses ect...


Well-Known Member
No offense,fuck the comedown..you wanna hear shit?it sounds weird... take a high dose of LSD and a medium dose of MDA..right about the time it gets interesting..KETAMINE..PERIOD...the combo will have auditory things garbled..I listened to an ex of mine blab on for 20 mins at a show..the whole time it was a noise..when she stopped talking..I finally came to and realized her chatter had been the noise id been hearing..really hard to play that one off...


Well-Known Member
Think that was funny you should seen me trying to make sense of what she had said and still pull a rabbit out..she never caught on and to this day I still have no idea...


Well-Known Member
I don't get it, Mainly a auditory experience? what does that mean? Put your ear in a cup ? that seems to distort sounds pretty good and its free! unless you need to buy a cup...


Well-Known Member
thats what im looking for, i want a mainly auditory experience
There is a fabled fungus, a puff ball mushroom that efects primarily the auditory sense.

Schultes and Hoffman reported that, in Mexico, Lycoperdon marginatum and L. mixtecorum are used to induce auditory hallucinations. I believe however that the taxonomy is flawed and that there is a subspecies that is responsible for the hallucinations as the two stated organisms have shown no hallucinogenic properties.
recall the reports describing flanging, distinct music, amplifications of internal noises in the ear (blood flow most likely), and of course voices seeming to eminate from outside of the mind.


Well-Known Member
Don't they have a big "puff of smoke" when you step on them?..they grow here all the time..I'm still not eating them..


Active Member
if you can control your auditory hallucinations on L and play with them, and enjoy that part of it like me, then you will understand where im going with this. its hard for me to explain right now sorry


Well-Known Member
I have the same thing happen on nitrous!..when I come around,the noise is gone and I can't remember it,or what it sounded like but I know it was there...


Well-Known Member
Remember as a kid stomping on bunches of em and acting like your nikes were on fire?..ahhh..see pot doesn't kill your memories...


Well-Known Member
I was allways paranoid they were poisonous since I was allways was told any mushroom except the ones in the store were also poisonous..I haven seen the 'poof ball' shroom in years now come to think of it...and I'm a yardwork kinda guy..hmmm..wonder why?