Does government have the "authority" to force mandatory vaccinations on unwilling individuals ? Where does that authority come from ?

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Thank you for your honesty. So, without the gun, you are saying no person really has the authority then ?
Rights, laws and authority are constructs of political philosophy. Authority goes back to the chief of the paleolithic tribe and before that the dominant male monkey (as you know). Humans organized hierarchically by nature Rob, it's as instinctive as socialization in people, we need and each other and crave others company. Just as you unconsciously acquessed to the authority of your parents, or got an ass whipping, likewise big brother has his stick too and people their unconscious processes of habituation, easily driven by instinct and "feelings" in this case.
Rights, laws and authority are constructs of political philosophy. Authority goes back to the chief of the paleolithic tribe and before that the dominant male monkey (as you know). Humans organized hierarchically by nature Rob, it's as instinctive as socialization in people, we need and each other and crave others company. Just as you unconsciously acquessed to the authority of your parents, or got an ass whipping, likewise big brother has his stick too and people their unconscious processes of habituation, easily driven by instinct and "feelings" in this case.

Are you ever concerned that the same institution, "government" which injected black men with syphilis will be in charge of a mandatory vaccine program ? Are you aware of the "Tuskegee experiment" ?

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A lot of bad things have happened in the past with our government Rob.

That means we should take care of our future and how we get there.

Just so you know I’m a Jewish black lesbian so I’m open to everything, almost.
I think it is quaint that you think a human construct such as 'authority' even exists in anyway that means anything more than someone saying that they have it for you to be able to question their right to it.

Yeah, fucking white people, am I right?

So, if I don't have the "authority" or "right" etc. to do something as an individual, we agree I couldn't possibly delegate that ?

Meaning how can a thing, which neither you or I possess, somehow be passed on to other people ? Isn't that impossible?

Love of power over others doesn't seem to be restricted to a particular race. Good and bad people come in all colors.
I just knew you were going to bring this was pitched as an experiment, Rob, not vaccinating the nation.

So, you'd be okay with some people forcing things into your body, if they and not you, declared it was "for your own good" ?
So, if I don't have the "authority" or "right" etc. to do something as an individual, we agree I couldn't possibly delegate that ?

Meaning how can a thing, which neither you or I possess, somehow be passed on to other people ? Isn't that impossible?

Love of power over others doesn't seem to be restricted to a particular race. Good and bad people come in all colors.
Gave a like for the last paragraph.
A lot of bad things have happened in the past with our government Rob.

That means we should take care of our future and how we get there.

Just so you know I’m a Jewish black lesbian so I’m open to everything, almost.

I'm a large hairy reddish brown hominid with a penchant for examining things to discover what they really are as opposed to what I am expected to believe they are. Bad things are happening right now and if people don't respect individuals rights bad things will turn to worse things.

A Jewish black lesbian? Hmmm, any Neanderthal in there anywhere ?
I'm a large hairy reddish brown hominid with a penchant for examining things to discover what they really are as opposed to what I am expected to believe they are. Bad things are happening right now and if people don't respect individuals rights bad things will turn to worse things.

A Jewish black lesbian? Hmmm, any Neanderthal in there anywhere ?
So, if I don't have the "authority" or "right" etc. to do something as an individual, we agree I couldn't possibly delegate that ?

Meaning how can a thing, which neither you or I possess, somehow be passed on to other people ? Isn't that impossible?

Love of power over others doesn't seem to be restricted to a particular race. Good and bad people come in all colors.
Tell her about your “no negroes allowed” signs and how you think that’s a polite and reasonable thing to do

I'm a little puzzled that you would describe yourself as "black" though, leaves me wondering what you mean.

Is that African "black" ? East African ? West African? Southern African? Or the "black" that exists in population in other parts of the world that aren't Africa?
Tell her about your “no negroes allowed” signs and how you think that’s a polite and reasonable thing to do

I thought I'd clarified to you a couple of trillion times I don't think people who base their human relations on forcing other people to serve them is a good thing.

Are you saying you believe it's perfectly acceptable for one person to force a neutral person to serve them? Where would that authority come from? I don't have that authority, do you ?

Also, about how many black people would you forcibly inject with a vaccine if they didn't want to be injected ?
Glad to hear you support Taxation With Representation, Rob! Since nobody is forcing you to remain in the US

(affects a slave voice) "iffen you dasn't like it on dis heah plantation, dey could always sell you down the river to dem REALLY bad plantations!!"

Your inability to distinguish bad from worse doesn't provide an excuse for bad to exist.
I thought I'd clarified to you a couple of trillion times I don't think people who base their human relations on forcing other people to serve them is a good thing.

Are you saying you believe it's perfectly acceptable for one person to force a neutral person to serve them? Where would that authority come from? I don't have that authority, do you ?

Also, about how many black people would you forcibly inject with a vaccine if they didn't want to be injected ?
no one is forced to serve anone

now remind us how polite and reasonable those “no negroes allowed” signs are you dumb racist piece of shit
Rights, laws and authority are constructs of political philosophy. Authority goes back to the chief of the paleolithic tribe and before that the dominant male monkey (as you know). Humans organized hierarchically by nature Rob, it's as instinctive as socialization in people, we need and each other and crave others company. Just as you unconsciously acquessed to the authority of your parents, or got an ass whipping, likewise big brother has his stick too and people their unconscious processes of habituation, easily driven by instinct and "feelings" in this case.

Humans also instinctively procreated by kidnapping and raping women from neighboring clans.

Are you saying since something may have been done on a historical basis, that it provides an excuse into perpetuity for continuing a certain behavior?

So, are you saying you or I have or do not have the authority to force another person to be injected with a vaccination ?
no one is forced to serve anone

now remind us how polite and reasonable those “no negroes allowed” signs are you dumb racist piece of shit

So would it be "polite and reasonable" for a black person to reject your request to be vaccinated?

Would you force that person to be vaccinated despite their obvious signalling they didn't want to be vaccinated ? Where would you get the authority to do that ?
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