Do black people deserve reperations ?

Maybe if I said it in a russian accent you would get it. I'm saying this is no place for a mature discussion on politics. The poster is free to do what they want but if that's what he is looking for, a mature debate, its not going to happen here. Fact...

No more crying buddy. I will stick to topics about marijuana and leave you circle jerkers to the politics.

After all this is a Marijuana discussion website. I'll stick to that.

Tell me again about how the russians are attacking our voting systems. Now that shit is funny. You only say it 500 times a day. Worse than a parrot that knows only one word.
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Bunch of crybabies and losers in this thread. Get off your asses and enjoy our booming economy and laxed mj laws, you're entitled to Jack shit.
gdp growth is under 2%, wages are stagnant, the deficit is over a trillion, 40% of americans can’t afford a $400 emergency, manufacturing is in a recession and unemployment is only low because so many have given up on looking for work, hence labor force participation being down

Bite my asshole you racist trump lover