3 things
first of all its a case of simple math to realise that a 64 year old would have been too young to have been a marine in vietnam
second the post i replied to from from you was you saying i refused to believe phillips words
"I could post the audio where Nathan Phillips describes what happened. But clearly you refuse to believe him. I find him quite believable."
third since the beggining of this the narative has changed multiple times
starting with the story that they were just minding their buisness at a protest when the school kids pretty much surrounded them and was on the edge of attacking them
lets revist that as phillips had previoulsy claimed that the boy moved side to side
here's philips with a different story
and to match it up with the kids statement
now one of those is dripping with prejudice
and the other is a statement from an under 18 who's now receiving death threats and their life probably been changed forever
but ho hum dont ever look at whether a 64 yearold could possibly be a marine that served in combat in vietnam.......