

New Member
rubbish. i haven't read books of the believers of this. but that's my gut reaction.

so many people tell stories of the mystic, other-worlds. whatever. nothing expressed in those books is even close to approximating proofs. just beliefs.

smells like all the other religious baloney.


New Member
I Think roseman got it Right, I believe in Reincarnation. I believe you keep comeing back untill you get it right,If you are a wife beater in this life , the next life you will be the wife of a wife beater.
Are you a Sikh? If not, you might as well be.


New Member
rubbish. i haven't read books of the believers of this. but that's my gut reaction.

so many people tell stories of the mystic, other-worlds. whatever. nothing expressed in those books is even close to approximating proofs. just beliefs.

smells like all the other religious baloney.
It is actually a religion. The last post i quoted is exactly what the Sikhs believe.

What makes no sense with reincarnation is where do the NEW souls come into the equation. I mean we're all busy jumping into babies biodies, mother's wombs, mens balls whatever. When do the new souls come in?

Trouble is with this reincarnation is that it claims EVERYBODY has lived before. This is NOT possible.

What about animals, do they reincarnate? Or don't they matter?


Elite Rolling Society
I think Murphey's "mummmmm" was really his "hummmmm" LOL

I don't think most people who see reincarnation as a reality really consider reincarnationg as an animal, or see animals reincarnating as people, except for the hindus in India.
I think cindy2sue is mixing KARMA and Reincarnation, which is what I accept as my religion.
According to the Gnostics, the Rosicrucians, the Budhist, Edgar Cayce, The Theosopicals, and many others, souls or spirits are parts of THE FORCE, or parts of GOD or THE HIGHER POWER . They always existed, but not always as enities or individual souls. It is theroized that at one time, they were all ONE BODY, but not like a PHYSICAL Body. I just can't think of a better word.


Elite Rolling Society
do you accept the existance of any HIGHER POWER or GOD? Like THE FORCE ?
I don't mean like the Jewish Jehovah God. I mean like a HIGHER FORCE that seems to rule it all?


New Member
I think Murphey's "mummmmm" was really his "hummmmm" LOL

I don't think most people who see reincarnation as a reality really consider reincarnationg as an animal, or see animals reincarnating as people, except for the hindus in India.
I think cindy2sue is mixing KARMA and Reincarnation, which is what I accept as my religion.
According to the Gnostics, the Rosicrucians, the Budhist, Edgar Cayce, The Theosopicals, and many others, souls or spirits are parts of THE FORCE, or parts of GOD or THE HIGHER POWER . They always existed, but not always as enities or individual souls. It is theroized that at one time, they were all ONE BODY, but not like a PHYSICAL Body. I just can't think of a better word.
All life on this planet came from one body. One protein strand, from which there was an 'explosion' of life. Different environments determined different evolutionary characteristics.

Life in itself is a magic it seems only the pagans and satanists worship. Every other religion centres on death.

I believe in life and the power of mankind. We are the higher power that you seek. The next evolutionary step is within us, and I believe this is greater CONTROL of ourselves by using more of our brain. I also believe that we must want this step for it to happen.


New Member
do you accept the existance of any HIGHER POWER or GOD? Like THE FORCE ?
I don't mean like the Jewish Jehovah God. I mean like a HIGHER FORCE that seems to rule it all?
No, only the force that is within us all. It is not there at present, not in any real terms. We must practise it, where it will lead I do not know... Godhood, I think is the eventuality of mankind.


Elite Rolling Society
rubbish. i haven't read books of the believers of this. but that's my gut reaction.

so many people tell stories of the mystic, other-worlds. whatever. nothing expressed in those books is even close to approximating proofs. just beliefs.

smells like all the other religious baloney.
I guess one man's rubbish is another man's religion!


Well-Known Member
I like your philosophy skunk.
I believe we need a worldwide conscious to ascend to godhood as you say.
What gets me is that someone can read something and just accept it as fact.
What the hell?

I believe the sharing of info on the net is the beginning of the evolution of the worlds conscious.

Maybe telepathy is in our future.


New Member
I believe so my friend:mrgreen:
it's already here, we just question it too much, make ourselves unreceptive. We pick up body language and tone and make instant calculations as to the true intentions of the person we are speaking to/or not. How often do we ignore it?


Master of Mayhem
it's already here, we just question it too much, make ourselves unreceptive. We pick up body language and tone and make instant calculations as to the true intentions of the person we are speaking to/or not. How often do we ignore it?
This is very true....the human mind holds so many possible features, yet we are oblivious how to open it up and use them.


Master of Mayhem
How do we move our arm or leg? We must think about it first.

I believe it could be this simple.
I agree, the problem is getting people to understand this process. I think that if everyone on this entire planet were to try and follow this process we could achieve it:mrgreen:


Master of Mayhem
what the hell does that mean?
What I meant was the human mind is capable of much much more than we are aware of. Like telepathy and the ability to move things with your mind. We only use like 10-15% of our brain, imagine what we could do if we used just 50%.