Does government have the "authority" to force mandatory vaccinations on unwilling individuals ? Where does that authority come from ?

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So would it be "polite and reasonable" for a black person to reject your request to be vaccinated?

Would you force that person to be vaccinated despite their obvious signalling they didn't want to be vaccinated ? Where would you get the authority to do that ?
why don’t you want to talk about your polite and reasonable “no negroes allowed” signs anymore you dumb racist
I'm a little puzzled that you would describe yourself as "black" though, leaves me wondering what you mean.

Is that African "black" ? East African ? West African? Southern African? Or the "black" that exists in population in other parts of the world that aren't Africa?

She's African Am like one of the Census choices.
why don’t you want to talk about your polite and reasonable “no negroes allowed” signs anymore you dumb racist

Keep your pants on Poopy Pants, we'll go there again, first let me hear where you'd get the authority to inject an unwilling black person
with a serum ?

Can you answer that one for me, Uncle Tuskegee ?
Keep your pants on Poopy Pants, we'll go there again, first let me hear where you'd get the authority to inject an unwilling black person
with a serum ?

Can you answer that one for me, Uncle Tuskegee ?
If I were a shit stupid racist, I wouldn’t want to talk about calling “no negroes allowed” signs polite and reasonable either
She's African Am like one of the Census choices.

So, I wonder if she would be okay with forcing other people to be injected ?

Is there like a super secret authority SOME people are endowed with to be able to do that, which the rest of us just don't have ?
If I were a shit stupid racist, I wouldn’t want to talk about calling “no negroes allowed” signs polite and reasonable either

But you'd be okay with forcibly injecting black people and incarcerating or killing those who rejected your "help" ?
This is a thread about your love of racial segregation and your pedophilia

Speaking of your desire to inject people against their will.

Are you also okay with injecting black children who haven't developed the wherewithal to consent with a serum which their parents reject for them?
Speaking of your desire to inject people against their will.

Are you also okay with injecting black children who haven't developed the wherewithal to consent with a serum which their parents reject for them?
Kids can consent according to you
When we assume the roll of the strawman that is YOUR NAME, we immediately take part of the maritime law based system we call our judicial system.
So, I wonder if she would be okay with forcing other people to be injected ?

Is there like a super secret authority SOME people are endowed with to be able to do that, which the rest of us just don't have ?
Pretending that a MMR vaccine that helps that child to not get and spread a highly contagious and very dangerous disease is in any way shape or form the same as injecting someone with syphilis unknowingly lying about it and then not treating it for years as those people suffer is just a bullshit stance.
When we assume the roll of the strawman that is YOUR NAME, we immediately take part of the maritime law based system we call our judicial system.

Interesting point, except I have a piece of paper here that says "verily I am a hierarchical dominant Silverback possessing enormous strength and a mighty penis, thus nature and this magical paper has imbued me with the natural right to buttfuck any Maritime law believers into submission and steal their women and forcibly inject their children "

Okay, kidding aside, it's the birth certificate that is used as the evidence of our erm "contract" with government ?
Humans also instinctively procreated by kidnapping and raping women from neighboring clans.

Are you saying since something may have been done on a historical basis, that it provides an excuse into perpetuity for continuing a certain behavior?

So, are you saying you or I have or do not have the authority to force another person to be injected with a vaccination ?
I didn't say humans were angels, a big part of our evolution was intercene war, humans can be pricks too.

Back then in the paleolithic, the chief would have ostercised you after a warning for antisocial behavior, that would have been a death sentence, drink the fucking magic potion ROB! Of course I can vaccine you, I might have to taze you first, or more likely just shoot you like a wild fucking animal with a vaccination dart sticking out the ass of yer monkey suit. I kinda like the idea of waiting fur ya to tend the garden and lining up the ole dart gun fur when ya bend over.
Pretending that a MMR vaccine that helps that child to not get and spread a highly contagious and very dangerous disease is in any way shape or form the same as injecting someone with syphilis unknowingly lying about it and then not treating it for years as those people suffer is just a bullshit stance.

I'm afraid in your haste to correct me, you haven't addressed the question though.

Is it your position that other people should decide what does or does not go into your body, you know like Prohibitionists like to do ?
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I'm afraid in your haste to correct me, you haven't addressed the question though.

Is it your position that other people should decide what does or does not go into your body, you know like Prohibitionist like to do ?
Yeah, having things like the MMR vaccine mandatory is just being responsible. If people want to put their kids at risk, they can always just break the law and not have they kid in a American hospital and keep them out of school however. It is still a free country. Putting their kids at risk might end up with them in trouble eventually however, but they are being a danger to society.
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