Does government have the "authority" to force mandatory vaccinations on unwilling individuals ? Where does that authority come from ?

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Forced vaccinations are kinda like the holocaust, where Jews were forced into death camps.

Forced vaccinations are kinda like rape because they involve forcible entry into another persons body without that persons explicit consent.

Idiots that malign the use of offensive force in some instances while cheering it on in other instances do not have a very forceful argument, which is kinda like your argument.
Weak argument so resorts to nazi rape narrative, like coming home for the sick monkey no doubt.
Except the complete opposite

FORCED vaccinations is what I'm talking about. Are you so self deluded you can't face the facts of what you advocate for ?

Did Jews just say, "oi vey, I guess I musta got on the wrong train, I'm sure they'll let me off at the next stop and this will all get straightened out" .

No, they said, "what the fuck Nazi, why are you FORCING me to get on this train and why aren't you letting me make choices in my own life ?
Thank you for your reply. Yes, they certainly have the power to try mandatory vaccinations. Where does the authority to do this come from though?

If you or I don't have this authority to force people to do this, how could other people possibly have that authority ? Where does that authority come from? Is it real?
The preface of "Robert's Rules of Order" speaks to this:

The object of Rules of Order is to assist an assembly to accomplish in the best possible manner the work for which it was designed. To do this it is necessary to restrain the individual somewhat, as the right of an individual, in any community, to do what he pleases, is incompatible with the interests of the whole. Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty. Experience has shown the importance of definiteness in the law; and in this country, where customs are so slightly established and the published manuals of parliamentary practice so conflicting, no society should attempt to conduct business without having adopted some work upon the subject as the authority in all cases not covered by its own special rules.

It would simply monitor the filthy virus breeding product of incest that self describes as anti-vaxxer.

I realize you'll soon run away like a scared rabbit, but what the heck...

Are you an advocate of forced vaccinations for children too ?

I know you're an advocate for forced funding of schools where you (pauses to laugh) "hope to teach kids to respect others and not bully" (laughs uproariously at the absurdity of the irony) .

So, Mr. Afraid of the Neighbor's Dog, do you have the authority to vaccinate people who don't want to be vaccinated? Were you born with that authority? Do other people have that authority too?
The preface of "Robert's Rules of Order" speaks to this:

The object of Rules of Order is to assist an assembly to accomplish in the best possible manner the work for which it was designed. To do this it is necessary to restrain the individual somewhat, as the right of an individual, in any community, to do what he pleases, is incompatible with the interests of the whole. Where there is no law, but every man does what is right in his own eyes, there is the least of real liberty. Experience has shown the importance of definiteness in the law; and in this country, where customs are so slightly established and the published manuals of parliamentary practice so conflicting, no society should attempt to conduct business without having adopted some work upon the subject as the authority in all cases not covered by its own special rules.

So do you have the authority to physically force another person to be vaccinated even if they don't consent ?
FORCED vaccinations is what I'm talking about. Are you so self deluded you can't face the facts of what you advocate for ?

Did Jews just say, "oi vey, I guess I musta got on the wrong train, I'm sure they'll let me off at the next stop and this will all get straightened out" .

No, they said, "what the fuck Nazi, why are you FORCING me to get on this train and why aren't you letting me make choices in my own life ?
you upset, pedo?
No, and I never claimed to. I don't write the rules of our society, nor do I enforce them.

Thank you for your honest answer. If you weren't born with that right and I wasn't born with that right and our neighbors weren't born with that right, it's pretty safe to say no other people were born with that right.

So if it's a nonexistent right, how could you and your neighbors possibly delegate a nonexistent right to other people who claim to be your "leaders" with the right to force people to do something, if nobody had the right in the first place?
Thank you for your honest answer. If you weren't born with that right and I wasn't born with that right and our neighbors weren't born with that right, it's pretty safe to say no other people were born with that right.

So if it's a nonexistent right, how could you and your neighbors possibly delegate a nonexistent right to other people who claim to be your "leaders" with the right to force people to do something, if nobody had the right in the first place?
It's called Democracy. If you don't understand Democracy, you should Google it; or perhaps you could simply brush up on your 4th grade political science studies.

No one is "born with a right" to govern. They are elected by the people to hold that right, or appointed by someone who was elected by a democratic process.
It's called Democracy. If you don't understand Democracy, you should Google it; or perhaps you could simply brush up on your 4th grade political science studies.

No one is "born with a right" to govern. They are elected by the people to hold that right, or appointed by someone who was elected by a democratic process.
It's a religious thing for him. Like many right wingers, he takes advantage of the system then spits in the soup to show how edgy he is.
It's called Democracy. If you don't understand Democracy, you should Google it; or perhaps you could simply brush up on your 4th grade political science studies.

No one is "born with a right" to govern. They are elected by the people to hold that right, or appointed by someone who was elected by a democratic process.

Oh dear, you appear to be favoring rationalization and fairy tales you learned in government schools over logic.

If nobody is born with a right to govern, then it is impossible to delegate that nonexistent right. That is self evident.

You have the right to appoint a leader over yourself, because you own your self. It is also consistent with the one thing you said above which makes sense, "No one is "born with a right" to govern" . In your quote it is implied "to govern others", we all have the right to self govern.

Therefore you can only delegate YOUR right to be governed, if you chose it. You cannot delegate another persons right to be free from
being governed without doing the impossible.

A democracy composed of a group of people, none of whom have a given right can no more delegate that nonexistent right than an individual who doesn't possess that given right can. An aggregate of zeroes or a single zero is still zero.

I bet you can't refute what I just said....because it's impossible.

Do I have to get my friend Lysander Spooner to appear and straighten you out ?
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