Does government have the "authority" to force mandatory vaccinations on unwilling individuals ? Where does that authority come from ?

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What does his post that you responded to have to do with Qanon anyway? He was talking about the Nuremberg Code and coercion. Those are Qanon things now? I thought Qanon was just about Trump and Pizzagate.
Look at his other posts in this forum. He’s another cookie-cutter consumer and propagator of Repug nonsense.
The entire constellation of Q lies has found warm fertile soil in one of our two major political parties. This is an emerging and serious threat to our national security.
Employers can require as employment criteria and it's not against the do we know this? Because you don't have to work for that Employer.
Except that by law they have to offer religious exemptions.

There's a bit of an asterisk in there. You can't offer religious exemptions for government workers violating people's constitutional rights.

Since nobody's beliefs are better than others in the land of individual rights, I'm not a fan of religious exemptions unless all beliefs are exempt.
There's a bit of an asterisk in there. You can't offer religious exemptions for government workers violating people's constitutional rights.

Since nobody's beliefs are better than others in the land of individual rights, I'm not a fan of religious exemptions unless all beliefs are exempt.
And there are too many beliefs with obstructive restrictions, like Christian Scientists and transfusions.
And there are too many beliefs with obstructive restrictions, like Christian Scientists and transfusions.

I don't mind if people harm themselves over what I think is a stupid belief and cases where children are neglected due to religion are often getting picked up by state child neglect/abuse laws. I just don't like the idea of a hierarchy in the value of one's beliefs, especially when it comes to rights.
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