Covington catholic school

There was at least 15’ of open space where everyone moved aside except for one douche who decided to make his stand in front of an elder.......stop defending a douche kid FFS. He deserves a spanking. I wonder what his reaction would be if the indigenous person was a bit more intimidating, I would bet my last pay check he would have moved his pampered white ass out of the way.
so you saying there was plenty of room either side of the kid?

phillips had room either side to walk?

the kid didnt move phillips walked up to him and even claims
so I slided to the right, and he slided to the right. I slided to the left and he slided to the left

phillips wasnt blocked in and the motionless kid didnt stop him moving on

im not making excuses for the kid im watching the video evidence and question what happened in the first place
so you saying there was plenty of room either side of the kid?

phillips had room either side to walk?

the kid didnt move phillips walked up to him and even claims
so I slided to the right, and he slided to the right. I slided to the left and he slided to the left

phillips wasnt blocked in and the motionless kid didnt stop him moving on

im not making excuses for the kid im watching the video evidence and question what happened in the first place
You are making excuses for the kid. In my time we were taught to respect my elders. As a youth even if I was arguing with another youth and an elder intervene to get us to stop. I would stop and walk away. This fucker of a child stands there and stares the elder down with a shitfuck smirk on his puke face
. GTFO with your bullshit.
You are making excuses for the kid. In my time we were taught to respect my elders. As a youth even if I was arguing with another youth and an elder intervene to get us to stop. I would stop and walk away. This fucker of a child stands there and stares the elder down with a shitfuck smirk on his puke face
. GTFO with your bullshit.
phillips walked up o the kid made no attempt to walk past the kid

the kid looked in his eyes as the phillips was addressing him by banging a drum in his face and sing at the kid

making eye contact with an elder when they are addressing you is literally n the rules of respecting your elders....
Make Eye Contact and Smile
When approaching or greeting your elders, always make eye contact. This shows that you acknowledge their presence. A warm smile from you can make this person's otherwise dreary day much brighter.



Suppose one reads a story of filthy atrocities in the paper. Then suppose that something turns up suggesting that the story might not be quite true, or not quite so bad as it was made out. Is one's first feeling, "Thank God, even they aren't quite so bad as that," or is it a feeling of disappointment, and even a determination to cling to the first story for the sheer pleasure of thinking your enemies as bad as possible? If it is the second then it is, I am afraid, the first step in a process which, if followed to the end, will make us into devils. You see, one is beginning to wish that black was a little blacker. If we give that wish its head, later on we shall wish to see grey as black, and then to see white itself as black. Finally, we shall insist on seeing everything—God and our friends and ourselves included—as bad, and not be able to stop doing it: we shall be fixed forever in a universe of pure hatred - c.s. lewis
phillips walked up o the kid made no attempt to walk past the kid

the kid looked in his eyes as the phillips was addressing him by banging a drum in his face and sing at the kid

making eye contact with an elder when they are addressing you is literally n the rules of respecting your elders....



Suppose one reads a story of filthy atrocities in the paper. Then suppose that something turns up suggesting that the story might not be quite true, or not quite so bad as it was made out. Is one's first feeling, "Thank God, even they aren't quite so bad as that," or is it a feeling of disappointment, and even a determination to cling to the first story for the sheer pleasure of thinking your enemies as bad as possible? If it is the second then it is, I am afraid, the first step in a process which, if followed to the end, will make us into devils. You see, one is beginning to wish that black was a little blacker. If we give that wish its head, later on we shall wish to see grey as black, and then to see white itself as black. Finally, we shall insist on seeing everything—God and our friends and ourselves included—as bad, and not be able to stop doing it: we shall be fixed forever in a universe of pure hatred - c.s. lewis
You need to learn what mocking is.
Learn what the playing of the drum meant.
Learn how disrespectful the " tomahawk chop " is to natives of this land

God ?? really ? I myself don't have invisible friends
What’s disheartening is that the trump machine so quickly came up with some sound bites for assholes to puppet this AM

The kid needs a beating. If I were there I would have gladly obliged

Anyone that feels the Vet was the aggressor is simply brainwashed and easily manipulated
Wow you guys can get disability and still earn money, both you and your spouse? Way harder here in the land of “free stuff”. Pretty hard to qualify if you earn an income as a couple here.
PS I still think the kid was a douche and actually blocked the elders way. He was trying to be the cool kid and it looked pretty obvious that he was being a dick. If he was confused as you allege, he would have moved aside and respected the elder. There in lies the issue really, kids think they are not required to give the respect afforded to a veteran, and an elder. And yes I watch a few of the different views of the video.

I said i have not filed to collect disability payments.

But you can work part time although they reduce payments accordingly. And if i did claim it wouldnt change anything for my wife. And we still pay tax on social security disability payments. Not that that makes any sense.

And i think both sides stories are embellished some. I meant he didn't quite know how to act once confronted right in his face. He didnt look so confident the whole time to me. And they were already standing there and the elder walked up to them.

Everybody was grouped together to show their group pride. It is an inflamed situation to begin with.

Kind of had to be there to make all these moral assumptions.
You need to learn what mocking is.
Learn what the playing of the drum meant.
Learn how disrespectful the " tomahawk chop " is to natives of this land
again heres the video of philips aprroaching the kid

where did the kid @tomahawke chop or mock him?

God ?? really ? I myself don't have invisible friends
neither do i and that passage is not a call togod/ religion more a call for common sense

i do find it amusing tho that whilst you dont believe in imaginary friend you consider the drum to be oh so very sacred when banged in the kids face

what does the drum symbolise in that situation?
What’s disheartening is that the trump machine so quickly came up with some sound bites for assholes to puppet this AM
trump machine like the new york times??
But on Sunday, Mr. Phillips clarified that it was he who had approached the crowd and that he had intervened because racial tensions — primarily between the white students and the black men — were “coming to a boiling point.”“I stepped in between to pray,” Mr. Phillips said
The kid needs a beating. If I were there I would have gladly obliged
you brave brave keyboard warrior you
Anyone that feels the Vet was the aggressor is simply brainwashed and easily manipulated
im still looking for the aggression in the situation between the kids and the native american

i know phillips interjected himself into it all but that was to stop the situation started by aggresion from the black hebrew group

as shown on video from the black hebrews themselves
again heres the video of philips aprroaching the kid

where did the kid @tomahawke chop or mock him?

neither do i and that passage is not a call togod/ religion more a call for common sense

i do find it amusing tho that whilst you dont believe in imaginary friend you consider the drum to be oh so very sacred when banged in the kids face

what does the drum symbolise in that situation?
I suggest you watch this video on this link. It shows them doing the fucking Tomahawk.

The drum is a Native American and African instrument used to connect spiritually, similar to prayer. Him playing the drum was his attempt to diffuse the situation with the power of the drum spiritually.
I suggest you watch this video on this link. It shows them doing the fucking Tomahawk.

The drum is a Native American and African instrument used to connect spiritually, similar to prayer. Him playing the drum was his attempt to diffuse the situation with the power of the drum spiritually.
none of that shows the kid in maga hat doing the chop

nor does it show the kid in the maga hat moving side to side to block philips path

it was black israelites shouting racist and homophobic abuse at the indians, school kids and anyone close enough to listen

goto about 32mins in onwards for examples of racist crap (it builds up from there)

looks like the group of school kids turned up around the 1 hour 8 min mark the black israelites turned their attention towards them

kids shouted back

at 1 hour 12 minutes the indians walked into the crowd of cheering school kids possibly to calm the situation down

it looks to have worked as the crowds calmed turned their attention away from the "preachers" telling the school kids to go shoot up their school. and danced and sang along with the indians

if you watch the video i posted above you'll see the kids from1 hour 8 mins chanting sports chants (including the chop) to drown out the racist homophobic abuse from the adult black israelite group

that yes might be considered to be disrespectful to the native americans but it was not directed at them and is a bigger conversation as to it happening as standard at school sports meets. BUT it was not directed at the natives

at 1 hour 12 mins phillip and his group walks into the group of kids drumming

the mood of the kids clearly changes and they change to dancing and singing along with their attention away from the black israelites

phillips then walks up to the kid and makes no atempt to walk past the kid while banging the drum in the kids face

at no point does the kid do the chop or mocks phillips or approaches phillips
none of that shows the kid in maga hat doing the chop

nor does it show the kid in the maga hat moving side to side to block philips path

if you watch the video i posted above you'll see the kids from1 hour 8 mins chanting sports chants (including the chop) to drown out the racist homophobic abuse from the adult black israelite group

that yes might be considered to be disrespectful to the native americans but it was not directed at them and is a bigger conversation as to it happening as standard at school sports meets. BUT it was not directed at the natives

at 1 hour 12 mins phillip and his group walks into the group of kids drumming

the mood of the kids clearly changes and they change to dancing and singing along with their attention away from the black israelites

phillips then walks up to the kid and makes no atempt to walk past the kid while banging the drum in the kids face

at no point does the kid do the chop or mocks phillips or approaches phillips
First there was No chop. Now its "well the kid was not doing it.".
Learn what the fuck mockery is and stop making excuse for kids not knowing how to respect their elders.
The fight was not with the Natives, but with the Black Hebrew Israelites.
Was not winning with them , so mock the Natives. I teach my children to walk away from a situation like that.
First there was No chop.
ive been speaking specifically about the kid in the maga hat

please show anywhere where i have denied there was no chop at all by any of them

The fight was not with the Natives, but with the Black Hebrew Israelites.
Was not winning with them , so mock the Natives.
the natives interjected themselves into the middle of it all
I teach my children to walk away from a situation like that.
the kids were speaking up against racist homophobic abuse

you teach your kids to just ignore racist homophobic abuse?
ive been speaking specifically about the kid in the maga hat

please show anywhere where i have denied there was no chop at all by any of them

the natives interjected themselves into the middle of it all

the kids were speaking up against racist homophobic abuse

you teach your kids to just ignore racist homophobic abuse?

The institution charge with raising the child failed. They (the school) admitted this, self absorbed parent/family institution are quiet on this front. Have any parents admitted shame? Perhaps the parents were failed as children as well.

the video evidence shows the kid standing dead still while phillips walks right up to him and stands in his face

there is room to either side of phillips and at no point does phillips try to walk around the kid

go find any point where that kid moves "side to side"

yet again here is the video of the start of the encounter.....

"When the others were moving aside and letting me go, he decided that he wasn't going to do that. When I was coming up the steps, I seen him start putting himself in front of me, so I slided to the right, and he slided to the right. I slided to the left and he slided to the left — so by the time I got up to him, we were right in front of him. He just positioned himself to make sure that he aligned himself with me, so that sort of stopped my exit."

the video does not show the bolded. go find anywhere in that video or others with the kid movng side to side to block him or phillips moving side to side.....

there is plenty of room for phillips to walk past. he chose to walk up to that kid and stand there
we don't do evidence or facts here. We do what CNN tells us to do.
phillips walked up o the kid made no attempt to walk past the kid

the kid looked in his eyes as the phillips was addressing him by banging a drum in his face and sing at the kid

making eye contact with an elder when they are addressing you is literally n the rules of respecting your elders....



Suppose one reads a story of filthy atrocities in the paper. Then suppose that something turns up suggesting that the story might not be quite true, or not quite so bad as it was made out. Is one's first feeling, "Thank God, even they aren't quite so bad as that," or is it a feeling of disappointment, and even a determination to cling to the first story for the sheer pleasure of thinking your enemies as bad as possible? If it is the second then it is, I am afraid, the first step in a process which, if followed to the end, will make us into devils. You see, one is beginning to wish that black was a little blacker. If we give that wish its head, later on we shall wish to see grey as black, and then to see white itself as black. Finally, we shall insist on seeing everything—God and our friends and ourselves included—as bad, and not be able to stop doing it: we shall be fixed forever in a universe of pure hatred - c.s. lewis
Yeah, smart to argue that the smug little prick was doing everything he could to show respect

And all those nazis you defend? They’re just intellectual philosophers
again heres the video of philips aprroaching the kid

where did the kid @tomahawke chop or mock him?

neither do i and that passage is not a call togod/ religion more a call for common sense

i do find it amusing tho that whilst you dont believe in imaginary friend you consider the drum to be oh so very sacred when banged in the kids face

what does the drum symbolise in that situation?
You keep spamming us with video of the incident but didn’t see his plan hooded friends doing war whoops and tomahawk chops?

What a retard you are
Group dynamics at protests lead to abnormal behavior. Kid has a right to his space but a wiser man would know to cede that space to any elder out of respect. The Indian drumming and chants were beautiful but in that circus environment they were never going to be appreciated, especially if a third party was also involved in creating conflict. Sort of a who cares story once the editing of the clips is revealed. Happily a peaceful learning opportunity for all!
Group dynamics at protests lead to abnormal behavior. Kid has a right to his space but a wiser man would know to cede that space to any elder out of respect. The Indian drumming and chants were beautiful but in that circus environment they were never going to be appreciated, especially if a third party was also involved in creating conflict. Sort of a who cares story once the editing of the clips is revealed. Happily a peaceful learning opportunity for all!
Good job on doling out the likes to the avowed white supremacists again!