Drifting back into psychotropics.

Yep..first time I took mescaline it was synthetic...second time it was extracted..I took the synthetic one at the 'family reunion' in wiisconsin..first time the dead had played together since jerry died...I was seeing faces stretched out in the road before me on my way back to oklahoma..weird times..
I got some mescaline from Texas several years ago. That makes sense now, because the chemist that made the mescaline was talking about altering the trips slightly. You can twist the make up around so you get more or less visuals. My brother mailed it to me and by the time the mescaline pills got to my house they were crushed. Only powder was left. It looked just like aspirin, super clean looking. Tasted like aspirin too.... my brother said they were synthetic mescaline, but I just assumed he meant extracted... up until this morning LOL... i kinda thought that dude was full of shit with the mescaline in a bottle story...but its very possible.
I feel like a new person today.... the day after a mescaline trip is rough, man. I was tired and on a short fuse all day. There is a little bit of after glow, but man your mind is raw as fuck after a mescaline trip. A good day to smoke a lot of hash , but all I have left is shake LOL
I got some mescaline from Texas several years ago. That makes sense now, because the chemist that made the mescaline was talking about altering the trips slightly. You can twist the make up around so you get more or less visuals. My brother mailed it to me and by the time the mescaline pills got to my house they were crushed. Only powder was left. It looked just like aspirin, super clean looking. Tasted like aspirin too.... my brother said they were synthetic mescaline, but I just assumed he meant extracted... up until this morning LOL... i kinda thought that dude was full of shit with the mescaline in a bottle story...but its very possible.
You can modify the structure to change the effect but what you have then isn't mescaline. And even it's closest analogs are nowhere near as magical.
I feel like a new person today.... the day after a mescaline trip is rough, man. I was tired and on a short fuse all day. There is a little bit of after glow, but man your mind is raw as fuck after a mescaline trip. A good day to smoke a lot of hash , but all I have left is shake LOL

I have met two members of a nation in a neighboring state that stopped there alcoholism with the peyote cactus and visiting a shaman in new mexico. Not only does it work they have a COMPLETELY different outlook on life. Now that my friends is one hell of an endorsement. Hey lets help cure alchoholics....shhhhhhhh rehabs make tooo much money dude shut up lol.
I dunno, I just eat the stuff mang! I leave the scientific breakdown to duck. If what he writes puzzles me I refer to my college books yes I still have some that I PAID an assload of money for! After seeing what ibogaine is indeed it has to part of it. Sure beats the thai monks version of puke till ya cant anymore lmao!
VT, I'm, for some odd reason, just a little bit not surprised to see ya' here!

I miss the family. I haven't seen 'em since I was 17, I'll be 40 in a couple months. I think that hallucinogens may be the key to putting my brain back together. I keep reading trip reports, trip stories, etc. about people that can't concentrate, etc. With both LSD and mushies, I always had a heightened sense of clarity, could be the personality disorder, could be something else. But, they allowed a clarity that I've not found since. That, and refocusing my life, are my big reasons for wanting to trip again.

I've had a draw, though, for a couple months now. Dragging me toward mushies. And then, my guy stops by and just gifts me a hit of "acid." As long as the chemical isn't lethal, and doesn't cause psychotic hallucinations (like diphenhydramine,) than I'm good with it. I seek the mental clarity, not the hallucinations.
Two tottally different substances but can both work to stop a variety of addictions..as well as a lot of hallucinogens can if used correctly..issue with ibogaine is it really has no pleasurable aspects to the trip from what I understand...
yeah I hang with rory and the duck a lot cause they ooze knowledge I find very important! That being said you have made me very aware of an experience I had and im wondering if that is something I myself am in need of doing for my own mental clarity(im as serious as a heart attack) I have been on a litany of psycotropic and other medications since I was discharged from the service, along the lines of respiradone and concerta. They are truly poison and ive been avoiding them 100% they have left a hole in me I cant explain any better than its a hole that I notice and cant seem to fill with what ive been trying. This hole embraces stress, decapitation like rage, and a longing to experience the peace of mind I felt after lucy fucked me silly a few times. Truly amazing but im a hermit don't frequent further shows(even though I should) and am scared to death of approaching someone and having them hand me a fucken nbome or something other than straight lucy, she's just an all around better date for me imho.
You really shouldn't fuck with SR any more, unless they've untangled it from the TOR trunk.

The feds lied. The structure of TOR isn't impermeable, and when the feds took servers, they took keys to the kingdom. TOR works on alt. DNS and encryption. Two things that are generally embedded into the underlying architecture. With those servers in their physical control, they have everything they need to unravel it.

After I move and settle, I'll grow some shrooms, and maybe go hiking up in the Taos area and see if I can't find a little cactus to call my own, nurture, care for, and clone the shit out of. This hit is either a gift or a curse. I can't -- CAN NOT afford a test kit. It's why I didn't just drop 40 on a half of shrooms. I'll attempt due diligence in every other fashion, though -- to assure that if I'm not dropping L. I'm also not dropping poison.
So the feds actually found the server racks and locations and confiscated em? I haven't heard this,but then again I haven't needed to go to s.r. for months..even then it was for some mda shopping that proved unfruitful...ill ask my buddy,he's the one that goes shoppin with me,and we use his computer..he should know this in case he's planning a purchase..