Drifting back into psychotropics.


Well-Known Member
So, I'm in TnT a LOT. I like to help out the new growers... Mostly on the sly, but sometimes with a post.

I've been wanting to dose again, or have a 'shroom pizza... Talked about it in TnT, my weed guy stops by and gives me a hit of L. I also have migraines, and Wilson's (which will be confirmed in a few hours, when all of the high res. pics are reviewed.) So, I'm trying to ween myself off my pain meds (ibuprofen) and sleep meds (diphenhydramine.) I'm moving in 10 days, with my fiance, and have to figure out how to put my life back together. I'm dropping Friday morning, at 8:01, followed by a breakfast of eggs, blueberry pancakes, a 3 gram joint, and some OJ. Then, I'm having my dear old mommy pick me up, and drop me off at the national forest. I'll activate my GPS tracker so the boss lady (that's my fiance) can find me when she gets off work. Or Saturday/Sunday, if she decides to let me spirit quest.

It's been 21 years since I last dosed. I was 18. I spent a couple years before that on LSD, peyote, and mushrooms. I'm not nervous, I'm excited. I'm going to reopen a door that brain damage and disease has almost destroyed in me. A peek back to the world of the "normal" and a view beyond even that! I doubt it'll be really potent... The LSD mostly seen up here is either a morning glory extract(LSA), or a rye fungus with lye extract, dissolved in alcohol (not sure, haven't looked into the chemical construct. )


Well-Known Member
Get a test kit,you obviously seem to not know what you have...it'd suck being stuck in the woods with muscle spasms from tooo much hiking and nbome...I'm no expert,and I don't know you..I do know tho you need a test kit..I hope your trip goes well,obviously take an overnight/emergency pack..be safe bro!

Get a test kit!


Well-Known Member
Wait, I'm kind of gone... but you're dropping on friday? But you didn't say what? Is it blotter? I'm guessing a blotter since you emphasized what the LSD is like around there?
I agree with Rory to get a test kit... they aren't very expensive. And people around here might be able to help you obtain what you are seeking.

BTW, I was waiting for you to post a thread here =P.... I'm on TnT a lot.

Nvm, I missed the part about your guy dropping off a hit of L.... well if it tastes bitter, it's a spitter. if it's not bitter... ask for a few more hits. It will take more than one. They are drastically weaker these days.


Well-Known Member
They are weaker,but beware..sometimes the prankster comes out in hippys..'oh its alright I guess..take 3...' 16 hours later you're coming down..not that its a bad thing unless you had plans..and the bitter thing skuxx,it goes for dox compounds(I've never taken any,but have a lot of nbomes) nbomes never tasted bitter although they get a 'slime'texture on the paper,and if taken properly,give your lip a numb spot..but all that is nonsense if YOU JUST GET A TEST KIT...can I stress that enough?


Well-Known Member
Maybe for you man... the nbomes are definitely bitter to my tongue. But with that said, I'm not saying that if it's not bitter, it's gotta be LSD... I still recommend a test kit.

And I know whatcha mean by the numbness.


Well-Known Member
I just never got a bitter taste..not saying its not there but honestly every time I've taken nbome I stuck in in my lip/gum..so I really never tasted it..but it does give ya the numb lip!


Well-Known Member
Test kit? LoL, I got one hit, it was a freebee, that was a freebee. But, reputable source, blah blah... Last time I used acid, I would pick it up in California, by the bible, and bring back the bounty of my love. Anyway, it used to be good real LSD acid. The guy that MY guy got it from is reputable, and has been vouched for by some people that I'd trust with my back. (I know, I'm a new user, here... A whole new group of people, some I'll know, most I won't.)

Yeah, plans changed. Her last day is Saturday, I quit my job last week. So, we'll be driving up into the great wild on Saturday afternoon, and we'll be getting a room by the norheastern coastal waters in Michigan. I'll drop around noon, on Saturday, and go for a walk around the lake, smoking a joint. I'm seeking tranquility and clarity.

There's an immediacy to my need to do this. Wilson's disease, and brain damage have seriously damaged me. As have years in prison and isolation. I'm a psychopath, I'm pretty open about it, I have no advantage in not being. (My "mentioning it" at all was done here, first. The person who may have saved my life, and the accomplice are members that shall forever remain unnamed, but I'll owe a solid life debt to.) I'm seeing through a fog, and need it lifted, at least momentarily, to get some proper motivation and direction. When I was younger, I used LSD and shrooms to keep away migraines, and help me focus. It worked, every time. In TnT there's a thread "random jibber jabber" a lot of us have posted trips in it today. It's a long thread, it's where we shoot the shit, when we're not thread jacking others...

And, the rye seed fungus. It's a mold that grows on rye seeds, not the rye seeds. Somehow it's catalyzed by lye and forms a super-potent hallucinogen. That is then dissolved in 190 proof everclear... and some details that don't need to be posted here... I don't know what it's chemical structure is (Like the LSA from morning glories...) And, I don't think I want THAT in my google search history.


Well-Known Member
If you know your people that you get stuff from like I do... then you don't need a test kit. They are reliable enough. I hope you enjoy that hit dude! But sadly, 1 hit is way weaker than it was 21 years ago.... shit, I'm only 25 years old, so I have no idea haha. But, trust is a huge thing for me. And there's very few people I trust... but if those people say it's LSD, I'll take it without testing ;) Peace!

Might wanna try to grab another hit from him before the adventure =P


Well-Known Member
I had the real shit... A gift from a hippie in SF that I met in the Haight. It was a bunch of very carefully sealed up hits of Purple Haze, circa 1970, and kept in a freezer. Dude had shit tons, and would gift them to people... That was like 25 years ago. He coulda' been pulling my leg, but I saw him at a few dead shows, also...

Anyway, I came in here to say it's blotter. And, it's blue/purple wave. It's not the guy that I trust. It's the 2 people that vouched for him. Their family and me go back, I know their grandparents...

So, what kind of "Acid" is normally floating around, today?


Well-Known Member
You have all types of research chemicals that bont with the same receptors in you're brain as lsd or other psychedelics..their chemical structure is 'tweaked' a little so legally they are in a grey area..and they are so potent you can put these chemicals on blotter paper..pretty cheap also..like 3 to ten CENT a hit..and they are somewhat lethal..if you're used to eating 5 hits of acid and eat 5 hits of these drugs,you can become succeptible to an overdose..its a fine line..safely used these drugs are awesome(I myself love nbomes..)..but still shysters sell these drugs as lsd and for pure greed..and as greed sadly is more prevalant than love these days,I say test it,as sometimes a higher possibility rings true..sadly almost allways true with greed..I know u got gifted the hit,and I hope its legit,but hope you understand in the scene today,there's more bullshit than ever,and its CLEVERLY disguised...


Well-Known Member
Test kit? LoL, I got one hit, it was a freebee, that was a freebee. But, reputable source, blah blah... Last time I used acid, I would pick it up in California, by the bible, and bring back the bounty of my love. Anyway, it used to be good real LSD acid. The guy that MY guy got it from is reputable, and has been vouched for by some people that I'd trust with my back. (I know, I'm a new user, here... A whole new group of people, some I'll know, most I won't.)

Yeah, plans changed. Her last day is Saturday, I quit my job last week. So, we'll be driving up into the great wild on Saturday afternoon, and we'll be getting a room by the norheastern coastal waters in Michigan. I'll drop around noon, on Saturday, and go for a walk around the lake, smoking a joint. I'm seeking tranquility and clarity.

There's an immediacy to my need to do this. Wilson's disease, and brain damage have seriously damaged me. As have years in prison and isolation. I'm a psychopath, I'm pretty open about it, I have no advantage in not being. (My "mentioning it" at all was done here, first. The person who may have saved my life, and the accomplice are members that shall forever remain unnamed, but I'll owe a solid life debt to.) I'm seeing through a fog, and need it lifted, at least momentarily, to get some proper motivation and direction. When I was younger, I used LSD and shrooms to keep away migraines, and help me focus. It worked, every time. In TnT there's a thread "random jibber jabber" a lot of us have posted trips in it today. It's a long thread, it's where we shoot the shit, when we're not thread jacking others...

And, the rye seed fungus. It's a mold that grows on rye seeds, not the rye seeds. Somehow it's catalyzed by lye and forms a super-potent hallucinogen. That is then dissolved in 190 proof everclear... and some details that don't need to be posted here... I don't know what it's chemical structure is (Like the LSA from morning glories...) And, I don't think I want THAT in my google search history.

That rye seed fungus is ergot and can be dangerous , Unlike lsa containing seeds the L coumpounds % in ergot swing wildly

Besides that ergot will not only make you halunacinate but will give you vasco-constriction any way it is prepared , Not the good for someone prone to head aches


Well-Known Member
If you are looking for legit L these days it will normally be on unlined,unperforated white paper..these days ya just rip off a chunk...


Well-Known Member
If you are looking for legit L these days it will normally be on unlined,unperforated white paper..these days ya just rip off a chunk...
I know right?... Whenever you tell people "I just popped about a ten strip Idk"... They're like DAMN, you're gonna be fucked!!!... but really we're just expecting a regular 'ol day with L.... It's kind of sad.


Well-Known Member
Well,I get some heavy shit,but nothing like back in 97...hell in 95 it was 300ug a hit and that was low! People would stress about gettin that weak batch!...now adays I'm prone to start with 5 and keep at 5 hit intervals,usually reaching 15 to 20(stash permitting)...if I just want a buzz ill take 2 or 3...by the way its not kinda sad,its goddamn depressingly sucidally morosely horribly the worst thing in the world.


Well-Known Member
Fucking awful...I can't stand how the scene changed..like dennis leary said in 'suicide kings'..
"Its that goddamn rap music..."..lol..


Well-Known Member
Well,I get some heavy shit,but nothing like back in 97...hell in 95 it was 300ug a hit and that was low! People would stress about gettin that weak batch!...now adays I'm prone to start with 5 and keep at 5 hit intervals,usually reaching 15 to 20(stash permitting)...if I just want a buzz ill take 2 or 3...by the way its not kinda sad,its goddamn depressingly sucidally morosely horribly the worst thing in the world.
You're the L king though... I was supposed to go to bonnaroo but couldn't... and my buddy got some L from there for me.... and WOW... I started with 5, and ended with 5.... this shit was twice as strong as what I am used to. So I know it's out there. lol

It's weird though... when I first dropped L ever.... early '00 somewhere around there. I took 2-3 hits, and was completely blown away. And I distinctly remember older people taking 5-6, and sayin, "I don't know... I'm not really getting it"... and calling their suppliers. haha


Well-Known Member
Yea I also remember eating a one gram stem my first shroom trip and waking up the next morn..we all have a perception of 'highest of high'..I've had 10 strip trips that equaled one and one hit that equaled 10..all relative to the timeline of the history of my drug use..there was a time I wouldn't dare eat more than 3 or 4..I knew they were too strong and not a uniform dosage..I miss those times..lol..


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to rory420420 again.

Goddamn right... because I never got to experience 300ug hits...... Now I'm going to sleep pissed tonight.... fuckers....


Well-Known Member
And I'm not the king of L..I just happen to have been around a bit..and I do NOT take it for granted..I def have been fortunate enough in my life..I just wish it was like it used to be...damn feds.