Do black people deserve reperations ?

What is property and who can own it ?



I guess it depends on when and where you are talking about.



I guess it depends on when and where you are talking about.

Your example shows some vestiges of institutional government backed racism, and is compelling, but it doesn't answer the question.

What is property and who can own it ?

People have a kind of property right in themselves, but they don't have a property right in other people, since each person is a unique entity and their existence is evidence of that, it follows that every individual would own themself.

If you own yourself (you do...or should) shouldn't you be able to make your own choices about your own body?

If you own property that isn't you, say a car or a house, shouldn't you be able to disposition the use of it as long as it doesn't disallow another person from using their own property ?
Your example shows some vestiges of institutional government backed racism, and is compelling, but it doesn't answer the question.

What is property and who can own it ?

People have a kind of property right in themselves, but they don't have a property right in other people, since each person is a unique entity and their existence is evidence of that, it follows that every individual would own themself.

If you own yourself (you do...or should) shouldn't you be able to make your own choices about your own body?

If you own property that isn't you, say a car or a house, shouldn't you be able to disposition the use of it as long as it doesn't disallow another person from using their own property ?
I didnt watch the vid so i dont follow this but one thing i do agree on is your statement about each oerson being their own entity. When a person claims to hate white people for what they did in history is not fair to put white people in a group and blame them all. This is outright racism. One cant say " well im white, so its ok to hate on whites, doesnt make me a racist" thats bs .
pathetic, indoctrinated liberals, its always wonderful to open dialogue with you. I bet you all can't wait til trump wins again soon!
I don't think any modern person with modern values should have to pay for the mistakes of those without such values. The white man is constantly shat on in my country, in the name of equality of outcome. Equality of outcome is sickening and racist to its core.

You know what will solve all their problems? ooh i know! eternal victimhood and an attitude they are owed something being indoctrinated in their youth, thats what! Nothing to do with culture at all.
oh look
I will wake n bake with ya!
The racism w9nt stop. We had a hunch it would after the baby boomers died off but it seems everyone is taught now to be oppressed and be a victim. Who teaches thes people this?
We seen all colors succeed in life without this mindset. Those teaching people to feel this way are the racist and are acting like they are above them to brainwash them im this manner. Does suck!
you said it’s ok to tell black people to go back to Africa
Why does anyone even care? Slavery, caused much more than a monetary loss for a good deal of those enslaved and their descendants. Being stripped of all pride, original culture and religion, is priceless. Black people in America have no idea of their true origin or their ancestors belief systems. Other non slaved races in America have access to that, they know their coat of arms and heritage or can at very least find out. I just find it ironic, how the most privileged still need to find more reason to further hate and belittle the most oppressed. What’s to gain. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t complain about paying for all these old farts social security and Medicare every paycheck. I didn’t birth them and get them old and sick, and will probably never benefit from it, why should I pay? I think seeing black people in the red makes a lot of folks feel good or something, like they’re just gonna die and go away one day...Wake up, black people have always had it bad. IJS
pathetic, indoctrinated liberals, its always wonderful to open dialogue with you. I bet you all can't wait til trump wins again soon!
If Trump wins again, so what? My day job doesn’t pay me more or less that he’s in office. If anything, I pay a lot more for my food at the grocery store these days...With all the tariffs, you’d think they get the food from China. If a completely openly racist, anti-minority, political party wasn’t taboo and shameful, how many of you “right wingers” would still call themselves Republicans?