

New Member
Roseman just because you have studied reincarnation does not make it real. You're just as bad as Ernie' with his aliens.

So at which point do we enter the new baby (vessel)? Once it is a week old? How do we do it? We just float in?

How are NEW lives formed?

We have the wherewithal to enter a new living vessel, but not to remember it once we are born?

I'm a student of common sense, and reincarnation does not add up.


Elite Rolling Society
I don't debate it, I just don't. You're right about if I studied GHOSTS , or ALIENS or MAGIC or MYSTCISM, it doesn't make it real just cause I studied it. I guess I would debate it with LACY, she is informed and studied in it.
But I do not take advise on how to lose weight from a fat person.
I can't learn how to be succsssful from failures.
You can't teach me to swim if you can't swim.
I do not listen to advise about growing pot from people who never grew it.
I don't debate RELIGION with people who do not have any.
I don't debate GOD with people who do not have GOD or KNOW a God or HIGHER POWER either.

ALL MAJOR religions accept and have a WORLD of SOULS or SPIRITS somewhere, waiting to be born.
I belevie in that world myself. And I beleive we come and go there too.


New Member
Well, I've never read such a long-winded cop-out as this before. You assume i don't know anything about reincarnation because I haven't studied it to the level you have?

It's easy to debate something with people that agree with you.

I'm not offering you advice, I asked you some questions about your beliefs. Obviously these questions were too much for you and you cop out like any other religous...


New Member
You claim to search for truth, yet you won't listen to argument? You read books that are biased towards your subject. the authors believe, just as they want the reader too.

You chose to believe in this subject, then you further the choice by reading book after book pertaining to it. This is not truth seeking. This is reinforcing your lie.


New Member
But I do not take advise on how to lose weight from a fat person.
I can't learn how to be succsssful from failures.
You can't teach me to swim if you can't swim.
I do not listen to advise about growing pot from people who never grew it.
I don't debate RELIGION with people who do not have any.
I don't debate GOD with people who do not have GOD or KNOW a God or HIGHER POWER either.

A few of these analogies are very insulting. I can't teach you to swim if I can't swim? I'm a very good swimmer roseman. I don't need to have read the books you have, that would make me someone that agrees with you.


Elite Rolling Society
Let me say this.
My best and closet freind is an athiest. I never argue or debate him about it and I love him like a brother. He is a very good person, he'd never hurt a fly, and I respect him too.
I do not care if anyone agrees or disagrees with me. That is not my intent.
I am not trying to change or persuade anyone.
What is VERY IMPORTANT to me, ETERNITY and MY SPIRIT might not be VERY Important to you and that is fine with me.
I admire Cat Stevens and Muhammed Ali and they are both MUSLIMS. There are lots of JEWs and Christians, Protastants and Catholics that I admire too and have as friends.
I do not have all the answers, and I might be possibly wrong in some of my ideas and beliefs.
I'd add that in 1979, I was hypnotised by a total stranger , doing what was called a PAST LIFE REGRESSION. I stayed UNDER for an hour. I was told that I used to be a Benedictine monk, in a monastary whose job was to re-write books. He told me I had characteristics that I still have in this life, but he didn't know me. It was a very awesome experience.

I belevie I lived before and I will live again.
But No, I do not accept an OLD MAN BEARDED GOD on a throne.
I think the Baptist and Methodist and most Christian Denominations are based on ignorance, but not in a judgmental way.
My God is much bigger and more fasinating and more powerful than that !

I also know I lived about 10 years of my life away from GOD and Religion. I lived in DEPRESSION. I hated LIFE ! It was the most wasted ten years any man could experience. Now I have God in my life daily, and I am a friend of God's. I am now the happiest man that I know. God's been Good to ME!


Well-Known Member
you sound like youve been through some therapy:mrgreen:

Let me say this.
My best and closet freind is an athiest. I never argue or debate him about it and I love him like a brother. He is a very good person, he'd never hurt a fly, and I respect him too.
I do not care if anyone agrees or disagrees with me. That is not my intent.
I am not trying to change or persuade anyone.
What is VERY IMPORTANT to me, ETERNITY and MY SPIRIT might not be VERY Important to you and that is fine with me.
I admire Cat Stevens and Muhammed Ali and they are both MUSLIMS. There are lots of JEWs and Christians, Protastants and Catholics that I admire too and have as friends.
I do not have all the answers, and I might be possibly wrong in some of my ideas and beliefs.
I'd add that in 1979, I was hypnotised by a total stranger , doing what was called a PAST LIFE REGRESSION. I stayed UNDER for an hour. I was told that I used to be a Benedictine monk, in a monastary whose job was to re-write books. He told me I had characteristics that I still have in this life, but he didn't know me. It was a very awesome experience.

I belevie I lived before and I will live again.
But No, I do not accept an OLD MAN BEARDED GOD on a throne.
I think the Baptist and Methodist and most Christian Denominations are based on ignorance, but not in a judgmental way.
My God is much bigger and more fasinating and more powerful than that !

I also know I lived about 10 years of my life away from GOD and Religion. I loved in DEPRESSION. I hated LIFE ! It was the most wasted ten years any man could experience. Now I have God in my life daily, and I am a friend of God's. I am now the happiest man that I know. God's been Good to ME!


Elite Rolling Society
A few of these analogies are very insulting. I can't teach you to swim if I can't swim? I'm a very good swimmer roseman. I don't need to have read the books you have, that would make me someone that agrees with you.
ah, Bro, this debate in written words is so difficult.
Yes, if you can swim, you;'d be capable of teaching me to swim.
Those statements are just generalzations to make a point.
If you can speak French, you could teach me to speak it too. If you can not speak French, you can't teach me to speak what I meant to say.

I promise you I had no intentions of insulting you. I'd agree with you on anything before I would insult you, your ideas or beliefs.


Elite Rolling Society
Well, I've never read such a long-winded cop-out as this before. You assume i don't know anything about reincarnation because I haven't studied it to the level you have?
I did not assume you don;'t know anything about reincarnation. You could be an expert on reincarnation as far as I know.


Elite Rolling Society
You claim to search for truth, yet you won't listen to argument?

I haven't seen one word of information or arguement here argueing against REINCARNATION.
Show me again waht you said, I can't find it.
I'm open to read any side or opinion, for or agaisnt Reincarnation. I must of skipped over your arguement, i'll go back and see what you said in oppsed to it.


Elite Rolling Society
Skunk, bro,
I was married to the Bitch from Hell for 17 years, and she left one big impression on me.
I'd rather have my tongue cut out than to argue ever again. All coins have two sides and both can be seen and argued and debated. but I won't participate in argueing. I jsut expressed my opinion by answering the question about DEATH.

I got to get back to work.


Well-Known Member
I have a question about death. If someone attemps suicide why do people try to stop them? If they we so unhappy that they would rather be dead I say let them.


New Member
I hate to discuss politics or religion, but here goes.
All my life, (I am almsot 60 years old) I've been a TRUTH SEEKER, and I own and have read several hundred books on this very subject.
I would suggest that anyone who read at least 3 or 4 books on Reincarnation, I mean really read 3 or 4 DIFFERENT books on Reincarnation, they would then accept it. It's easier to talk about Death and God and Life After Death in generalizations, but if you really read and research the subjects in depth with open minds, instead of having the attitude of "well, I heard that blah, blah, blah" then I say TRUTH can be found.

For example I see mightly oak trees die and come back to life in cycles. I suggest that we or our souls or spirits, I should say, do too.
I've read dozens of books on past life regressions and people being hypnotised and told to recall being in the womb before birth. They always describe being in the mother's belly, the floating, hearing the heartbeat, etc. Then they are asked to describe BEFORE being in the belly, and they always have an answer, even if they are non -believers. They can always recall a previous life time! Why ? How?
I've tripped on LSD and mushrooms and peyote buttons hundreds of times, and I saw there exist other realities, other worlds, and other diminsions. I've had dozens of "out of the body" experiences too, to realize that "I" or the "me" can leave this body and still exist.
Just like the DREAM WORLD while we sleep is one reality, there are other realities, and some of those are while we are alive and conscious, some are alive and unconscious, but some are after death.

I am certain I have lived before, I paid $250 in 1979 to be hypnotised and reminded of my past lifes. That was an amazing awesome experience and it explained some of the reasons I am like what I am like now.
I am certain I will live again after death too.
I have Faith based on KNOWLEDGE and Experience and Education. I sort of feel sorry for those that do not have that Faith. I have read that FAITH is believing in the unseen, but I have seen and I do belevie.
I underlined the part where you admit to joining a 'discussion'. You don't mind discussing things with lacy because she/he agrees with you. If I disagree with you this means I'm looking for an argument? I know that you're wrong, and you with all your supposed learning are afraid to answer my questions. They were merely leading questions into what i hoped (with all your learning) would become a meaningful debate.

All this learning and you want to keep it to yourself? Or is it that you believe in it so strongly that to hear arguments against it would waver your faith too much?

And you claim not to be afraid of death. Your very belief is fear itself.


Elite Rolling Society
I only agreed to discussion of DEATH with Lacy cause she said or appeared to be well informed.
I doubt that we'd, Lacy or I, both agree on much, and there is so much not known.
I've yet to find a title for my beliefs, it is certainly not typical protastant christian. I've read a lot about different christian denominations, but they are so far off.
I do believe in esoteric and exoteric religion. That there are beliefs for some and beliefs for others. Jesus once said "why feed them meat if they can not digest milk?" and "feed them milk until they can digest the meat" and I do think there are depths or degrees of knowledge and understanding. Reincarnation ws supoposed to be a big secret back then. The GNOSTICS claimed to have that "secret knowledge" so I have persued their beliefs, although I do not agree with all of them. I'm a big student of the Theosophical Society and Madam Blavatsky. (I mispelled that I bet) They or she arrived at the same conclusions that Edgar Cayce published.


New Member
I Think roseman got it Right, I believe in Reincarnation. I believe you keep comeing back untill you get it right,If you are a wife beater in this life , the next life you will be the wife of a wife beater.