if a store bills themselves as open to the public, then any member of the public may "make" that store owner serve them.some posts are gone now. it's post 221 now.
that about it?
if a store bills themselves as open to the public, then any member of the public may "make" that store owner serve them.some posts are gone now. it's post 221 now.
if a store bills themselves as open to the public, then any member of the public may "make" that store owner serve them.
that about it?
although most any business owner would not call that "making" them serve them or "enslaving" them, they look at that as what butters their bread and pays their mortgage and they do it willingly.
when i walk into htg supply over these next few days with $750 to drop on carbon filters, they will be very happy that i am "making" them serve me.
and they are always free to just hang a "closed" sign on the door and serve no one.
I made this point too, racists who are allowed he overtly racist can be easily avoided.So when an ultra racist says he won't serve you because you (a black person for the argument) are too tall, he doesn't have to do anything, now you don't get served and the owner now can boot you out of the store.
Owners can refuse service to anyone, for any reason other than racism, so in essence you have hidden the racists and not helped the black man at all. He still doesn't get served and the ability for him to prove it was racism is almost impossible.
Fortunately in this country that almost never happens because business owners would rather make a profit than cause a problem.
Exactly, most white people would not patronize an overtly racist business. Since businesses cannot last without making money, and since customers bring in the money, any outward racist business would soon fail.I made this point too, racists who are allowed he overtly racist can be easily avoided.
I'm white but I'm still not gonna eat in Uncle Kraka's Lynch and Steak House even tho they'd serve me no problem.
Well other racists might eat there where no "dirty people" might bring them their food.Exactly, most white people would not patronize an overtly racist business. Since businesses cannot last without making money, and since customers bring in the money, any outward racist business would soon fail.
Owners can refuse service to anyone, for any reason other than racism, so in essence you have hidden the racists and not helped the black man at all.
Exactly, most white people would not patronize an overtly racist business. Since businesses cannot last without making money, and since customers bring in the money, any outward racist business would soon fail.
I made this point too, racists who are allowed he overtly racist can be easily avoided.
I'm white but I'm still not gonna eat in Uncle Kraka's Lynch and Steak House even tho they'd serve me no problem.
When you live in one of the most racist states in the nation what do you expect? I mean, after all, that is why you chose to live there, hardly anyone who isn't white.yeah, we've come so far.
i imagine these bigots will be driven out of town yesterday.
woops, your delusions are not reality.
so much for your shitty, racist talking points against civil rights.
When you live in one of the most racist states in the nation what do you expect? I mean, after all, that is why you chose to live there, hardly anyone who isn't white.
Examples of what? People who make cakes?i can show you examples of this in just about every state.
Examples of what? People who make cakes?
What exactly makes it a gay cake?businesses that are refusing service to gays yet not getting shut down by clients who refuse to patronize bigots.
But when you actually think about it...I think transgender rights are ridiculous. They are clearly fucked in the head and should be treated as such. On top of that I feel it is ridiculous for insurance companies to pay for their "gender reassignment surgery". They should be paying for anti-psychotic meds instead.
I have no problem with gay people or gay marriage at all.
Flame on.
But when you actually think about it...
Who really gives a fuck what a person wants to call themselves?
The results of counseling is often gender reassignment surgery. I think you have it a bit misunderstood.I'll refer to steven as stephanie all day long, whatever.. but It's not that simple. They are not of sound mind, and because of that no one should be legally forced to play along with their madness and insurance companies shouldn't have to buy into their delusion by paying for their surgeries. They should be getting psychiatric medication and counseling, not surgery.
Some guys grow their hair, some shave it and all in between.I'll refer to steven as stephanie all day long, whatever.. but It's not that simple. They are not of sound mind, and because of that no one should be legally forced to play along with their madness and insurance companies shouldn't have to buy into their delusion by paying for their surgeries. They should be getting psychiatric medication and counseling, not surgery.
The results of counseling is often gender reassignment surgery. I think you have it a bit misunderstood.
Do you believe that anyone who could avoid removing their genitals would do so? Many who do not identify with their genitals do seek help, through counseling they either learn to deal with the skin between their legs or have it removed.
Shit's serious, but not in the manner you may believe.