Actually, I am quite sure that there were quite a few 18 year old Marines fighting in Nam in 1972. Simple math?
I didn't read the rest of your post.
Marine advisors, fire support personnel, and air units fought during the 1972 Easter Offensive
supporting the Vietnamese Marine Corps. A peace treaty was signed in Paris in January 1973. The U.S.
agreed to withdraw all of its forces from Vietnam and in turn the North Vietnamese returned its U.S.
prisoners of war, 26 of whom were Marines. In 1975, Marines led Operations Eagle Pull and Frequent
Wind to evacuate the American embassies in Phnom Penh and Saigon. Immediately after saving hundreds
of American lives in the embassy evacuations, President Ford ordered the Marines to rescue the crew of
USS Mayaguez,
which had been taken by the Khmer Rouge. A joint task force completed the mission
and recaptured the ship, but not without Marine and U.S. Air Force casualties.
The Vietnam War was costly to the U.S. Marine Corps
. From 1965 to 1975, nearly 500,000 Marines
served in Southeast Asia. Of these, more than 13,000 were killed and 88,000 wounded, nearly a third of
all American causalities sustained during the war.
Source: United States Marine Corps History Division combat units would be in South Vietnam until 1971. Some Marines, who were advising the South Vietnamese Marine Corps or guarding the U.S. Embassy, would remain in country through the spring of 1975. Measured by the length of time during which Marines served as advisers, starting in 1954, the Vietnam conflict is longer than the U.S. military engagements in Iraq or Afghanistan.“You know, I’m from Vietnam times. I’m what they call a recon ranger. That was my role. So I thank you for taking that point position for me.”
Two 18 year olds were killed in 1975 in a rocket attack one day before the fall of Saigon. Had they lived they'd be less than 64 years old today. McMahon (May 10, 1953 – April 29, 1975)[1] and Darwin Lee Judge (February 16, 1956 – April 29, 1975)[2] were the last two United States servicemen killed in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The two men, both U.S. Marines, were killed in a rocket attack one day before the Fall of Saigon.
Charles McMahon, 11 days short of his 22nd birthday, was a Corporal from Woburn, Massachusetts. Darwin Judge was a 19-year-old Lance Corporal and Eagle Scout from Marshalltown, Iowa.
has it? i havent seen it the closest i know about is the maga kids mum saying "black muslims" instead of "black israelites"The narrative has changed on all fronts
its all about the hat. people have funneled their hatred of trump at the kid because of the hat, but the basis for the outrage has not. And yes the red hat has become a symbol of a populist racist.
do the kids block the entire pathway? or do you just walk where ever you choose and expect everyone to move out of the way like noah and the red sea?The kid blocked his way and should have moved aside, he didn’t. I get this all the time walking on the side walk or going into a store with a group of kids standing in the way. They are rude and indifferent little pricks, I actually walk up to them and have to say excuse me to get past if I’m in a good mood, if not I walk through them. I think this story is a window into the frustration adults feel when witnessing this shit. If the kid was afraid of a confrontation why did he not move? Did he feel it was his right to block Philips? Why did the others move aside and create a corridor? Let’s not be stupid about what the kid was doing. I see it every day.
Asked why he felt the need to walk into the group of students, Phillips said he was trying to reach the top of the memorial, where friends were standing. But Phillips also said he saw more than a teenage boy in front of him. He saw a long history of white oppression of Native Americans.
“Why should I go around him?” he asked. “I’m just thinking of 500 years of genocide in this country, what your people have done. You don’t even see me as a human being.”
Right now in the senate judiciary committee the far left liberals are openly making statements in session, that if someone is a Christian or catholic they are not fit to serve as a Judge( the Democratic s who have spoken out against this are being shut down by their own party). Yet if your Muslim, liberal have any liberal beliefs your OK.does not sound like freedom of religion to me.only their religion.check it out for yourself its true.If your OK with that, then you will be OK with it when it swings the other way as well I presume? A Democratic Muslim congress woman openly criticizes Israel and Christians and shows distaste for Jews.Is that not antisemitic or is it only that when you want it to be.Her rebuke for it by the left.Nancy Pelosie appointed her to the powerful Foreign Affairs panel (NOW THAT'S A GOOD PLACE FOR HER). Do some research on her and see for yourself.I think if you had a lot of the info out there being suppressed by the media today and when you find it you may think differently.There are countless examples not enough space to print it here.I do not hate any of you nor think your stupid only debate some thought.Have a good and wonderful day.I am done for the day because you folks attack others who think different than you like ravenous wolfs,and likely no amount of proof would be sufficient.When your mature enough to debate then we can talk.OH by the way the Bible is the( living ) word of my God.If you desire to criticize me because of what you do not understand you have every right to do so.Just remember Likewise.Thank You So much for your thoughtful insight.As I really do appreciate it.
Does look like these kids are being douche bags here. Very interesting.
What does the finger to the thumb thing mean ? (serious question)
I think you need to look at what you said.My comment actually had nothing to do with Christianity.Not surprised you missed the obvious point.But that the far left want to silence everyone who does not think like them,The people being appointed for Judges said nothing about their beliefs.It was the liberal senators who made the accusations because they knew they were Catholics.They do not want to allow anyone to serve unless they think exactly like them.It would appear the liberals senators are the ones who do not understand separation of church and state as they want their religion only.Like I said those who say they are inclusive are actually exclusive.those who say they are not raciest actually are.and so on and so on.So what do they do,accuse others of being what they are,then try to silence them.You know kind of what you want to do to me.Did the liberal senators not show their preference? and then make judgement based upon that? Not the other way around.Were they not the ones trying to shove their mindset down others throat? YES.I never tried to do that,but you accused me of it then want to silence me.Sound familiar? I never tried to shove Christianity on anyone.Never have, never why do you not want me to have an opinion about oppressing the freedom of religion.That happens to be in our constitution.It looks like you and the senators are actually the ones who do not understand this.Remember one day that monster could be unleashed on you,If it were I would be there to stand with you not against you.As their current behavior ( the far left liberals ) should be appalling to anyone regardless of political party.I have a lot of respect for many true liberals even though I do not always agree with them.actually often I may be wrong .Professor Dershowitz is a good example.a very sharp man much respect.But there is a growing sect within the democratic party that is destroying it right now.any ways please do not try to make everything about religion,sex, race,or some other thing, or you will never be able to see what is actually happening,you will be blinded and manipulated.we were given a brain to think with, not our emotions.Have a very good day and enjoy it.I amwe shouldn't even be talking about christians. what ever happened to separation of church and state? stop trying to tell folks how to live based upon your ancient book of rules.
that, in a nutshell, is the issue..i shouldn't even know your religion or not- it's personal preference..don't try to shove your religious mindset down others' (or my) throats.
free to practice = free from practice, if one chooses..see how this works?
or it could just be the fake news media doing what they do.
3 things
first of all its a case of simple math to realise that a 64 year old would have been too young to have been a marine in vietnam
second the post i replied to from from you was you saying i refused to believe phillips words
"I could post the audio where Nathan Phillips describes what happened. But clearly you refuse to believe him. I find him quite believable."
third since the beggining of this the narative has changed multiple times
starting with the story that they were just minding their buisness at a protest when the school kids pretty much surrounded them and was on the edge of attacking them
lets revist that as phillips had previoulsy claimed that the boy moved side to side
here's philips with a different story
and to match it up with the kids statement
now one of those is dripping with prejudice
and the other is a statement from an under 18 who's now receiving death threats and their life probably been changed forever
but ho hum dont ever look at whether a 64 yearold could possibly be a marine that served in combat in vietnam.......
I think you need to look at what you said.My comment actually had nothing to do with Christianity.Not surprised you missed the obvious point.But that the far left want to silence everyone who does not think like them,The people being appointed for Judges said nothing about their beliefs.It was the liberal senators who made the accusations because they knew they were Catholics.They do not want to allow anyone to serve unless they think exactly like them.It would appear the liberals senators are the ones who do not understand separation of church and state as they want their religion only.Like I said those who say they are inclusive are actually exclusive.those who say they are not raciest actually are.and so on and so on.So what do they do,accuse others of being what they are,then try to silence them.You know kind of what you want to do to me.Did the liberal senators not show their preference? and then make judgement based upon that? Not the other way around.Were they not the ones trying to shove their mindset down others throat? YES.I never tried to do that,but you accused me of it then want to silence me.Sound familiar? I never tried to shove Christianity on anyone.Never have, never why do you not want me to have an opinion about oppressing the freedom of religion.That happens to be in our constitution.It looks like you and the senators are actually the ones who do not understand this.Remember one day that monster could be unleashed on you,If it were I would be there to stand with you not against you.As their current behavior ( the far left liberals ) should be appalling to anyone regardless of political party.I have a lot of respect for many true liberals even though I do not always agree with them.actually often I may be wrong .Professor Dershowitz is a good example.a very sharp man much respect.But there is a growing sect within the democratic party that is destroying it right now.any ways please do not try to make everything about religion,sex, race,or some other thing, or you will never be able to see what is actually happening,you will be blinded and manipulated.we were given a brain to think with, not our emotions.Have a very good day and enjoy it.I am
not a single one of the students at the march on friday was even at the school when that picture was takenno, the fact that these little pricks are racist shits is not fake news
yeah, the culture of that school probably changed quite a bit in the five years since that photo was takennot a single one of the students at the march on friday was even at the school when that picture was taken