Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
Anzu also goes by Zu. I thought you knew that? Hollywood is warping your brain!
It smells awfully Akkadian round here...

Does Gilgamesh have to choke a bitch?
Anzu also goes by Zu. I thought you knew that? Hollywood is warping your brain!
Rand Pauls team has another white supremacist
A top staffer is exposed as a pro-secessionist radical, but it's not the first neo-Confederate on staff
They weren't "socialists" in the way you think of socialists. Socialism is built on the ability to unionize and control one's work. Hitler made it his mission to destroy the labor movement, killed marxists, socialists, communists, and other leftists. You should read more.
He's prepping for the sad realisation in 2016 that Rand Paul > Hillary at everything.It is quite amusing how Rand Paul makes your bowels liquefy.
Fascists ARE nationalist socialists, adopting the middle road of the Marxist plan.
if you knew anything about Marxism, and how it encompasses Socialism, Communism, Bolshevism, and indeed Fascism, you would look like less of a fool.
It is quite amusing how Rand Paul makes your bowels liquefy.
Glad to see they let you off for touching all those kids Keynes, I've missed you're pseudo-intellectual nonsense. Marxism does not encompass fascism, but it does have authoritarian tendencies on the road to establishing a class less communist state, such as the dictatorship of the proletariat, which a Marxist would argue is preventing the institution of fascism by the capitalist class. Fascists are hostile to liberalism, socialism, communism, and other forms of left wing democratic movements, all of which are on their own independent of Marxism. Arguing for the political right while denouncing right wing deviations within Marxism is kind of an oxymoron. In case you were ever confused, the left and the right are divided by their reliance on authoritarian structures, with the left supporting democracy and the right traditionally supporting limited civic involvement. Marxism blurs these lines, relying on elements of both, which is why Marxist revolutions have been so easily usurped by authoritarian/counter revolutionary figures like Lenin, Castro, Mao, etc...
I know you like to think everyone's a Marxist these days Keynes, but unfortunately that's not how the world works.
He can't really attack his policies, he doesn't understand them. Next best thing is to yell racist!!
He can't really attack his policies, he doesn't understand them. Next best thing is to yell racist!!
Lenin and Mao are COUNTER revolutionary????
the obvious choices would be mussolini, hitler, pol pot, stalin and kim il sung, IF your assertion were correct, but it aint.
Comrade Lenin was DISTNCTLY a marxist true believer, while stalin was a power hungry dictator, and true believer in Whatever-Gives-Me-Power-ism.
Chairman Mao was likewise a True Believer in Agrarian Vanguard Marxism.
you cannot even get your story straight.
go back to Marxism School, your Re-Education failed miserably.
Comrade Trotsky FTW!!!
that is all.
I can tell those kids are definitely rubbing off on you again (no pun intended) after seeing you have so much fun with the Font and Bold options.
Lenin was the start of the bureaucracy of the Soviet Union, and was in many ways a counter revolutionary. He started off a true believer sure, but power corrupts, and history shows his deviations from Marx's ideas. As for Mao, you can put all the words in front of something you like, it doesn't mean you have a valid point. These left ideologies of socialism, communism, and Marxism were at one time populist ideals. Lenin, Mao, and Castro hijacked their respective revolutions, by no means did they invent them. Look I'm sorry I know what I'm talking about, being a conservative turned leftist, I just feel bad about your butthurt. (Again no pun intended).
It smells awfully Akkadian round here...
Does Gilgamesh have to choke a bitch?
no, if you assert that Mussolini, hitler, pol pot, and stalin were anything but leftist plutocrats using marxism to increase their personal power and wealth, you do NOT know what you are talking about.
lenin was, till his dying day a devout marxist working towards the communist utopia, while stalin hijacked the revolution, stalled it in the socialist dystopia and pretended the utopian dream was counter-revolutionary.
stalin attempted to assassinate lenin twice, airbrushed trotsky (another true believer) out of official documents and had him killed in exile in mexico city.
the marxist revolution in russia was hijacked by Left Wing Bolsheviks not "right wingers", and the real marxists were rubbed out by pogrom, gulag, exile and assassination.
hitler was a disciplke of mussolini's ideas, and Mussolini was a key thinker in the formation of communist thought. Mussolini's own writings describe Fascism as one more way to promulgate the Communist Revolution, that would work in places where the proletariate was not so easy to incite into violence against the capitalist state.
yeah yeah yeah TLDR, but the details of complex political theories and actual historical facts dont fit on bumper stickers or twatter posts, unlike your simplistic jingoism.
I thought it was Ninurta who got Zu in a choke hold and slit his throat for stealing The Tablets of Destiny? Sumerian mythology is way more interesting than the Torah's retelling.
if a picture is worth a thousand words, then a goddamned stone statuary monument should be worth an entire library, and that statue clearly shows Gilgamesh, and he be Chokin A Bitch!