Do black people deserve reperations ?

But why should we all pay for it? Isnt that not seem fair to use? What wealth and centuries of work btw? Can u give examples plz
Why should we all pay for a war machine?
I feel that reparations is better than recockulas wars .... give them a chance at a better future just like native Americans get cheap collage... feels better than brainwashing 18 year olds to goose step for Uncle Sam
Maybe someone addressed this already, but placing the burden of the question on the victim is cruel, hateful and inflammatory in an already sensitive subject. To answer op's question; yes, your posts further cement my feelings that smug whites do deserve to pay reparations. You could say you earned it.
Why should we all pay for a war machine?
I feel that reparations is better than recockulas wars .... give them a chance at a better future just like native Americans get cheap collage... feels better than brainwashing 18 year olds to goose step for Uncle Sam
Bc we are america and we need a bloated military.
Native americans get free college, free rent as a student, access to their trust at 18, housing assistance, health ins, various grants. ( my husband is native) choice to live on the rez free ( varies withon a couple mile radius) But they dont have certain rights on the land as everyone else they kina get screwed but then they let them build theres that

Do you think blacks should get that?
Bc we are america and we need a bloated military.
Native americans get free college, free rent as a student, access to their trust at 18, housing assistance, health ins, various grants. ( my husband is native) choice to live on the rez free ( varies withon a couple mile radius) But they dont have certain rights on the land as everyone else they kina get screwed but then they let them build theres that

Do you think blacks should get that?
Is it free if your ancestors paid with their lives?
I don't think any modern person with modern values should have to pay for the mistakes of those without such values. The white man is constantly shat on in my country, in the name of equality of outcome. Equality of outcome is sickening and racist to its core.

You know what will solve all their problems? ooh i know! eternal victimhood and an attitude they are owed something being indoctrinated in their youth, thats what! Nothing to do with culture at all.
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The only problem with reparations is that the vast, vast majority will not get them. That is going to cause far more problems than not doing it to begin with. There's literally no way on earth you would ever be able to do it without pissing off at least 80% of the black community. I've explained why in detail before.
After waking up and reading, I understand now. We’ve got a whole ass of white people (with the exception of a few idiots) saying that we dont give a rats ass what happened 150 years ago. And we got an ass of black people in here beatin a dead horse about a 150 year old problem like its a child tax credit they didn’t receive in 2005. Yall all a bunch of shmucks, imma go smoke a joint in the corner and any of you fuckers can come. White, Black, hell iont care if Trump himself pops in, but this whole racial bullshit gotta hit the drain. Real talk.
After waking up and reading, I understand now. We’ve got a whole ass of white people (with the exception of a few idiots) saying that we dont give a rats ass what happened 150 years ago. And we got an ass of black people in here beatin a dead horse about a 150 year old problem like its a child tax credit they didn’t receive in 2005. Yall all a bunch of shmucks, imma go smoke a joint in the corner and any of you fuckers can come. White, Black, hell iont care if Trump himself pops in, but this whole racial bullshit gotta hit the drain. Real talk.
I will wake n bake with ya!
The racism w9nt stop. We had a hunch it would after the baby boomers died off but it seems everyone is taught now to be oppressed and be a victim. Who teaches thes people this?
We seen all colors succeed in life without this mindset. Those teaching people to feel this way are the racist and are acting like they are above them to brainwash them im this manner. Does suck!
Reparations should be paid as healthcare and education opportunities for African Americans, but get rid of Trump and the GOP first. Not reparations for slavery, that was paid in blood 150 years ago, but for Jim Crow and the countless injustices and insults offered to an illegally oppressed people by the majority, especially in the south. What about all the lynchings and other systematic institutional discrimination that oppressed a people based on race?

It's something to be discussed among adults after the 2020 election after the republican children are ushered from the room and responsible government by adults is restored to America. Perhaps there might even be a truth and reconciliation commission where all the crackers and neo nazis come to confess their sins and stupidity. There will be hate speech and crime laws too, racism and bigotry are a national security threat that others like the Russians can exploit.
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Reparations should be paid as healthcare and education opportunities for African Americans, but get rid of Trump and the GOP first. Not reparations for slavery, that was paid in blood 150 years ago, but for Jim Crow and the countless injustices and insults offered to an illegally oppressed people by the majority, especially in the south. What about all the lynchings and other systematic institutional discrimination that oppressed a people based on race?

It's something to be discussed among adults after the 2020 election after the republican children are ushered from the room and responsible government by adults is restored to America. Perhaps there might even be a truth and reconciliation commission where all the crackers and neo nazis come to confess their sins and stupidity. There will be hate and crime speech laws too, racism and bigotry are a national security threat that others like the Russians can exploit.
Ive never seen republicans advocate this at all. Ive not seen it but doesnt mean it hasnt happened. I mean thry arnt the ones saying it constantly. Do you see dems advocating for this? Doesnt matter who is in office its happening
You would think that people should get that nobody is going to be knocking on your door demanding your shit to give to someone else right?

Our government screwed over black people for centuries, kept them out of being able to maintain and gain wealth up until very recently. So instead of tax breaks for corporations and the wealthiest Americans funneling some of that money into programs to fixing these economic differences makes a lot of sense. Because it is the most cost effective way to help large portions of our society get closer to economic parity. Nobody is 'taking from you to give to them'.

Actually it might just be easier if the people who are curious about why helping these communities benefits us all just watch this: