Drifting back into psychotropics.

Hahaha..thanks for the attempted rep..apparantly you can't rep me till you rep someone else..oh well..I'm not here for admiration...don't go to bed pissed..be happy!
Oh... no, I'm pissed because there aren't 300ug blotters floating around :blsmoke:


I always go to sleep happy. I'm good at sorting out mental issues.... is that how you put it? Kind of gone tonight...
Ya you're right. I need to find the right people pretty much. Those WoW sheets from bonnaroo had to be 200 ug. My friend said it was from a random asian dude..... you're supposed to at least get a phone number if you're buying several sheets......

I've been broke lately though for a lot of reasons... so I can't complain.
I'm sure its not the same guy but I know an older asian guy that finds wow here and there...but he lives in not bonnaroo..lol
Also..you don't get numbers..you see each other at the next show!

It's not the the dead tour days anymore.... sorry

It probably is still like that.... I'm just too far out the psychedelic loop. But ask about any H or C.... and I know what you're talking about! Sadly
Oh, and I hit him with my little rep stick, you can go to bed happy. And, what color are these WoW of which you so fondly speak?
Oh, and I hit him with my little rep stick, you can go to bed happy. And, what color are these WoW of which you so fondly speak?

finally... I can sleep in peace....... Wow stands for white on white, so it's white paper.... unperforated. sometimes there will be pencil lines down where an average size hit will be. But it's better when there are no marks like that in my experience....

EDM the new dead???? Nothing is the new dead.... We shall let Rory enlighten us on this topic.
Ok..skuxx..there is def still dead family touring,not on a large scale..but there still is..I was camped by an old head at interlocken that had every bandmembers name on '76 year tickets,framed of course..were still out there..and closer knit than ever..we jerrys kids,we don't die we tour and fry...believe me..the old guys are barely getting around..I see em from time to time at shows that are 'at a low roar'..I smoke some hash and they appreciate it..sadly all I can do is pass the morals down to new generations..for instance one is a new member here..willieG420...he's a respectable kid(no offense will) that is open minded and smart..met him a few weeks ago at a show..he has morals and values family has and young bucks like him will continue the scene into a respectable existance,if old timers teach/show them how...
And there will never be a new 'grateful dead'..there may be another movement by a band that will reach into history..but there will never be another dead...
Well I meet people like that at shows too =P... and tons of people with the same morals. That's not rare at all.

That's usually the type of people I associate at shows... since I'm not a loud and crazy young guy like most are.

Maybe it is rare. Idk, because I never got to tour with the dead. But every show I go to, I usually end up with old fuckers that have been with the dead since the 70's or something... but that might be because I go everywhere with a joint in my mouth???
Could be..but I'm talking about I toured and got to know these people from seeing them at everyshow..show to show...its a very close community..not saying you might not know anyone but from knowing the vendors to the hustlers to just the average tour rat,it becomes your neighborhood,if you will...after so long,I can go to a show and have to make a trip down shakedown just to say brief hellos with many friends..sadly I can't see them every day anymore,but I try to see em as often as possible...
My wife gets annoyed when we go to shows because we get stopped so often by people she don't know that I am close friends with..she doesn't get how I can go to a parking lot in ohio and know 150 different people,and all I do is go to work at home..lol
My wife gets annoyed when we go to shows because we get stopped so often by people she don't know that I am close friends with..she doesn't get how I can go to a parking lot in ohio and know 150 different people,and all I do is go to work at home..lol

When your eyes are masivley dilated and blood shot reeking of weed

Everybody knows you
I feel the need to add my voice to the chorus of "GET A TEST KIT!!!"
When I started dropping acid tehre was very little that could be put on a blotter that would make you trip that wasn't LSD (I guess some of teh close analogues but I wouldn't be too upset if I got some al-lad or some lsz as lsd, I'd want to murder someone for trying to sell me NBOMe as anything but an NBOMe!
Liberty chicken...when's the last show you went to? EVERYONE reeks of weed!..loll...I really was suprised least show how everyone is on the oil tip..almost everyone had an apen full of bho..I even found one,but lost it later..