Does government have the "authority" to force mandatory vaccinations on unwilling individuals ? Where does that authority come from ?

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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
In all the drama playing out in the world today there are many sub plots. One of the repercussions of this useful "weapon of mass distraction" disease may be increased population control by authoritarians. There are already many instances of that playing out now.

How long before mandatory vaccinations are enacted? Should they be enacted?
In all the drama playing out in the world today there are many sub plots. One of the repercussions of this useful "weapon of mass distraction" disease may be increased population control by authoritarians. There are already many instances of that playing out now.

How long before mandatory vaccinations are enacted? Should they be enacted?
Because that is how science works right, you decide to give mandatory vaccines first, and then do all the science afterwards to figure out if there is one that can be made second.
In all the drama playing out in the world today there are many sub plots. One of the repercussions of this useful "weapon of mass distraction" disease may be increased population control by authoritarians. There are already many instances of that playing out now.

How long before mandatory vaccinations are enacted? Should they be enacted?
They can draft you and execute you too, not to mention jail yer ass, a concept I'm sure yer familiar with. So sure they can vaccinate you, it's mandatory in lots of places to vaccinate your kids, in other places you can't get them into public schools unless you do.
Government 10
Rob 0
They can draft you and execute you too, not to mention jail yer ass, a concept I'm sure yer familiar with. So sure they can vaccinate you, it's mandatory in lots of places to vaccinate your kids, in other places you can't get them into public schools unless you do.
Government 10
Rob 0

Thank you for your reply. Yes, they certainly have the power to try mandatory vaccinations. Where does the authority to do this come from though?

If you or I don't have this authority to force people to do this, how could other people possibly have that authority ? Where does that authority come from? Is it real?
Because that is how science works right, you decide to give mandatory vaccines first, and then do all the science afterwards to figure out if there is one that can be made second.

Hmm. I'm not sure my question was about science, it was more "where does the authority to force people come from" ?

Science indicates that obesity is bad for people. Are you saying you'd be okay with some kind of forced obesity reduction actions on the part of government ? Don't healthy people have better immune systems ?
Hmm. I'm not sure my question was about science, it was more "where does the authority to force people come from" ?

Science indicates that obesity is bad for people. Are you saying you'd be okay with some kind of forced obesity reduction actions on the part of government ? Don't healthy people have better immune systems ?
Science on obesity is fairly incomplete still as well. It is more of reenforced ideas about obesity being pushed and using science to try to validate it without having the data collected to back it up. I am not sure about the immune systems, but 'heathly' people are far more likely to need to be rescued from a mountain, be in biking accidents, bitten by a poisonous snake, shit I am betting even STDs are more prevalent. In a lot of ways being fat just seems like a nice social protection. Kind of like societal body armor.

But we do have government programs aimed at reducing obesity. If the government really wanted to curb it, they could do more by just unsubidizing sugar and meat. Put huge taxation on fast-food, high caloric foods, and remove candy from every single non-food based business.

I think the authority is a 'you don't have the right to harm other people because you want to be ignorant' kind of thing. Being fat is not a danger to anyone but yourself. Spreading measles because Jesus told you your ancestors road dinosaurs and science is bad is a danger, so I don't vaccinate my kids, to anyone they come in contact with.
Science on obesity is fairly incomplete still as well. It is more of reenforced ideas about obesity being pushed and using science to try to validate it without having the data collected to back it up. I am not sure about the immune systems, but 'heathly' people are far more likely to need to be rescued from a mountain, be in biking accidents, bitten by a poisonous snake, shit I am betting even STDs are more prevalent. In a lot of ways being fat just seems like a nice social protection. Kind of like societal body armor.

But we do have government programs aimed at reducing obesity. If the government really wanted to curb it, they could do more by just unsubidizing sugar and meat. Put huge taxation on fast-food, high caloric foods, and remove candy from every single non-food based business.

I think the authority is a 'you don't have the right to harm other people because you want to be ignorant' kind of thing. Being fat is not a danger to anyone but yourself. Spreading measles because Jesus told you your ancestors road dinosaurs and science is bad is a danger, so I don't vaccinate my kids, to anyone they come in contact with.

So you'd be okay with forcibly injecting people then as long as "an authority" mandated it ?
Where does the authority to do this come from though?
The point of a gun, as does all authority in the end, if required, often morals, ethics and common sense are enough more most people. There are miscreats, that's a fact of life, we have tried and true methods for dealing with them, as you know.
Science indicates that obesity is bad for people. Are you saying you'd be okay with some kind of forced obesity reduction actions on the part of government ? Don't healthy people have better immune systems ?

Drunks and people who smoke, as are people who live like pigs are at mortal risk, not just the elderly and vulnerable who have no choices to make. The government is not everybody's mommy, even in a welfare state, there's a thing called personal responsibility.

If you want to improve your immune system Rob and a 70 something year old guy should, I recommend hot baths, hot as you can stand and then a cold shower to make ya dance and scream, to build up your innate immune system. Suffer or die is my recommendation to you Rob, I heartily recommend it too. Post a video of yourself in the monkey suit undergoing the hot cold "therapy"! Check out the last couple of medcram videos I posted for more info. This is a natural vaccination alternative Rob, one anybody can deploy. Those old Finnish guys were onto something when they ran from the sauna to a hole in the ice butt naked. Don't take my word for it, google thermal hydro, or hot cold therapy, or even Wim Hof if yer into macho manliness stuff.

Are you ok with those people who choose not to have their kids vaccinated with the MMR vaccine 'forcibly injecting' people they come in contact with a deadly disease because their parents are brainwashed?

I am not okay with forcibly injecting anybody. I don't have the authority to do that and don't want that authority.

Since I don't have that authority I couldn't possibly delegate it to anyone else. Do YOU, as an individual possess that authority and where did it come from ?
If they don’t want to be vaccinated they’ll end up in modern leper colony I’m sure. If they don’t kill the rest of us.
I worked at Sanofi, I’m all for vaccines. And NO you can’t get the flu from the vaccine.
I am not okay with forcibly injecting anybody. I don't have the authority to do that and don't want that authority.

Since I don't have that authority I couldn't possibly delegate it to anyone else. Do YOU, as an individual possess that authority and where did it come from ?
I think it is quaint that you think a human construct such as 'authority' even exists in anyway that means anything more than someone saying that they have it for you to be able to question their right to it.

Are you ever concerned that the same institution, "government" which injected black men with syphilis will be in charge of a mandatory vaccine program ? Are you aware of the "Tuskegee experiment" ?

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Yeah, fucking white people, am I right?
In all the drama playing out in the world today there are many sub plots. One of the repercussions of this useful "weapon of mass distraction" disease may be increased population control by authoritarians. There are already many instances of that playing out now.

How long before mandatory vaccinations are enacted? Should they be enacted?

vaccines work and the anti vacc crowd has done more to hurt than help; we have disease that has been eradicated now back because of them- measels comes to mind..

that reminds me..i'm due for my Hep B #3, as the HOSPITALS REQUIRE IT FOR ME TO WORK THERE.
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