Do black people deserve reperations ?

If Trump wins again, so what? My day job doesn’t pay me more or less that he’s in office. If anything, I pay a lot more for my food at the grocery store these days...With all the tariffs, you’d think they get the food from China. If a completely openly racist, anti-minority, political party wasn’t taboo and shameful, how many of you “right wingers” would still call themselves Republicans?
If we get food from Chinas, We’ll all have the woohoo :(
I didnt watch the vid so i dont follow this but one thing i do agree on is your statement about each oerson being their own entity. When a person claims to hate white people for what they did in history is not fair to put white people in a group and blame them all. This is outright racism. One cant say " well im white, so its ok to hate on whites, doesnt make me a racist" thats bs .

Good and bad people come in all colors.
Clearly enough to melt a few snowflakes.
Who are the snowflakes? The white people that got convinced by racists that they have something to lose if black people in our country receive some kind of program to help them to achieve the same level of success as white people have had?

It is confusing when people crying about our government working to repair its past misdeeds say the people who were systemically repressed say what you said.
Thats the whole political party, Right and Left. Don’t try to play like its only trump. Lmfao all those fucks deserve the guillotine.
If you look you would see that the Democrats are pretty quick to purge their politicians when they get caught screwing around. The Democrats of today are not the same as the Republicans.
If you look you would see that the Democrats are pretty quick to purge their politicians when they get caught screwing around. The Democrats of today are not the same as the Republicans.
You have that chance right now!! Obama did it. Why does everyone ignore that fact? The news is so filled with dem bs they are hanging themselves.
I would've thought outside perspective could have value, but yes I recognise I do not live it day in and day out. My point was simply that modern people, with their values and huge strides towards equality, should not have to pay for the heinous deeds of others. The part about Trump was just to piss people off really, I can't vote for the pubic-haired knob.

In my country for example, we actively have a form of reparations.. This has not done anything to heal the wound from the old wars...

This is all I'm gonna say, not trying to have an argument with anyone.
You have that chance right now!! Obama did it. Why does everyone ignore that fact? The news is so filled with dem bs they are hanging themselves.
I know the Republican trolls are quick to say '(Insert Democrat Name Here) did it', but what are you talking about?

Trump broke our laws and got impeached for it, has nothing to do with Democrats other than they are the only ones holding anyone accountable.

The Republicans have not legislated for anyone other that the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only demographic since the 70's. Their whole goal is to keep power as long as possible.
I would've thought outside perspective could have value. My point was simply that modern people, with their values and huge strides towards equality, should not have to pay for the heinous deeds of others. The part about Trump was just to piss people off really, I can't vote for the pubic-haired knob.

In my country for example, we actively have a form of reparations.. This has not done anything to heal the wound from the old wars.
It is not about any person paying for the heinous deeds of others. It is about our government systematically destroying entire communities ability to build wealth until very recently. Too recently to overcome the hundreds of years of the government sanctioned racism.

It is just good economics to help our struggling communities too.
It is not about any person paying for the heinous deeds of others. It is about our government systematically destroying entire communities ability to build wealth until very recently. Too recently to overcome the hundreds of years of the government sanctioned racism.

It is just good economics to help our struggling communities too.

Looks like things are regressing...
