curing = bs imo

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mine won't fit in one jar. Therefore if I waited to pull one out to smoke I could wait a very long time. Too long for me to be comfortable not knowing approximately how high the rh is in there.

seriously not trying to be a dick here but those nugs are small bro. Smaller buds have less likelihood of molding do to less mass, and they will also dry/cure a lot faster. If you get colas as big as a pop bottle Knowing where your rh is becomes much more critical.

but...whatever makes you happy bro :peace:
Ive grown plenty of big donkey dick colas. I prefer quality over quantity. Only the finest stay in my garden. OG kush, popcorn type buds are the only thing I smoke. Every big producing plant I have grown has sacrificed quality. To each their own.
. I get ogk colas close to pop bottle size...

but like I said...whatever makes you happy bro
LOL I'm calling BS on that one. Lets see some pics. REAL og kush doesnt grow pop bottle size buds. Anyone who knows OG's would know this. Maybe outcrosses. Go to IC MAG, where real knowledgeable people grow and share pics. Go to the OG kush pic gallery where master growers with elite cuts show off their work. Its obvious to me you have no clue what your talking about here.

Tell the folks at IC there buds are small and puny og's. You will get laughed off the stage. Maybe here in the harvest and curing section of riu people will agree with you to make me look stupid. But their opinions are irrelevant to me.

You and anyone who agrees with you on that proves to me you have no knowledge of real og kush.
Curing is not the be all and end all....some strains taste great after minimal drying before they ever get near a jar.

However, at least as many varieties are grealy enhanced, flavor wise, by some good quality time in a mason jar.

Most of my impulsive "go to" jars are over six months old...smoooth and taaasty indeed.
LOL I'm calling BS on that one. Lets see some pics. REAL og kush doesnt grow pop bottle size buds. Anyone who knows OG's would know this. Maybe outcrosses. Go to IC MAG, where real knowledgeable people grow and share pics. Go to the OG kush pic gallery where master growers with elite cuts show off their work. Its obvious to me you have no clue what your talking about here.

When all you do is grow colas it is very possible. Call bs if you matters very little to me. ;)

and seriously...I HAVE to lMfao...telling me I don't know what i'm talking about when this entire thread by YOU is about curing being a waste of time????


it appears all the trolling you get is deserved...

some people:roll::roll:

so you seriously think you have those plants "dialed in" ?
lol, ok then. I actually posted several well thought out comments on the topic. Just because you cannot take constructive criticism well.... And I also made sure to state my intent as well.

shit buddy, I haven't even attempted to troll you.....yet ;)

just another member who thinks he has it all figured out.....and cannot possibly do any better.

When you can grow up and realize you could POSSIBLY do better we'll still be here mr.

until then.....enjoy your little nugs :)

I will say they do look tasty....if that makes you feel better.
lol, ok then. I actually posted several well thought out comments on the topic. Just because you cannot take constructive criticism well.... And I also made sure to state my intent as well.

shit buddy, I haven't even attempted to troll you.....yet ;)

just another member who thinks he has it all figured out.....and cannot possibly do any better.

When you can grow up and realize you could POSSIBLY do better we'll still be here mr.

until then.....enjoy your little nugs :)

I will say they do look tasty....if that makes you feel better.
I know I can do better and am on a mission for continuos improvement. I'll leave it at that. I feel I might be confrontational because of the massive amounts of trolling I am getting. If you were being constructive, I must have missed it. I can respect somone who doesnt agree with me. I just dont like trolls, and if that is not you, Joe. I apologize.
ok, I would agree that good genetics and a well run grow are more important than the cure. I think this is an obvious assertion.

To say that curing doesn't help flavor, smoothness and sometimes smell....Goes against everything I have witnessed.

So I have to disagree.

How much does it improve the product is a better question. Sometimes a lot sometimes not so much.

and I actually prefer mine @ around 58-60%. I believe rh around here just burns better.

and seriously....what is so hard about dropping some caliber III's in your jars?


not like they are uber expensive or require that much extra labor to use.

to me they are more an insurance policy. Using one in each jar ensures it's not too wet and prevents any errant spores from growing.

and also maximizes weight ensuring it's not too dry.

my 2 cents.

I agree with you, although i think the humidity meter is too finicky
once you have done it a few times its easy to gauge how wet the bud is how long it needs burping for etc
each to their own, i like to learn and then rely on my own judgement, kind of adds the personal touch
for many years i would measure my hydro food in cups rather than ml, kind of like an experienced chief LOL

And to all, I am done with this one. Take my opinion with a grain of salt. If you dont like what I say, dont try it.

I feel I have wasted a lot of time on this and got into squabbles with folks when this is not my style or attitude. I wish every one in the harvest curing section much success on their grows. Positive vibes from me. I am not going to check back on this thread or comment again.

Much more important things to do with my life than argue on a message board. Peace out!
And to all, I am done with this one. Take my opinion with a grain of salt. If you dont like what I say, dont try it.

I feel I have wasted a lot of time on this and got into squabbles with folks when this is not my style or attitude. I wish every one in the harvest curing section much success on their grows. Positive vibes from me. I am not going to check back on this thread or comment again.

Much more important things to do with my life than argue on a message board. Peace out!

you are abandoning your own thread , that is priceless

Man overboard !
Personally, I grow enough to keep bud in storage for sometimes as long as 10 months. After 2 months in a jar, the herb is definitely better than 1 month herb. Maybe not much stronger in the high, but way more flavorful, smooth tasting and better burn. At 6 months it is the best it will be in my opinion, and I have smoked a shit load of pot at all stages of cure. I am just now finishing off some 10 month herb, and got a new Chronic joint stuck between my lips that is 1 week dry, and I really don't give a fuck right now how old it is, it is nice enough. Peace

Personally, I grow enough to keep bud in storage for sometimes as long as 10 months. After 2 months in a jar, the herb is definitely better than 1 month herb. Maybe not much stronger in the high, but way more flavorful, smooth tasting and better burn. At 6 months it is the best it will be in my opinion, and I have smoked a shit load of pot at all stages of cure. I am just now finishing off some 10 month herb, and got a new Chronic joint stuck between my lips that is 1 week dry, and I really don't give a fuck right now how old it is, it is nice enough. Peace


yep just do it the way you like it, personally i do not like smoking the weed that is much older than 5 months, when i have weed
that is this old i would rather smoke the fresh weed that is just cut n dry, but that might also be because i am always growing different strains
i get bored pretty quickly n move on

yep just do it the way you like it, personally i do not like smoking the weed that is much older than 5 months, when i have weed
that is this old i would rather smoke the fresh weed that is just cut n dry, but that might also be because i am always growing different strains
i get bored pretty quickly n move on

Unopened jars in cool, dark environment. Hear that lid pop, it's like fucking champagne. Keep growing, that is the secret though. Back that shit up, so you can figure it out on your own. Peace
That was not me disagreeing

Rather a noob thought he was knowledgeable and was suggesting to use a dangerous substance and who's posts were filled with misinformation

Like hexane being carcinogenic and found in acetone etc??
I proceeded to pull several studies

Dr Keynes has earned some Lev of respect with me and I do not appreciate you taking shit out of context..he was purposely trolling purely for entertainment purposes, due to several threads going on at once undoubtedly you got confused by that statement

You have been told many times by countless memebers that you are a confrontational troll which you yourself agreed

You have been told to leave the c&e section as well by countless members...

Tis all I have to say..I sincerely hope you find joy in life
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