Do Not Talk to the Police

In wyoming, guy admitted to cops the bag of seeds and stems in his minor niece's bedroom was his and he had tried to sell it. Possession with intent to deliver for a bag of seeds and stems! Went to the Wyoming supreme court but he was still convicted.

'Don't talk to the cops' is the best advice i've heard in a long time.
Same basic notion applies even without the 5th in other countries obviously..
This guy should take this act on the road.. He's hilarious! I'd pay cover and a 2 drink minimum to watch him.. Its the perfect laugh/learn combo..
And the strategy must work well.. I mean I'm pretty sure the guy is a world class coke-fiend, yet he's walking free and preaching strong..:)
+ rep for this , this is an awesome video good details points. ive been in a few sticky situations and wish i had this video back then , though i got away with it , it would have been easier to not say anything! lol
the police already know the answer their looking for....If they know you will talk, they will eventually make you say what they want.

Good video, good post
you exactly right my boy they will make you tell on yourself.I use the same tactics they use to get info i want.example, like who told on who or sum shit like that!:blsmoke:
focus on stealth and police probly wont fuck with you. if they do this is very solid advice.
bottom line know your rights!!
if they dont have a warrent, tell them to go get one and destroy your crop in the like however long they r gone, how long does it take them to get a warrent
if they dont have a warrent, tell them to go get one and destroy your crop in the like however long they r gone, how long does it take them to get a warrent
theyll usually have a cop at your waiting on the officer getting the warrant(Watching you).Step outside and lock the door behind you is your best bet.