Does government have the "authority" to force mandatory vaccinations on unwilling individuals ? Where does that authority come from ?

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I for one, am not taking or getting anything i don’t want. By Law or force. I only have 80 years or so on this planet and no one has the right to force something on someone. Screw the sacrifice the few to save the many. Lies to inject and control you. Come one and all to get your vaccinations and free new phone.
I for one, am not taking or getting anything i don’t want. By Law or force. I only have 80 years or so on this planet and no one has the right to force something on someone. Screw the sacrifice the few to save the many. Lies to inject and control you. Come one and all to get your vaccinations and free new phone.

You believe vaccines don't work?
I for one, am not taking or getting anything i don’t want. By Law or force. I only have 80 years or so on this planet and no one has the right to force something on someone. Screw the sacrifice the few to save the many. Lies to inject and control you. Come one and all to get your vaccinations and free new phone.
If you don’t get a vaccine then get something like that later in life who’s fault would it be your parents that raised u or your fault I wonder. I can also say this if your a parent to a child and you don’t vax them and they get a sickness and die who’s fault is it? The parents or the child because if the kids was smart he knows he needs them lol I guess that’s why parents lose medical consent after 17 lol
Because it was ran by racists. It is a good thing that the civil rights movement happened and that the racist agenda got pushed back. It still sucks that they are residing in the Republican party, but at least they got kicked out of the Democratic party and our nation has benefitted greatly due to it.

Your 'forcible injection' theory is a joke, and like I mentioned prior would be as stupid of an argument as saying that children who grow up to be vegans as adults saying they were 'forcibly injected' with milk.

Well there certainly were racists running some governments. Do you ever find it ironic that two huuuge racists are sometimes seen as "Great Presidents" ?

FDR, was a racist thief. Easily documentable.

LBJ was a racist thief. Easily documentable.

If my "forcible injection theory is a joke, are you saying you're fine with removal of consent as a necessary ingredient when it comes to putting things into other persons bodies? (You won't answer this most likely)
If you don’t get a vaccine then get something like that later in life who’s fault would it be your parents that raised u or your fault I wonder. I can also say this if your a parent to a child and you don’t vax them and they get a sickness and die who’s fault is it? The parents or the child because if the kids was smart he knows he needs them lol I guess that’s why parents lose medical consent after 17 lol

So burn parents of fat kids at the stake then? Got it.
So burn parents of fat kids at the stake then? Got it.
let the parents do what they want and hope the kid is not as braindead as them my view idc if they die they die. now don’t cry about your family dieing all I can say u don’t wanna vax that’s on U. The vax still helps the people that get it. So the people that won’t get it won’t get the help from the vax simple as that. So your allowing your kid to goto school and have a chance of contracting mmr go for it I don’t care lol. If your kid dies it’s on u as a parent how I see it. And u got me wrong idc what the parents do the kids are free fucking minds and if they really care for their health they will go vax them self when they turn 18 lots of family’s don’t agree with it and the kids don’t wanna suffer for it so once they turn 18 they goto their doctor and ask for the vaccines lol. Their going to let u in college with no vaccines your kidding your self lol good luck
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i say you can’t kick black people out of stores or rape 12 year old boys and he tries to argue these facts

"I'm from the government and I'm here to help".

"First EVERYBODY is kicked out of stores, the owners can just fuck off. "

"Hey you, 12 year old boy chained in Uncle Buskegees basement, come on up here and get your "free" injection!!! What? You can't consent, well wheee doggy, we're gonna stick something in your body little feller and put mom and dad in a "re-education camp" if they object. "
let the parents do what they want and hope the kid is not as braindead as them my view idc if they die they die. now don’t cry about your family dieing all I can say u don’t wanna vax that’s on U. The vax still helps the people that get it. So the people that won’t get it won’t get the help from the vax simple as that. So your allowing your kid to goto school and have a chance of contracting mmr go for it I don’t care lol. If your kid dies it’s on u as a parent how I see it. And u got me wrong idc what the parents do the kids are free fucking minds and if they really care for their health they will go vax them self when they turn 18 lots of family’s don’t agree with it and the kids don’t wanna suffer for it so once they turn 18 they goto their doctor and ask for the vaccines lol. Their going to let u in college with no vaccines your kidding your self lol good luck

So are you saying there has never been a vaccine that went wrong and that there are never nefarius motives behind some vaccines?
So are you saying there has never been a vaccine that went wrong and that there are never nefarius motives behind some vaccines?
No I’m saying it’s worth the risk than getting something like that and I’m not saying their haven’t been problems with vaccines their is always problems with it but at the moment I’ll take those chances if it can help. what nefarious motives, what the drug company making money lol these vaccines are not meant to hurt anyone but their are complications that can arise and u need to be prepared for them. I’m not saying u can give a experimental vax to someone that’s the exact opposite I want something that has some merit to help people but how your saying vaccines are nefarious your just idiotic their suppose to prep your body for a deadly disease like cholera lol what’s so nefarious about it the only think nefarious I can see is you touching children don’t try to deflect to bullshit I don’t care.
Only thing nefarious I can think about is the Tuskegee experiment lol that was horrible and it doesn’t even come close what your trying to deflect to rob just stop u simp
No I’m saying it’s worth the risk than getting something like that and I’m not saying their haven’t been problems with vaccines their is always problems with it but at the moment I’ll take those chances if it can help. what nefarious motives, what the drug company making money lol these vaccines are not meant to hurt anyone but their are complications that can arise and u need to be prepared for them. I’m not saying u can give a experimental vax to someone that’s the exact opposite I want something that has some merit to help people but how your saying vaccines are nefarious your just idiotic their suppose to prep your body for a deadly disease like cholera lol what’s so nefarious about it the only think nefarious I can see is you touching children don’t try to deflect to bullshit I don’t care.

I think you might need a vaccine to prevent "straw manning" and run on paragraphs. "If we can save just one punctuation mark from neglect..."

I haven't said every vaccine is bad or good. I think forcing them on unwilling people is bad.

The reason for my position is, I don't have the right to force other people to take a vaccine. I wasn't born with that right, therefore I can't delegate that nonexistent right to other people, could I ?

You weren't born with the right to force things into children's bodies either, so stop drooling over the thought of it and trying to rationalize why it's a such a great idea.

If you think it's nefarious to "touch children" is it because you believe the ability to consent or not consent is an important ingredient in human interactions ? I think consent is a necessary ingredient, which is why I am a Voluntaryist.
Yes. Vaccination against communicable diseases should be mandatory. Or rather a person who doesn't vaccinate should be excluded from society. Who gave you the right to infect others? If you don't act responsibly towards others they have no responsibility towards you

Please feel free to choose a different society to live in.

Lincoln - Forcibly conscripted soldiers (enslavement) in order to fight an illegal war to allegedly end slavery so he could save the Union. Meaning he wouldn't let people leave an association they preferred to end (kidnapping, more slavery) in order to protect a forcible Union "for freedom".

I could go on.

FDR - Illegally incarcerated 100,000 American citizens without due process based on his racism, allowed Pearl Harbor to happen, stole gold and cheated on his ugly wife with abandon while regularly wiping his ass with the U.S. Constitution as he prolonged the great depression.

Trump - Has a more bangable daughter than Bill Clinton and probably fucked fewer kids than Bill Clinton on their buddy Epstein's rape island.

Any questions?
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Yes. Vaccination against communicable diseases should be mandatory. Or rather a person who doesn't vaccinate should be excluded from society. Who gave you the right to infect others? If you don't act responsibly towards others they have no responsibility towards you

Please feel free to choose a different society to live in.

Are you opposed to people owning guns too?

So you trust the same entity that injected black men in Alabama with syphilis to oversee this "mandatory vaccination" you lust for ? Are you a racist too?
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