Does government have the "authority" to force mandatory vaccinations on unwilling individuals ? Where does that authority come from ?

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Speaking of science did you know there's some compelling articles pointing out that the virus hasn't really been isolated and thus not scientifically proven as actually being a real virus ?

Wouldn't that be something if all this virus hysteria was just a giant building seven collapsing on itself ? As an aside has the flu fallen off the face of the earth ?

what's really funny is we are so used to extreme and conspiracy that when it's the innocuous truth people don't believe it. most often the truth is pretty vanilla and not exciting. sooooooooooo let me excite you:

the virus was to get Trump out of office.
Excerpt from an article published at Lew Rockwell website today by

Sort of makes you wonder...

Even the Robert Koch Institute and other health authorities cannot present decisive proof that a new virus named SARS-CoV-2 is haunting us. This alone turns the talk of dangerous viral mutations into irresponsible fearmongering and the so-called SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests definitely into a worthless venture.

In a request for a study which shows complete isolation and purification of the particles claimed to be SARS-CoV-2, Michael Laue from one of the world’s most important representatives of the COVID-19 “panicdemic,” the German Robert Koch Institute (RKI), answered that[1]:

everyone has a mouth..words come out food goes in.
You may have me confused with somebody else. Shoot your research analyst.
You didn’t like me shooting down your bullshit website? Your feelings seem hurt that your bullshit was exposed. What kind of moron gets his info there? And then is dumb enough to post as fact. Fuck I gave you too much credit. You’re a moron
You didn’t like me shooting down your bullshit website? Your feelings seem hurt that your bullshit was exposed. What kind of moron gets his info there? And then is dumb enough to post as fact. Fuck I gave you too much credit. You’re a moron

Oh really!!!????

You didn’t like me shooting down your bullshit website? Your feelings seem hurt that your bullshit was exposed. What kind of moron gets his info there? And then is dumb enough to post as fact. Fuck I gave you too much credit. You’re a moron
Did you spend your 1 minute and 21 seconds on your Russian website yet today? I bet you can really download some propaganda on a site like that. Zero people on. Download speeds must be amazing :lol:
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Fine. So no getting rid of it no matter what we do then? Fine.

So here are our choices.

1. Live our lives normally, work, go out with friends and family from time to time. Wash your hands. Cover your mouth when you cough/sneeze.
Old people die. Sometimes, young people die too. Sometimes people, regardless of age, die due to poor choices they've made. Sometimes, people die because of poor choices others around them have made. Fine. It's all part of something called life. Life's been around for a long time.

2. Live in constant fear. Stand in line to get all the latest vaccinations as mandated by government health agencies. Fine. Still die because

"Flu is not going away.
Corona is not going away.
Virusus aren't going away... "

You will still get sick from the new "strain", and in the end, you will still die, one way or another.

Look on the bright side, you and future generations will be taxed to DEATH in order to finance the endless waves of high-cost vaccines. Just imagine the trillions that big-PHARMA will make in the long run, off the back of the misery and stupidity of the masses. Fine.

I'm going to suggest to you that we CANNOT continue on this current trajectory of shutting down society, it's simply NOT SUSTAINABLE. We are just now beginning to see the long term harm that all these lockdowns are causing - it's only the tip of the iceberg.

There are many who wholeheartedly believe that we can go on like this indefinitely. More money is coming. Don't worry, more money is coming no matter what happens. Food too. Don't worry. Stay home. We're all in this together. Cause oh, I know that they’ll be better days. :peace:

what is this elephant in the room ?

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