Couple Fined For Refusing To Host Gay Wedding Shuts Down Venue

No kidding, this entire thread is just a merry-go-round of "you're a racist" "no I'm not" "yes you are". A friend told me to check this site out, especially the political room, and she was right. What a bunch of losers.
To be fair I only come over here to piss everybody off;)
No kidding, this entire thread is just a merry-go-round of "you're a racist" "no I'm not" "yes you are". A friend told me to check this site out, especially the political room, and she was right. What a bunch of losers.
And to keep it real every time I've been jumped and had to really hurt fools anatomy that crazy shit happens to me in rich white neighborhoods from punk ass Rich skinheads every time I walk into the ghetto you know highest murder rate zones in the county those kind of places people just want to smoke grass with me just a match me a blunt! and I'm down you know!
The core problem with business saying its against their religion? Where does it stop? It is against their religion to pay their workers? pay taxes? to wash their hands as they serve food? or Against their religion to serve, blacks, browns, gingers, men, women, pick anything you can hate and discriminate and it is a religious freedom?
Progressives (socialists) aren't happy unless their views are forced upon everyone.
Never have figured out why they coddle muslims and revile Christians.
as if you are conservative about anything? or Christian? you might say it, but you sure do not show it, you do the exact opposite of what Christ says to do, that is what Satanists do, and pretend it is for God all day long so lets look again? Conservatives are not conservative, American Christians in the most part are not Christian acting at all, they are balls of hate and anger which is better representing of Evil and Satan, not our Loving Christ.. so get a grip and stop watching fox. AND READ THAT BIBLE instead of beating everyone else over the head with it!
as if you are conservative about anything? or Christian? you might say it, but you sure do not show it, you do the exact opposite of what Christ says to do, that is what Satanists do, and pretend it is for God all day long so lets look again? Conservatives are not conservative, American Christians in the most part are not Christian acting at all, they are balls of hate and anger which is better representing of Evil and Satan, not our Loving Christ.. so get a grip and stop watching fox. AND READ THAT BIBLE instead of beating everyone else over the head with it!
I quit going to church when I hit jr high, rarely watch fox news and don;t defend Christian per-say.
I'm defending freedom and liberty, that's pretty clear in my previous posts you failed to read.
Maybe you should follow the whole thread before you jump on someones shit next time, cupcake.
you're defending the freedom to act on bigotry and the liberty to discriminate against groups you don't like.

bigotry and discrimination don't make anyone more free, not even the bigots like you doing the discriminating.

Buck, you're pissing up a rope, have another drink.
drunkness guide.jpg
you didn't answer the question.

let me pose to you the same question that cowardly racist rob refuses to answer:

did denial of service to blacks in the south before civil rights cause harm?

What services were denied exactly and who denied them? And if you say private business owners denied them, how did private business owners have the right to do that? Oh yeah... It was actually the GOVERNMENT that was enforcing laws preventing services to blacks...