Covington catholic school

I don't understand why you defend a kid who blocked the path of Nathan Phillips even when Nathan tried to move around him. I can't tell if you are just dumb and ignorant or racist so I won't judge. I agree with Nathan that the boy shouldn't be punished, the people who let those little shits loose should.
Na the kid needs a spanking. I had a 20 year old kid tell me to lick his balls a couple years ago and I “spanked” him in front of his buddies. His mom called me later that night and threatened to charge me and said they had never ever disciplined their son in such a manner. I said they should charge me so we could all go to court and I could tell the judge the kid was asked to leave my property and he told me to lick his balls while standing toe to toe. The dad called later and thanked me. Just sayin.
I know and you all are doing everything to lose it. Along with the African American and based on the Midterms even the Hispanic vote.......
I mean look at that and compare to 2016. .
Nice goal post change there, Alex

You’re still deluded as fuck

Send me the link to your gofundme so I can support your wife and kids for you
CNN Employee Bakari Sellers Openly Fantasizes About Punching 15-Year-Old Covington High School Student in the Face
by Cassandra Fairbanks January 21, 2019 298 Comments
CNN employee and former state representative Bakari Sellers publicly tweeted his fantasy about punching a 15-year-old Covington Catholic High School student in the face.
The 34-year-old man quote-tweeted another tweet with the now-debunked claims about what happened and said that “he is a deplorable. Some ppl can also be punched in the face.”


The tweet he quoted contained the debunked claim, “this MAGA loser gleefully bothering a Native American protester at the Indigenous People’s March.” We now know that the men had waded into the group of teenagers to harass them in “solidarity” with a group of Black Israelites who were shouting racist slurs at them and calling them “future school shooters.”


The tweet has since been deleted.

Sellers is just one of many verified adults on Twitter threatening violence against these students, some as young as 14-years-old.

On Monday, Twitter declined to suspend the account belonging to a Los Angeles-based DJ who posted tweets calling for the school to be set on fire with the children inside and calling for his followers to shoot the students “on sight.” The police are now investigating the threats.
People are angry and getting bent out of shape over literal high school shit. Not sure if this is funny or sad.
I could post the audio where Nathan Phillips describes what happened. But clearly you refuse to believe him. I find him quite believable. Agree there is subjectivity in this. Again, no point in debating subjective opinions like this.
why go for subjectiity when there is video evidence there are multiple cameras around if the maga kid did step side to side or phillips had to move side to side i'm pretty sure it would have shown up in a clip somewher

im old enough and wise enough to understand that just because someone is older doesnt always mean they're more honest
According to multiple news accounts, the activist is 64 years old, which means he would have been 18 years old in 1973, the last year any U.S. combat units were stationed in Vietnam. Mr. Phillips also claims to be a Marine veteran, although the last Marine combat units left Vietnam in 1971.

now i've lost count of the amount of different headlines calling phillips a "vietnam veteran" it does seem though that he uses weasel words "vietnam era" to get round it and doesnt correct any of the reporters

heres a write up from someone who claims to know him well

"Born to an Omaha Nation family in Nebraska, Phillips was separated from his mother around age 5 and raised by a white family until he was 17, when he joined the Marines and served as an infantryman in the Vietnam War"
why go for subjectiity when there is video evidence there are multiple cameras around if the maga kid did step side to side or phillips had to move side to side i'm pretty sure it would have shown up in a clip somewher

im old enough and wise enough to understand that just because someone is older doesnt always mean they're more honest

now i've lost count of the amount of different headlines calling phillips a "vietnam veteran" it does seem though that he uses weasel words "vietnam era" to get round it and doesnt correct any of the reporters

heres a write up from someone who claims to know him well

"Born to an Omaha Nation family in Nebraska, Phillips was separated from his mother around age 5 and raised by a white family until he was 17, when he joined the Marines and served as an infantryman in the Vietnam War"
Is the guy's character under attack by the right now? You guys are like angry wasps and mindlessly sting to protect your nest.

Give it up man, you completely missed the best tell, which is the other kids moved to let him through. They had the good sense to just let him pass and the little shit stood in his way.
Kids shouldn't harass or insult elders. Smiley cannibal kid was raised badly.

i can understand and empathize with people who want to throat punch that smug little racist prick but i think it's more of a sign of rot and disease in white culture overall

other vids and pics of these kovington katholic kids show them yelling "MAGA" and "SLUTS" at women just walking along and them dressed in blackface yelling angrily at black people and apparently they are rapists too

non-white or non-straight people who went to that school reported harassment so bad that they were forced to leave the school. their staff of 80 teachers who are 100% white should have done a better job, but can we expect that out of whites?

there are many, many schools like covington catholic around. this is not an isolated incident. this is a festering illness in the soul of white culture
i can understand and empathize with people who want to throat punch that smug little racist prick but i think it's more of a sign of rot and disease in white culture overall

other vids and pics of these kovington katholic kids show them yelling "MAGA" and "SLUTS" at women just walking along and them dressed in blackface yelling angrily at black people and apparently they are rapists too

non-white or non-straight people who went to that school reported harassment so bad that they were forced to leave the school. their staff of 80 teachers who are 100% white should have done a better job, but can we expect that out of whites?

there are many, many schools like covington catholic around. this is not an isolated incident. this is a festering illness in the soul of white culture
or it could just be the fake news media doing what they do. But I would give you an honorary degree in Sociology with the response tho!
Is the guy's character under attack by the right now? You guys are like angry wasps and mindlessly sting to protect your nest.
3 things
first of all its a case of simple math to realise that a 64 year old would have been too young to have been a marine in vietnam

second the post i replied to from from you was you saying i refused to believe phillips words
"I could post the audio where Nathan Phillips describes what happened. But clearly you refuse to believe him. I find him quite believable."

third since the beggining of this the narative has changed multiple times

starting with the story that they were just minding their buisness at a protest when the school kids pretty much surrounded them and was on the edge of attacking them
Give it up man, you completely missed the best tell, which is the other kids moved to let him through. They had the good sense to just let him pass and the little shit stood in his way.
Kids shouldn't harass or insult elders. Smiley cannibal kid was raised badly.

lets revist that as phillips had previoulsy claimed that the boy moved side to side

here's philips with a different story
Asked why he felt the need to walk into the group of students, Phillips said he was trying to reach the top of the memorial, where friends were standing. But Phillips also said he saw more than a teenage boy in front of him. He saw a long history of white oppression of Native Americans.
“Why should I go around him?” he asked. “I’m just thinking of 500 years of genocide in this country, what your people have done. You don’t even see me as a human being.”
and to match it up with the kids statement
He locked eyes with me and approached me, coming within inches of my face,” the statement said. “I did not speak to him. I did not make any hand gestures or other aggressive moves. To be honest, I was startled and confused as to why he had approached me. We had already been yelled at by another group of protesters . . . I was worried that a situation was getting out of control where adults were attempting to provoke teenagers.”

now one of those is dripping with prejudice

and the other is a statement from an under 18 who's now receiving death threats and their life probably been changed forever

but ho hum dont ever look at whether a 64 yearold could possibly be a marine that served in combat in vietnam.......
I think most look at the MAGA hat as a sign of racist, nationalistic politics. This is acceptable for some and not for others. To even have a presidents slogan provoke that response is a sign of what is happening in the States. A slogan and a hat should not even remotely be linked to this but that’s what it does.....sad. And sad some would be proud to wear it, high school kids wearing it is really telling about what the future holds, good luck with that ....... fuck.
Na the kid needs a spanking. I had a 20 year old kid tell me to lick his balls a couple years ago and I “spanked” him in front of his buddies. His mom called me later that night and threatened to charge me and said they had never ever disciplined their son in such a manner. I said they should charge me so we could all go to court and I could tell the judge the kid was asked to leave my property and he told me to lick his balls while standing toe to toe. The dad called later and thanked me. Just sayin.

So, did you lick his balls before or after the spanking ? Just curious.
3 things
first of all its a case of simple math to realise that a 64 year old would have been too young to have been a marine in vietnam

second the post i replied to from from you was you saying i refused to believe phillips words
"I could post the audio where Nathan Phillips describes what happened. But clearly you refuse to believe him. I find him quite believable."

third since the beggining of this the narative has changed multiple times

starting with the story that they were just minding their buisness at a protest when the school kids pretty much surrounded them and was on the edge of attacking them

lets revist that as phillips had previoulsy claimed that the boy moved side to side

here's philips with a different story

and to match it up with the kids statement

now one of those is dripping with prejudice

and the other is a statement from an under 18 who's now receiving death threats and their life probably been changed forever

but ho hum dont ever look at whether a 64 yearold could possibly be a marine that served in combat in vietnam.......
The narrative has changed on all fronts, but the basis for the outrage has not. And yes the red hat has become a symbol of a populist racist. The kid blocked his way and should have moved aside, he didn’t. I get this all the time walking on the side walk or going into a store with a group of kids standing in the way. They are rude and indifferent little pricks, I actually walk up to them and have to say excuse me to get past if I’m in a good mood, if not I walk through them. I think this story is a window into the frustration adults feel when witnessing this shit. If the kid was afraid of a confrontation why did he not move? Did he feel it was his right to block Philips? Why did the others move aside and create a corridor? Let’s not be stupid about what the kid was doing. I see it every day.
3 things
first of all its a case of simple math to realise that a 64 year old would have been too young to have been a marine in vietnam

second the post i replied to from from you was you saying i refused to believe phillips words
"I could post the audio where Nathan Phillips describes what happened. But clearly you refuse to believe him. I find him quite believable."

third since the beggining of this the narative has changed multiple times

starting with the story that they were just minding their buisness at a protest when the school kids pretty much surrounded them and was on the edge of attacking them

lets revist that as phillips had previoulsy claimed that the boy moved side to side

here's philips with a different story

and to match it up with the kids statement

now one of those is dripping with prejudice

and the other is a statement from an under 18 who's now receiving death threats and their life probably been changed forever

but ho hum dont ever look at whether a 64 yearold could possibly be a marine that served in combat in vietnam.......
Actually, I am quite sure that there were quite a few 18 year old Marines fighting in Nam in 1972. Simple math?

I didn't read the rest of your post.

Marine advisors, fire support personnel, and air units fought during the 1972 Easter Offensive
supporting the Vietnamese Marine Corps. A peace treaty was signed in Paris in January 1973. The U.S.
agreed to withdraw all of its forces from Vietnam and in turn the North Vietnamese returned its U.S.
prisoners of war, 26 of whom were Marines. In 1975, Marines led Operations Eagle Pull and Frequent
Wind to evacuate the American embassies in Phnom Penh and Saigon. Immediately after saving hundreds
of American lives in the embassy evacuations, President Ford ordered the Marines to rescue the crew of
USS Mayaguez,
which had been taken by the Khmer Rouge. A joint task force completed the mission
and recaptured the ship, but not without Marine and U.S. Air Force casualties.
The Vietnam War was costly to the U.S. Marine Corps
. From 1965 to 1975, nearly 500,000 Marines
served in Southeast Asia. Of these, more than 13,000 were killed and 88,000 wounded, nearly a third of
all American causalities sustained during the war.
Source: United States Marine Corps History Division
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Two 18 year olds were killed in 1975 in a rocket attack one day before the fall of Saigon. Had they lived they'd be less than 64 years old today.