DNC Lawyers Argue DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Bathrooms

Yeah okay. America deserves Trump then.
I wouldn't say that. We were unprepared. Hillary's staff was clueless. The Russians scored a touchdown with a two-pointer and then got great field position by recovering an inside kick. They knew how to manipulate and had their best people working on it.

We just weren't that suspicious and jaded yet. We let our guard get droppy. We may do it again and Trump is doing all he can to ensure it. Not that Trump is smart enough to do it but he has great Russian advisers. If we let it happen again, we might deserve it, or we might just be seeing the downside of an open society.
“No Democratic candidate has pulled in more from the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries than Biden, who raised more than $97,000. The former vice president took in more than $11,000 from affiliates of industry giant Blue Cross/Blue Shield, including the maximum $2,800 from Daniel Hilferty, CEO of Independence Blue Cross who sits on the board of a major health insurance trade group that is fighting to defeat Sanders’ Medicare for All healthcare plan.”


This is just direct money. Not the side funding and free airplane rides and etc. How coincidental that he should supposedly be the leading candidate. What’s the chances? Must be Russians.
Thank you, Assange.

“Sent from my iPhone On Apr 19, 2015, at 4:20 PM, John Podesta <[email protected]> wrote: I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion. I think if she doesn't say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa. On Apr 19, 2015 3:58 PM, "Jake Sullivan" <[email protected]> wrote: > We are. Will insert something in next couple hours. >”

She has “begun” to HATE EVERYDAY AMERICANS. Too bad she lost eh? Note this was BEFORE she even announced but she was already hating us? I know I feel cheated now.
I’ll take Sanders any day. Any day. Note he has not received a donation from a single billionaire. There’s a clue for people with a brain.
Sanders sucks as a leader. Can't get anything done. Only white men fall for his aww shucks bs. He's a very authoritarian leader. Just look at how his healthcare plan unnecessarily forces people to leave plans they like for a heretofore unknown "Medicare" that won't be anything like the Medicare elders in this country depend on.

Not to mention his support for dictators worldwide.

What a brainless tool you've become Harley.
Sanders sucks as a leader. Can't get anything done. Only white men fall for his aww shucks bs. He's a very authoritarian leader. Just look at how his healthcare plan unnecessarily forces people to leave plans they like for a heretofore unknown "Medicare" that won't be anything like the Medicare elders in this country depend on.

Not to mention his support for dictators worldwide.

What a brainless tool you've become Harley.

negatory, soldier.

seems noone else cared about THE VETS other THAN Sanders..what did Biden do for THE VETS? We already know tRumpy tried to steal $1M from THE VETS.


"Medicare" that won't be anything like the Medicare elders in this country depend on.

Exactly, it will be "medicare" that every American will depend on, because that's what socialized healthcare is, a standardized system with checks and balances to ensure homogeneous care for all.

As a Canadian, I don't see the opposition to a standardized, socialized, healthcare system.

If you had chosen Bernie in 2016 you wouldn't have Trump, if only for the fact that Bernie would have had less fodder for the Russian trolls, regardless of his "authoritarianism".

Lol @ big, scary socialism.
Exactly, it will be "medicare" that every American will depend on, because that's what socialized healthcare is, a standardized system with checks and balances to ensure homogeneous care for all.

As a Canadian, I don't see the opposition to a standardized, socialized, healthcare system.

If you had chosen Bernie in 2016 you wouldn't have Trump, if only for the fact that Bernie would have had less fodder for the Russian trolls, regardless of his "authoritarianism".

Lol @ big, scary socialism.

negatory, soldier.

seems noone else cared about THE VETS other than Sanders..what did Biden do for THE VETS? We already know tRumpy tried to steal $1M from THE VETS.




"noone cares"? Congress was prepared to pass that very same bill a year earlier. In 2012, a lone Republican Senator blocked the very same bill that would have restored the original COLA to Vets. The following year, Bernie re-introduced that bill and it passed without that unknown Senator blocking it. The bill passed the Senate by unanimous vote. It was a slam dunk into a low basket. Bernie was the chair of the committee on Veteran's Affairs. Of course his name was on it. Given how little Bernie has done in 12 years as Senator, this is an example of mediocrity, not accomplishment.

LOL, that's Bernie for you. I'll bet he takes credit for the clean bathrooms in the capitol building too.

Now then, about that shitty, amatuerish half finished and unfunded Medicare for All bill that Sanders is trying to push down the throats of about a hundred million unwilling workers who like the health care plan they are in. That's Bernie for you too. A half-written song and a prayer that affects a quarter of the US economy and 300+ million people is his idea of good work.

Yours too.

Why not Warren? She has a great record of accomplishments. No way she'd release that embarrassing piece of mediocrity Bernie calls "Medicare for All". She's not all in on forcing people from plans they like too. Is your problem with her record or the fact that you are one of those female misogynists?
Exactly, it will be "medicare" that every American will depend on, because that's what socialized healthcare is, a standardized system with checks and balances to ensure homogeneous care for all.

As a Canadian, I don't see the opposition to a standardized, socialized, healthcare system.

If you had chosen Bernie in 2016 you wouldn't have Trump, if only for the fact that Bernie would have had less fodder for the Russian trolls, regardless of his "authoritarianism".

Lol @ big, scary socialism.
Who can say what our healthcare system would look like if Bernie's bill passed? One can't tell from the text of that bill. From his past record, Bernie is not the detail oriented kind of leader to make the transition work either.

I'm completely in agreement that the US healthcare system is fucked up. I would very much like it if the US would adopt a system like what you have in Canada. But that's not what Bernie's bill says it will do. It's half-finished. No funding mechanism. Not enough details to enable good cost analysis. From what is in there, we could very well have a worse system that costs even more than what we already overpay for. It simply forces everybody onto a plan that nobody can say will provide what we need, much less want. Also, it simply assumes medical providers will be able to provide the same services we have now at Medicare prices. No negotiations, no sweating the details, just sweeping changes without the hard work that goes into making the change succeed.

Nope, that amateurish unfinished piece of work sets back the development of Universal Healthcare coverage. It's a gift to Republicans who oppose socialized medical system.