In Oregon our Democratically controlled state legislature recently disallowed deductions at the state level for pass through businesses that would have mirrored and boosted a windfall in deductions under the new federal tax code. Republicans fought tooth and nail to keep Oregon's tax codes for deductions in line with federal ones. The changes made by Republican Congress in DC would have cost the state about 100 million dollars in revenue, all of which would benefit Oregonians with $400,000 or more annual income.
so, no, I don't see Democrats in my state pushing tax cuts for the wealthy. I don't see a pattern of kowtowing to the wealthy by Democrats in Oregon. Quite the opposite.
Gov Brown is gong to sign it. Oregon can't afford that tax cut any more than the US could afford the one Republicans made late last year.
What I see you doing is focusing on negative stuff about Democrats to the exclusion of all the positive. I don't know all the issues in all the other states. From the crap you lay down at RIU, neither do you .There is no way that anybody could understand what iis going on from that article you posted. From the surface and from the writer's tone, it seems fishy. But you know what? Jerry Brown isn't in the pocket of the big business donors. Democratically controlled government in Sacramento is doing a great job bringing back California's fiscal health after years of decline during Republican dominance. I'm willing to bet if I dug into the issue discussed in that article, I'd find the reasons are less than insidious.
That's the difference between a skeptic like me and a cynic like you. You stop when your bias is confirmed. I don't have your bias. I'm not going to do a deep dive into California's tax laws but I also an not jumping in with both feet about "dirty Democrats" over that one article.
The Democratic Party in MY STATE is pretty damn good. We had a hard road scraping dirty Republican dog shit out of office in Salem and now control the state legislature and governor's office. We are taking measures to protect people left out in the cold by depredations made by Republicans to the ACA, we disallowed passing on corrupt tax cuts for the wealthy, all of our police departments in our state have a policy of not aiding federal immigration agents. We only have one Republican Representative in Washington who is a real shithead and the Democrats from Oregon are pretty damn good.
So fuck off with your "all Democrats are bad" It's the Republicans who are the problem.