Couple Fined For Refusing To Host Gay Wedding Shuts Down Venue

What services were denied exactly and who denied them? And if you say private business owners denied them, how did private business owners have the right to do that? Oh yeah... It was actually the GOVERNMENT that was enforcing laws preventing services to blacks...

please cite the law that said that private businesses had to deny service to blacks.

once you get done with that (you won't, as no such law existed), you might want to actually try to answer the question: did the denial of service cause harm?
No kidding, this entire thread is just a merry-go-round of "you're a racist" "no I'm not" "yes you are". A friend told me to check this site out, especially the political room, and she was right. What a bunch of losers.

So wait... You go around the internet looking for sites full of losers? And your friend helps you? What does that make you exactly??
please cite the law that said that private businesses had to deny service to blacks.

once you get done with that (you won't, as no such law existed), you might want to actually try to answer the question: did the denial of service cause harm?

Your question is too vauge to answer... Why does it matter? Why are you so completely focused on an era that has no living persons that have any memory of it...

Why dont you ask a more relavant question like "would it cause harm today?" And the answer is no. It might cause inconvenience, it might cause butthurt but it would not cause harm...
Your question is too vauge to answer... Why does it matter? Why are you so completely focused on an era that has no living persons that have any memory of it...

Why dont you ask a more relavant question like "would it cause harm today?" And the answer is no. It might cause inconvenience, it might cause butthurt but it would not cause harm...
do hurt feelings count as "injury?"

If someone hurts my feelings, is that grounds for a violent retaliation in the name of self defense?

Also: who gets to determine what i'm allowed to like and/or dislike?
Your question is too vauge to answer... Why does it matter? Why are you so completely focused on an era that has no living persons that have any memory of it...

Why dont you ask a more relavant question like "would it cause harm today?" And the answer is no. It might cause inconvenience, it might cause butthurt but it would not cause harm...


historical retardedness aside, what is this raging hate boner you have for denying service to groups you are bigoted against?
Though I wasn't denied service I was ripped off and will never go back to a local deli.

The store was Italian owned for many years but as more and more hispanics moved to the north side
the deli was eventually sold.
They still make Italian hoagies but last time the owner charged me 2.00 more than the menu price.
I pointed this out but he insisted on that 2.00.
It's his store and I guess he can charge as much as he wants.
I could have refused but was hungry and didn't have time to shop elsewhere.
I vowed never to buy from him again and havent.

I doubt he likes blacks either.
I quit going to church when I hit jr high, rarely watch fox news and don;t defend Christian per-say.
I'm defending freedom and liberty, that's pretty clear in my previous posts you failed to read.
Maybe you should follow the whole thread before you jump on someones shit next time, cupcake.
yes, I will read 17 pages of this crap that is just that, to see your full opinion? I used a quote to what you said and responded to that statement. YOU lashed out and attacked, you got it back, don't like it? quit being a brain dead brainwashed zombie of the right... and that goes for the same on the left too. facts w/o attacks and expecting someone to read 17 pages of this just proves my simple point that you are brain dead one way or another. Have YOU read all 17 pages of this nonsense? and Why?
If it was not for the chase your tail society, this thread would have been at least 2/3 rd's the size, and could have been read very quickly.
So wait... You go around the internet looking for sites full of losers? And your friend helps you? What does that make you exactly??

No silly, my friend is a regualr on your site and was telling me about your politics section. She said it was worth a good laugh. She was right. Still a little confused about why she insisted I use that photo as my avatar, she just laughed and said she'd tell me later.
No silly, my friend is a regualr on your site and was telling me about your politics section. She said it was worth a good laugh. She was right. Still a little confused about why she insisted I use that photo as my avatar, she just laughed and said she'd tell me later.

We are amused that the real joke here is you...
yes, I will read 17 pages of this crap that is just that, to see your full opinion? I used a quote to what you said and responded to that statement. YOU lashed out and attacked, you got it back, don't like it? quit being a brain dead brainwashed zombie of the right... and that goes for the same on the left too. facts w/o attacks and expecting someone to read 17 pages of this just proves my simple point that you are brain dead one way or another. Have YOU read all 17 pages of this nonsense? and Why?
Oh ok, then fuck off.bongsmilie
you didn't answer the question.

let me pose to you the same question that cowardly racist rob refuses to answer:

did denial of service to blacks in the south before civil rights cause harm?

If it did, then you agree that the hypothetical fat lady at Wendy's that wouldn't fuck you in the stench filled bathroom, even though you agreed to pay her "denied you a service" and caused your peepee to go flaccid and made many gerbils unhappy. Don't try to revise know those gerbils have a "right" to be happy.
you didn't answer the question.

let me pose to you the same question that cowardly racist rob refuses to answer:

did denial of service to blacks in the south before civil rights cause harm?

How does denial of service "cause" harm again? The easy and quick answer is it doesn't, as it is illogical.

Did the hypothetical fat lady at Wendy's "cause" you a harm when she refused your offer of sex? No, she correctly assumed that munching greasy french fries was a better use of her time than watching you try to get hard without your magic gerbils around to assist you. Your blue balls were not caused by her failing to interact with you.
She has a right to chose her associations, just as you do. All people have that right, but no people have the right to force those choices on others do they?

The cause of a situation is something that results in an occurrence, not a perpetuation of a current condition or a maintaining of a present state that is not a result of your actions.

Has my not doing my volunteer work to feed the hungry gerbils in India "caused" them to starve? No, it hasn't.
Has your not feeding the hungry gerbils in India "caused" them to be in their present state, again no, no it hasn't gerbil meister.
Has your not feeding the hungry gerbils you keep in a cage locked in the closet at your house caused them a harm? Maybe, but I'm digressing.

What is a causal thing? When you shit on the floor at Wendy's your action DID CAUSE a pile of dung to be placed in the wrong place. You were shitting on another persons property when you created the doo doo stained floor. You CAUSED the stench. It was a direct result of your poor decision and your ACTION TAKEN to invade someone else property and foul it.

What is not a causal thing? If you hadn't shit on the floor, the floor was not any better or any worse off as a result of your inaction with it. It remained in the status quo. The status of the floor was not altered by your inaction. You were indifferent in that instance. Maybe instead you shit your pants or something else, but the status of the floor, whether it was clean or dirty had nothing to do with you if you failed to interact with it.

When you framed the question, you did it wrong dipshit. You should have said "were blacks systematically discriminated against" The answer there is in many instances, yes.

You also erroneously operate on the premise that using "discrimination" regarding how you will use your OWN body and your OWN property is somehow an act of initiated aggression, which it isn't. Everybody has the right to self determine, but NOBODY has the right to relieve another of that right.

You assume because blacks got a shitty deal that somehow relieving private property owners of their right to control their OWN property somehow balances the scales. Which of course it doesn't. Making people interact or forcefully integrate on a non-consensual basis and under the threat of force is never the answer Hitler.

You are not a very bright fellow. You should learn the difference between initiated aggression and indifference. You should also learn that shitting on others property causes them harm, but not shitting on it....causes nothing.
No silly, my friend is a regualr on your site and was telling me about your politics section. She said it was worth a good laugh. She was right. Still a little confused about why she insisted I use that photo as my avatar, she just laughed and said she'd tell me later.

Please enjoy your visit, unfortunately the bathroom is out of order. There was accident.
you're defending the freedom to act on bigotry and the liberty to discriminate against groups you don't like.

bigotry and discrimination don't make anyone more free, not even the bigots like you doing the discriminating.

Sometimes people don't learn how to properly use common fixtures. You've some made mistakes, but here this is an illustration of proper bathroom behavior.

The nice people at Wendys really hope you can change. Now please just say you won't do it again and we can move on to the next argument Mr. Rapist.
