Do black people deserve reperations ?

I think they called it slavery

Are you asking why we should pay people for work they’ve done?

“Isn’t that not seem fair to use?” - you are a hopeless drunk
How do you put a price on that? Im asking how much would it take for them to forgive me?
Reparations should have been paid at the time slavery was ended in US. Perhaps it was not feasible given the destruction of the Civil War, idk. It is always hard to apply today’s ethics to past periods of time that had their own ethics, as horrible as we now believe those ethics to be. To pay reparations now would require collecting from everyone that directly profited from what was a legal practice at the time. Extremely difficult to quantify and track at this point. Equally difficult would be determining those that qualify and at what payout. Sadly I think the closest thing to reparations is the vast amount of blood spilled in ending slavery in US.
Black people shouldn’t get anything more than their getting. I can understand a very elderly color folk that were once ACTUALLY SLAVES receiving a monthly check from the GOVERNMENT. Not from white people, not from grandchildren of slaves owners. We are all just people. Black, white, yellow, red, i dont care. Wake up and do something for yourself. Slavery didnt end when black were “liberated” it only expanded to include all races and colors. We are all slaves to the government. Do I deserve reperations from Trump? Nah i put my big girl panties on and walk past the creek to take my dump.
Trump supporters who cheer for shit like the repeal of ACA and cuts to social programs like SNAP and Medicare want a serious discussion about reparation...

Black people shouldn’t get anything more than their getting. I can understand a very elderly color folk that were once ACTUALLY SLAVES receiving a monthly check from the GOVERNMENT. Not from white people, not from grandchildren of slaves owners. We are all just people. Black, white, yellow, red, i dont care. Wake up and do something for yourself. Slavery didnt end when black were “liberated” it only expanded to include all races and colors. We are all slaves to the government. Do I deserve reperations from Trump? Nah i put my big girl panties on and walk past the creek to take my dump.
oh look
Black people shouldn’t get anything more than their getting. I can understand a very elderly color folk that were once ACTUALLY SLAVES receiving a monthly check from the GOVERNMENT. Not from white people, not from grandchildren of slaves owners. We are all just people. Black, white, yellow, red, i dont care. Wake up and do something for yourself. Slavery didnt end when black were “liberated” it only expanded to include all races and colors. We are all slaves to the government. Do I deserve reperations from Trump? Nah i put my big girl panties on and walk past the creek to take my dump.
Reparations should have been paid at the time slavery was ended in US. Perhaps it was not feasible given the destruction of the Civil War, idk. It is always hard to apply today’s ethics to past periods of time that had their own ethics, as horrible as we now believe those ethics to be. To pay reparations now would require collecting from everyone that directly profited from what was a legal practice at the time. Extremely difficult to quantify and track at this point. Equally difficult would be determining those that qualify and at what payout. Sadly I think the closest thing to reparations is the vast amount of blood spilled in ending slavery in US.
I love what ya said here..i was getting to that but you laid it out better than could lol
Ive read blacks want free college for reps..Do you think that is fair?
What was minimum wage in 1800s?
Would we even accurate search on that?
Why would I feel comfortable for you to steal from me to pay you reps for slavery of your " descendents" ?
nevermind what I said previously

Black people who were slaves actually did hard work. They didn’t just grow a few weeds in their garage

Oh and you wouldn’t be affected by this since you don’t work or pay taxes

You either, buggy
Trump supporters who cheer for shit like the repeal of ACA and cuts to social programs like SNAP and Medicare want a serious discussion about reparation...

oh look
Hey dude we are just all 1 here right now. This isnt about left or right. Just cool your jets. Be like buck can oretent to be ay
nevermind what I said previously

Black people who were slaves actually did hard work. They didn’t just grow a few weeds in their garage

Oh and you wouldn’t be affected by this since you don’t work or pay taxes

You either, buggy
I dont doubt they worked themselves sick.

Thats even more reps right? Those who died, got beaten daily..
This whole topic lacks citation. For example, who in government has argued for reparations? All I saw was "I read blacks want free college" as if that's even worth responding to.

Cite something, cavebitch.
Everyone should get their college education gratis.
I’m probably the only “black” person here :eyesmoke:
Higher Education should not be free. Thats impossible realistically. I know there’s certain benefits for each race and gender when attending, but lets be honest.. College shouldn’t cost much more than high school. The big scheme has us thinking we aren't getting fucked, but we are.
Higher Education should not be free. Thats impossible realistically. I know there’s certain benefits for each race and gender when attending, but lets be honest.. College shouldn’t cost much more than high school. The big scheme has us thinking we aren't getting fucked, but we are.
I’m sorry, do what now?
I’ve got to go, I speak English.