

Well-Known Member
just think about it for a moment. i really cannot be bothered explaining again what I've already written. If you don't get it now, then you never will.
i dunno it seems like a bad example to me..its hard for me sometimes to get people without actually being face to face thats why i asked.


New Member
i am not afraid of death at all. fuck death. when it happens, i wont be conscious of anything at all.

my loved ones will be sad at the loss of one of the nicest, coolest, most attractive person they know, but that's their problem not mine. :-)

live out loud, the largest you can while your alive and it won't bother you a bit.

i am a little discombobulated at the thought of being in a coma or worse, a vegitative state...aware but unable to move or communicate. that would suck WAY worse then death.


Active Member
I've never been afraid of death, and I'm not trying to sound high and mighty, but I've always thought it was weird when people say they're afraid of it. I believe there's something after death, but I also believe in reincarnation. Like a person dies, goes somewhere... while they look after their loved ones they left behind, then they come back. I guess lol.


Well-Known Member
Your brain, yes... but consciously you are dead. Isn't this the most important?

There are machines that can keep our heart beating, yet we have no consciousness. Is this still life?

We are our consciousness, without it we are dead. It makes no difference if our bodies are still alive as it and the brain are merely a home for OURSELVES. Which is conscious thought.
no if you are without concience then i would say your that your a vegetable, and who knows what that is?... its a mentally retarded person incapable of wiping its own ass... yes definitly the closest a human being can come to death without actually being there, no offense to anyone i have mentally retarded people in my family, just stating my opinion


Active Member
Correction on the statement regarding Buddhism in the first post:

Self and thought are not two different things. Thought is a tool of the self (this is very similar to what Schopenhauer was talking about when he said that intellect is a tool of the will). Buddhists also introduce a third thing, the true self - what you actually are apart from your ego (ego, or the self, which would include the tools thereof, including your physical body).


New Member
Correction on the statement regarding Buddhism in the first post:

Self and thought are not two different things. Thought is a tool of the self (this is very similar to what Schopenhauer was talking about when he said that intellect is a tool of the will). Buddhists also introduce a third thing, the true self - what you actually are apart from your ego (ego, or the self, which would include the tools thereof, including your physical body).
My leg is a tool of my body, yet they are still different things. I can lose my leg but still have my body.


Elite Rolling Society
I hate to discuss politics or religion, but here goes.
All my life, (I am almsot 60 years old) I've been a TRUTH SEEKER, and I own and have read several hundred books on this very subject.
I would suggest that anyone who read at least 3 or 4 books on Reincarnation, I mean really read 3 or 4 DIFFERENT books on Reincarnation, they would then accept it. It's easier to talk about Death and God and Life After Death in generalizations, but if you really read and research the subjects in depth with open minds, instead of having the attitude of "well, I heard that blah, blah, blah" then I say TRUTH can be found.

For example I see mightly oak trees die and come back to life in cycles. I suggest that we or our souls or spirits, I should say, do too.
I've read dozens of books on past life regressions and people being hypnotised and told to recall being in the womb before birth. They always describe being in the mother's belly, the floating, hearing the heartbeat, etc. Then they are asked to describe BEFORE being in the belly, and they always have an answer, even if they are non -believers. They can always recall a previous life time! Why ? How?
I've tripped on LSD and mushrooms and peyote buttons hundreds of times, and I saw there exist other realities, other worlds, and other diminsions. I've had dozens of "out of the body" experiences too, to realize that "I" or the "me" can leave this body and still exist.
Just like the DREAM WORLD while we sleep is one reality, there are other realities, and some of those are while we are alive and conscious, some are alive and unconscious, but some are after death.

I am certain I have lived before, I paid $250 in 1979 to be hypnotised and reminded of my past lifes. That was an amazing awesome experience and it explained some of the reasons I am like what I am like now.
I am certain I will live again after death too.
I have Faith based on KNOWLEDGE and Experience and Education. I sort of feel sorry for those that do not have that Faith. I have read that FAITH is believing in the unseen, but I have seen and I do belevie.


New Member
I am not the least bit religious but I do strongly believe in GOD. We are all just energy and energy can't be destroyed. It just changes form. I believe being unconscious is nothing like death. I've experienced both unconsciousness and death and they are like nothing alike. With death you no longer have an ego but you have ultimate consciousness and you are most accutely aware that you are not only in the presense of God but become part of that devine energy. I don't fear death. I fear people and how I am going to die.
It's not something easy to explain but others that have experienced it know what I am talking about.
I have always found this subject fascinating.


New Member
I also believe in reincarnation and feel the same.

I've never been afraid of death, and I'm not trying to sound high and mighty, but I've always thought it was weird when people say they're afraid of it. I believe there's something after death, but I also believe in reincarnation. Like a person dies, goes somewhere... while they look after their loved ones they left behind, then they come back. I guess lol.


New Member
Wow Roseman. I am so with you on this. I also have experienced the same while doing various drugs and have had out-of-body experiences. I have experienced many levels of consciousness and not only think but know there is another world or life after this one. Believing is having faith in the unknown and unseen but I have experienced enough that I also don't have to go by blind faith alone.
Very impressive reading. I find this topic endlessly fascinating.
It's nice to know others that feel the same. :mrgreen:
I hate to discuss politics or religion, but here goes.
All my life, (I am almsot 60 years old) I've been a TRUTH SEEKER, and I own and have read several hundred books on this very subject.
I would suggest that anyone who read at least 3 or 4 books on Reincarnation, I mean really read 3 or 4 DIFFERENT books on Reincarnation, they would then accept it. It's easier to talk about Death and God and Life After Death in generalizations, but if you really read and research the subjects in depth with open minds, instead of having the attitude of "well, I heard that blah, blah, blah" then I say TRUTH can be found.

For example I see mightly oak trees die and come back to life in cycles. I suggest that we or our souls or spirits, I should say, do too.
I've read dozens of books on past life regressions and people being hypnotised and told to recall being in the womb before birth. They always describe being in the mother's belly, the floating, hearing the heartbeat, etc. Then they are asked to describe BEFORE being in the belly, and they always have an answer, even if they are non -believers. They can always recall a previous life time! Why ? How?
I've tripped on LSD and mushrooms and peyote buttons hundreds of times, and I saw there exist other realities, other worlds, and other diminsions. I've had dozens of "out of the body" experiences too, to realize that "I" or the "me" can leave this body and still exist.
Just like the DREAM WORLD while we sleep is one reality, there are other realities, and some of those are while we are alive and conscious, some are alive and unconscious, but some are after death.

I am certain I have lived before, I paid $250 in 1979 to be hypnotised and reminded of my past lifes. That was an amazing awesome experience and it explained some of the reasons I am like what I am like now.
I am certain I will live again after death too.
I have Faith based on KNOWLEDGE and Experience and Education. I sort of feel sorry for those that do not have that Faith. I have read that FAITH is believing in the unseen, but I have seen and I do belevie.


Elite Rolling Society
Ah! Lacy! a New Age Sister.
I agree 100% with every word you said. I fear a painful agonizing death, but I do not fear death anymore than I fear moving to a dfferent house to live in.
lacy, do you read a lot? And can you tell me yur age range?
I'm just curious.
I have made a life long study of this, as a Thruth Seeker, AND well, I had the blinders on for most of my life TO ANY OTHER SUBJECT. it used to almost consume me. My most valuable possessons are my books, none are Fiction and all are about WHY AM I HERE? WHERE DID I COME FROM? WHAT IS RELIGION? WHAT IS GOD?
Some of my favorite are THE HISTORY OF GOD and THE HISTORY OF RELIGION. I am an avid student of Edgar Cayce and the German Mystic Christian Rosicrucians. I am also a student of astrology and I delved in MAJIK but ran from it after I got into it.
Peace and Joy be your companions,


Well-Known Member
Would not want to come back as a penis tho, Imagine that.

You only got one Eye and you cant see out of it,
You live too close to an asshole,
Your closest neighbours are nuts, and your best friend is a pussy.


New Member
Yes! I am a 'new age' sister indeed.
OMG yes I have sooooo many books and tapes and CD's about these types of subjects.
I also enjoy Edgar Cayce but love to listen to Wayne Dyer , Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, and so many others. My novels come and go but my spirituality library just keeps growing.
Wayne Dyer is a psychiatrist who really has some great books. You can even observe his own transition as he went from writing about egos to writing about souls and spiritualism.
Deepak Chopra is just a genious. He is a bit difficult to understand vocally but he too is a world leader chemist who dove into spirituality.
A Course in Miracles is a very involved course on learning to change one's mind to higher consciousness but it is a bit too difficult for me. Still.
I love this stuff. We should exchange some book ideas and suggestions.
That would be awesome.

Ah! Lacy! a New Age Sister.
I agree 100% with every word you said. I fear a painful agonizing death, but I do not fear death anymore than I fear moving to a dfferent house to live in.
lacy, do you read a lot? And can you tell me yur age range?
I'm just curious.
I have made a life long study of this, as a Thruth Seeker, AND well, I had the blinders on for most of my life TO ANY OTHER SUBJECT. it used to almost consume me. My most valuable possessons are my books, none are Fiction and all are about WHY AM I HERE? WHERE DID I COME FROM? WHAT IS RELIGION? WHAT IS GOD?
Some of my favorite are THE HISTORY OF GOD and THE HISTORY OF RELIGION. I am an avid student of Edgar Cayce and the German Mystic Christian Rosicrucians. I am also a student of astrology and I delved in MAJIK but ran from it after I got into it.
Peace and Joy be your companions,

Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
Death is inevitable, so why fear it?

I don't understand how some of you think that when we die, we float up into the cloudy kingdom and chill with God. I mean, maybe it just comforts you, and hey, if it does, then so be it.

And reincarnation. LOL.


Well-Known Member
no if you are without concience then i would say your that your a vegetable, and who knows what that is?... its a mentally retarded person incapable of wiping its own ass... yes definitly the closest a human being can come to death without actually being there, no offense to anyone i have mentally retarded people in my family, just stating my opinion

no his whatever it is is bullshit...hes saying that when your unconscious you mind is dead..and when i asked him about it..well you saw the response lol..bullshit just like to hear him explain what a coma patient is...i mean their unconscious..yet theres so many people that have been in one that come out and say they could smell their moms perfume next to them or heard something from the tv..just because your knocked out does not mean your mind is dead its crazy..if your mind was is your body.


Elite Rolling Society
Dear LACY,
I think RELIGION is like GROWING Pot, especially on this site.
There are many people who want to talk about, discuss it and debate it, but have not studied or experienced it and could not answer 3 questions about it, if asked.
I 'm no expert on GROWing, it is not my expertise.
But I have studied and studied religion, I don't want to be wrong there.
I 've taken several college courses on Religion and Philosophy. I have studied for 38 years to form my opinions and beliefs. I base my beliefs on tons of research and study, and experience, and not just on "what I hope" or "guess at" .
Everyone has their right to theri opinions, I agree. But I more appreciate a well informed, educated opinion.


New Member
Ouch! That sounds pretty bitter. :-|
I couldn't disagree more.:cuss: It sounds pretty friggin' insensitive. Being that you have someone with that condition, you'd think you'd have more compassion.
Just my opinion.

no if you are without concience then i would say your that your a vegetable, and who knows what that is?... its a mentally retarded person incapable of wiping its own ass... yes definitly the closest a human being can come to death without actually being there, no offense to anyone i have mentally retarded people in my family, just stating my opinion


Well-Known Member
Dear LACY,
I think RELIGION is like GROWING Pot, especially on this site.
There are many people who want to talk about, discuss it and debate it, but have not studied or experienced it and could not answer 3 questions about it, if asked.
I 'm no expert on GROWing, it is not my expertise.
But I have studied and studied religion, I don't want to be wrong there.
I 've taken several college courses on Religion and Philosophy. I have studied for 38 years to form my opinions and beliefs. I base my beliefs on tons of research and study, and experience, and not just on "what I hope" or "guess at" .
Everyone has their right to theri opinions, I agree. But I more appreciate a well informed, educated opinion.
why not go with what you feel in your heart??why only believe in something because its a fact..then there is no room for hope or faith which it what keeps some people alive

Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
How can an opinion be well informed and educated if it isn't based on facts?

What are your beliefs Roseman? I'm guessing you're christian, although I could be wrong.


New Member
Yes I agree. Both are risky topics.
I am also no expert in growing or religion but the experiences that I have had are more real than mere everyday reality so why would I question it?
I've never studied religion but find reading about different religions very interesting. I even find the Mennonites interesting but I'm not gonna join. LOL!
The course in miracles is just a HUGE book with 1 lesson per day.
I don't often talk about either subject matter but I also appreciate a well informed, educated opinion.

Dear LACY,
I think RELIGION is like GROWING Pot, especially on this site.
There are many people who want to talk about, discuss it and debate it, but have not studied or experienced it and could not answer 3 questions about it, if asked.
I 'm no expert on GROWing, it is not my expertise.
But I have studied and studied religion, I don't want to be wrong there.
I 've taken several college courses on Religion and Philosophy. I have studied for 38 years to form my opinions and beliefs. I base my beliefs on tons of research and study, and experience, and not just on "what I hope" or "guess at" .
Everyone has their right to theri opinions, I agree. But I more appreciate a well informed, educated opinion.