Well-Known Member
This banking deregulation bill would roll back the already weak and ineffective provisions of Dodd-Frank, clearing way for banks to do all the same things that caused the 2008 financial crash. Because what could go wrong?!
These Democrats; In addition to Sen. Angus King (I-Maine), the 12 Democratic senators currently co-sponsoring the deregulation measure are: Doug Jones (Ala.), Joe Donnelly (Ind.), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Jon Tester (Mont.), Mark Warner (Va.), Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Tim Kaine (Va.), Gary Peters (Mich.), Michael Bennet (Colo.), Chris Coons (Del.), and Tom Carper of Delaware.
"Banks have not been suffering in terms of profits, so exactly what is the problem that needs to be solved? And that’s before you get to the fact that banks enjoy such extensive subsidies that they should not be treated like private businesses but regulated like old-fashioned utilities. The idea that banks have a right to earn more that a modest level of profit to help fund expansion in line with overall economic growth is in fact detrimental to the economy."
This is corruption, pure and simple. The banks are engaging in extractive and parasitic behavior because their money buys our political system. The notion that somehow 'Democrats are different' is a lie manufactured to distract the uneducated lay person into thinking our political system offers a choice when in fact it does not.
@UncleBuck you'll notice our own US Senator Micheal Bennett (D-Colorado) is on that list.
The idea that the American People are effectively represented by a democracy is simply not supported by the facts. When big money can buy legislation from politicians in both parties that puts the entire economy at risk for the profit of a few, it's kleptocracy, not democracy.
When people who protest are ridiculed by Media that are owned by the same tiny elite- who then cheer when police use blatantly unconstitutional tactics to 'clear the streets' and 'keep the peace', we do not have democracy, we have Inverted Totalitarianism.
I'm going to caucus tonight. I'm going to do my part to advance Progressive causes and candidates, such as ending legalised bribery in our political system and regulating an outrageously predatory banning system. But I'm just one guy.
This affects all of you, too; each economic crash raids your future and that if your children and even when times are good the banks extract so much excess profit the rest of the economy suffers. Just because you may not understand exactly how it works doesn't mean it isn't happening.
The clowns will be along here shortly with their usual puerile remarks that intend to insult me, the messenger. Ignore them. Do your own homework. Neither Republicans nor Democrats are here to represent interests of the 99% of us. They only care about the money they need to get reelected. The two major parties in America may call themselves different, but in deeds and actions there is no real distinction.
This banking deregulation bill would roll back the already weak and ineffective provisions of Dodd-Frank, clearing way for banks to do all the same things that caused the 2008 financial crash. Because what could go wrong?!
These Democrats; In addition to Sen. Angus King (I-Maine), the 12 Democratic senators currently co-sponsoring the deregulation measure are: Doug Jones (Ala.), Joe Donnelly (Ind.), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Jon Tester (Mont.), Mark Warner (Va.), Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Tim Kaine (Va.), Gary Peters (Mich.), Michael Bennet (Colo.), Chris Coons (Del.), and Tom Carper of Delaware.
"Banks have not been suffering in terms of profits, so exactly what is the problem that needs to be solved? And that’s before you get to the fact that banks enjoy such extensive subsidies that they should not be treated like private businesses but regulated like old-fashioned utilities. The idea that banks have a right to earn more that a modest level of profit to help fund expansion in line with overall economic growth is in fact detrimental to the economy."
This is corruption, pure and simple. The banks are engaging in extractive and parasitic behavior because their money buys our political system. The notion that somehow 'Democrats are different' is a lie manufactured to distract the uneducated lay person into thinking our political system offers a choice when in fact it does not.
@UncleBuck you'll notice our own US Senator Micheal Bennett (D-Colorado) is on that list.
The idea that the American People are effectively represented by a democracy is simply not supported by the facts. When big money can buy legislation from politicians in both parties that puts the entire economy at risk for the profit of a few, it's kleptocracy, not democracy.
When people who protest are ridiculed by Media that are owned by the same tiny elite- who then cheer when police use blatantly unconstitutional tactics to 'clear the streets' and 'keep the peace', we do not have democracy, we have Inverted Totalitarianism.
I'm going to caucus tonight. I'm going to do my part to advance Progressive causes and candidates, such as ending legalised bribery in our political system and regulating an outrageously predatory banning system. But I'm just one guy.
This affects all of you, too; each economic crash raids your future and that if your children and even when times are good the banks extract so much excess profit the rest of the economy suffers. Just because you may not understand exactly how it works doesn't mean it isn't happening.
The clowns will be along here shortly with their usual puerile remarks that intend to insult me, the messenger. Ignore them. Do your own homework. Neither Republicans nor Democrats are here to represent interests of the 99% of us. They only care about the money they need to get reelected. The two major parties in America may call themselves different, but in deeds and actions there is no real distinction.