
Unfortunately diversity, one of the most critical ingredients to a great society, causes fear in too many.
It's not just an American problem, though in other places it is more a product of globalization and rapid technologically driven social change. In America the historic issues are being exacerbated by these global trends and a general leveling of global prosperity over the last few decades. Incomes in developing countries increases and our wealth gradually decreases, except for the 1% who own fucking near everything!

The only tide that rises all ships is technology, even if the benefits are extremely uneven and it tends to concentrate wealth. In any case we are on a technological ride into the future and there is no getting off short of the destruction of our global civilization.
It's not just an American problem, though in other places it is more a product of globalization and rapid technologically driven social change. In America the historic issues are being exacerbated by these global trends and a general leveling of global prosperity over the last few decades. Incomes in developing countries increases and our wealth gradually decreases, except for the 1% who own fucking near everything!

The only tide that rises all ships is technology, even if the benefits are extremely uneven and it tends to concentrate wealth. In any case we are on a technological ride into the future and there is no getting off short of the destruction of our global civilization.
I didn’t mean to imply it was only an American issue.
I didn’t mean to imply it was only an American issue.
We have these issues too make no mistake, but America is in a pathological state of near self destruction over it. I saw your post on mortgage discrimination in Canada and watched it on CBC, that's the point though, we saw it on national TV and there is no doubt a real fire being lite under somebody's arse over it. Liberalism is progressive and leads to more inclusion and equality over time, in Canada and many other countries, there are no major political obstacles to this, no party exclusively dedicated to thwarting them as in the US.

Bigotry happens everywhere and responsible governments suppress this socially and economically destructive antisocial propensity in humans through policy and education. However old ideas and beliefs die with those who carry them in many cases and these days technology is changing society faster than many can psychologically adapt.
Hmmmm, I think I see where you're going with this, but please correct me. There's a new segment of right leaning people that don't like Trump(but really they like Trump) and internally they want to see the events of January 6th continue, but want to do it externally for a non-Trump reason so they don't give the appearance of being Manson/Jones follower loonies. They're self-described as basically a modern functional version of anarchist.

A dog has 4 legs, a table has 4 legs. Therefore a dog could self describe as a table. My point being, a self description may or may not be accurate.

For instance, people who are political describing themselves as "anarchists", don't have a leg to stand on.
I'd like to discuss this separately, but let's start with, please let me know what events you have in mind where the American people had documented rights, then those rights were violated for the purpose of creating our governing framework. I ask it this way specifically because I suspect your angle has nothing to do with American Indians and has a very selective post-Indian grievance in mind.

The American people do not get their rights from a document though.

My angle ? I do not ascribe to the concept that American Indians have any more or any less rights than other people. They own what they own and don't own what they don't own. The world is full of expropriated property and how to unravel that is an important question isn't it ?
Everyone knows the best way to solve a problem is to ignore it.

Are you implying that an institution founded and maintained by force (government) is necessary to solve the "race problem" ?

I suggest that is a flawed approach to solving a problem if the outcome you seek, is one that reduces the use of unjustified force.

That would be like paying people with stolen money and then asking them to work on theft reduction. Of course you will ignore this point, which further contradicts the point that you thought you'd made about ignoring a problem.

No I never said it’d go away. You can just scroll up and reread if necessary. Racism has been around forever and won’t go anywhere. So why make it a topic over and over and over again? Anyone who is experiencing racism in this day and age in America. May experience an actual racial experience a few times in life by some old head or some fool. Again not a significant TOPIC of convo.
No I never said it’d go away. You can just scroll up and reread if necessary. Racism has been around forever and won’t go anywhere. So why make it a topic over and over and over again? Anyone who is experiencing racism in this day and age in America. May experience an actual racial experience a few times in life by some old head or some fool. Again not a significant TOPIC of convo.

I say that because you dismiss racism's generational compounding in our minority communities and the fact that those very real problems are negatively impacting a very large portion of our nation's citizens to this day.

Snow flaking because people want to actually set all of our citizens up for success is not helpful for the future of our society.

I say that because you dismiss racism's generational compounding in our minority communities and the fact that those very real problems are negatively impacting a very large portion of our nation's citizens to this day.
Your a fool.
Your a fool.
Because you say so?

Where are all those people at? Experiencing this ongoing racism?
You need a list of people suffering from the effects of lead poisoning that were known about well before white flight left these buildings in our cities full of it for the minorities that were moving into them?

Just for one very real example of how racism has impacted our citizens to this day.