Drifting back into psychotropics.

So, that was probably a plug price, or a plug with a favor price? I didn't grab it before, cuz the guy also sells meth, and I have a personal thing against meth. I have a really really hard time controlling my anger around meth cooks/dealers...

uh yeah for sure you should have jumped on that, to close friends that goes for 75 around here
Ever deal with a programmer? This is my embedded case statement.

That appears legit, but says license. Is it actually legit and LEGAL?
If it is, how many grams would one consume, or use to make a single dose? (I know, I'm being a dickhead n00b here, I could search, but you know that the search sucks, and this thread has activity, so I'm asking here.)

What are the ramifications of ordering that to the U.S.? (lets say somewhere in the southwest, like NM or AZ)

I have no clue what a programer or embeded case statment is ???

I have ordered the san pedro powder from them several times , All orders went thru like any other , It's illegal but tollerated like live san pedro cactus - Just dont give them any info. that can be linked to yourself

As far as dosage it's as much as you can consume if your experianced with psycadelics
Imp..id venture to say 60 to 80 percent of lsd trafficked..mind you TRAFFICKED is spread through the mail..I could put about 20,000 hit in a small bag the size of a sweet and low packet...unless a dumb dosed dummy smoked a little and packaged it,it has a very high delivery rate..only other thing that would make the mail be a bad decision is if there was an investigation and there was knowledge of it being sent..
Getting money through is harder..you gotta pick out the denomination strips or risk metal alarms going off in the airport..imagine picking through thousands of bills with a tweezer...ugg.
Canndo,that's a lot in 9 years..I'm getting mine jumping asap..I. wonder how indoor cactus is grown..I have some studying to do..I have an old 1k watt hps at my disposal..wonder if I could get a jump on the growing season for the sprites and have like 5 extra this spring?
Talked to the source of the LSD today. I'm quite certain it's 100% pure LSD, and I'm quite certain he's a fed. And, I'm quite certain he's trying to get local weed guys to sell LSD and mescaline. Cuz, that shit carries heavy time.

Offered me 10 for 100, 100 for 2500. I said "dude, I gotta' test your shit." He was very unhappy, and then checked his car (kinda' oopsed it) cross arm. Ask if he was really casing a car, in front of the crazy white guy in the hood, he pulled out the beeper with a nice little nothing but car key, office cut key, a fob that looked EXACTLY like mine did, when I contracted at military bases, and clicker. Tried to shake up blood with me.

So, at least I know the shit is pure and potent.

Oh, and he said if he "lived in this hood" he'd jack my lady's car. Hehe. Nope.
So 10$ a hit for 10 and 25$ a hit for 100?...dudes not a fed he's a retard(oh,wait,its the same thing)..and how does him being a government agent make it 100% pure?...I'm really not trying to be a dick,I'm just pointing out this stuff,cause its what I do..
Also..people who are shysty allways get mad or have a sudeden emergency when you wanna test..the real guys say,test away!..and would you like a sample now that it is(insert result color here)?
So 10$ a hit for 10 and 25$ a hit for 100?...dudes not a fed he's a retard(oh,wait,its the same thing)..and how does him being a government agent make it 100% pure?...I'm really not trying to be a dick,I'm just pointing out this stuff,cause its what I do..

The 100% pure because he's a fed was a joke. I'm proper fucked at the moment, and my numbers are wrong (I edited it once, to correct the 10 for 10. Oops.) It was a "big sheet" for 2500. I wasn't paying attention to his words, I was paying attention to his new clothing, sans tags or hood scuffs, his <state> pride in his clothing, his "fit in." I'll assume his prices were 10 across the board. Sorry about the bad numbers.

Also..people who are shysty allways get mad or have a sudeden emergency when you wanna test..the real guys say,test away!..and would you like a sample now that it is(insert result color here)?

I think he got pissy because it WAS a freebee, and not even meant for me. I don't deal. I don't break the law in any manner except consuming certain substances. He did indeed offer to let me test it, and offered a sampling for testing (at 10 dollars a piece, and he'd throw a hundred hits on reserve for me, since it goes quick.) My questioning him, and my asking specifics (thank YOU, specifically, for giving me the information I needed to approach him and ask educated questions) threw him way off guard. He wasn't ready for someone to specifically list the adulterants and alternative chemicals that should be tested for. That's when he did that dumb ass window pass with the flashlight. The worst fuckin' tell I've ever seen.
You're welcome..I'm glad you're spun and its dank...2500$ for a page is a little taxed from what I hear,but its around the bullseye..but,like you I don't deal...I just can get my head stash and that's all I neeeds:-)
Canndo,that's a lot in 9 years..I'm getting mine jumping asap..I. wonder how indoor cactus is grown..I have some studying to do..I have an old 1k watt hps at my disposal..wonder if I could get a jump on the growing season for the sprites and have like 5 extra this spring?
I suppose it is possible, temperature plays a nig part in rooting, keep things in the mid 70's. I started with 5 lost one and figured for maybe three years they didn't need regular watering or I'd have had more.
The fed part was a joke imp..he was pointing out dudes paranoia when he got the questions handed to him...I didn't understand a first either...but,wouldn't be the first time feds gave out free drugs to find more..hell they never charged me at all for the 5 1/2 pages of gel tabs they found...they did for exctacy tho..and they ate a pill each..fucking alphabet bitches..
oh, ya , i saw this guy was repped and people know him and shit... fucking internet.... i need to see peoples faces , i have a really hard time picking up on personalities with the typing thing. ill delete that bullshit comment....

no offense but I think this dude needs a translator... or more likely i need to freshen up on reading comprehension
oh, ya , i saw this guy was repped and people know him and shit... fucking internet.... i need to see peoples faces , i have a really hard time picking up on personalities with the typing thing. ill delete that bullshit comment....

no offense but I think this dude needs a translator... or more likely i need to freshen up on reading comprehension
jeez cut yourself and him a break. no one needs a translator he just made a really shitty joke, thats all lOl.
speaking of getting back into psychedelics, has anyone here ever tried dipt? ive been interested in it for a long time, and love the auditory side of things when im coming down, so i have really thought about trying to get my hands on some.

any experiences?
no not foxy. plain old DiPT. somehow though rory i knew you would be first to answer ;) either that or duck. from what i know dipt is primarily auditory halluciantion, and i would love (i think) to try it out one day