compassionate progressive puts uppity clerk in her place

I stopped to pick up some groceries on the way home from work tonight. It had been cold and blustery most of the day and I work outside. I really just wanted to get home, peel off all the layers of clothing and crack a beer but I needed to pick up a few things including cat food.
Establish my bond with the commoners, show that I work hard for a living, trot out my pet.

I stopped at Meijer which is a big box store; yes, I know. But Meijer is Michigan owned, is unionized and has a very respectable selection of organic produce as well as locally baked breads. Lately they've been expanding their gluten-free line of products too.
Korporashuns, Ekonomies of Skale! I want a bargain like everybody else but I CARE, so I refuse to shop at a store whose name rhymes with WALMART. Besides, my kat has a gluten allergy.

I'm a very political person. I spend a lot of time here (although this is my first ever attempt at a diary), I read the Nation and Mother Jones, I listen to progressive talk in my truck all day at work and I keep up with the important events shaping our world.
Establish your bonafides: Don't worry, I know I confessed to shopping at a Korporut store, but I am one of you, nary a stray thought or bit of information has entered my head all the day long.

I hear and read Obama bashing every day and I try not to let it get to me. I just wasn't prepared for the anti-Obama diatribe I heard from the cashier as I was checking out.

Establish your bonafides: I suffer. Oh, how I suffer. I must endure endless exposure to "knuckle dragging cretins" who speak of our saviour as if he is mortal.

The cashier was an older white woman and she looked like she'd had a hard life. I often feel bad when I see older people still working when, in a just society, they shouldn't have to. Obviously I don't know her story but there she was checking and bagging groceries, a job which keeps you on your feet for hours on end, at 8:30 on a Friday night.
Describe the perpetrator, show you care, indict society. White.... check.

She started making small talk with the lady in line before me and out of the blue said,
"Of course Obama says there's no inflation. I don't think the man has ever had to buy groceries in his life. He probably gets his employees to do it for him. You know, buy his arugula?"
Reveal the true scope of her felony. She speaks of Obama as if he is a man, and implies he is disconnected with the common man!!! And she speaks snidely of arugula, a compounding felony.

The lady in line made some sound of agreement which didn't come across as heartfelt to me. Maybe she agreed but didn't want to get into it, maybe she didn't agree but didn't want to get into it. Most likely she barely heard what the cashier was saying and just wanted to get home. I don't know. She paid and split.
Give an example of the apathy that allows the holy one to be denigrated... Well, not on my watch!

So the woman begins checking out my groceries (including the arugula) and starts in with me about "that man, that elitist" in the white house having "no idea" what it's like for regular people out here. On and on.
My anger was building up to a boil; I mean, I just wanted to get home to that beer and who knows how many people before me had to hear this crap?
She is a repeat offendor! I am innocent, I am tired, I am filled with righteous anger.

So after I was all paid up and everything was in my cart I said to her,
"I suggest you keep your political opinions to yourself when you're standing there because you never know who's standing here. I don't appreciate hearing my president trashed like that. That's all I'm going to say."
Point out her transgressioin, defend the holy one.

Her eyes flashed with anger and realization that I must be one of "those people".
Demonstrate your fine progressive mind-reading abilities.

She drew in a breath, about to say something and I said,
"If you say one more fucking thing I'll go find your manager and all three of us can discuss this."
At that, she suddenly deflated. Now the look in her eyes was fear. She looked down and meekly mumbled "Ok. Sorry sir."
I left then, proud of myself and still full of anger.

Put this commoner in her place. Strut away filled with pleasure at having defeated one of the minions of the enemy. Doesn't she know that I am tired, I have been on my feet for hours working for a living and helping to make life better for the likes of her; so ungrateful...

By the time I got to the car however I was starting to have mixed feelings. This lady was clearly a low information voter, concerned about rising prices and was only repeating something she heard Rush or Sean or whoever spout off about and I had just threatened her job.
Reference the ENEMY, the dissenters, those who tarnish the name of... The One. Establish my elite grasp of the issues in comparison to her.

It's something I've never done before in my life and, well, it made me feel kind of shitty. I will never be able to understand people who do that kind of thing for a living.
I know around here people always say we progressives shouldn't be afraid to speak up
and I'm glad I did.
Describe your first progressive public orgasm. Bring the discussion back around to "how progressives frame the discussion".

I just wonder if I went too far.
Self doubts about publicly humiliating a poor, old woman forced to work a boring job? Nah, that's a crazy thought.

I guess that kind of defines the liberal quandary in a nutshell doesn't it?

Show who really suffered here: liberals, of course. Duh!

Honestly, had I set out with the sole intention of writing a satire to lampoon the degree of puffed up self-regard that progressives exhibit and come up with this guy's diary post as a piece of political fiction I would have rejected it as simply too over the top. It is impossible to out-lampoon reality these days.
^^^ You are fucking stupid, that's all. Read the article, everyone, even conservatives who've commented, agree the old lady was being a rude bitch, she got put in her place.

Deal with it.
^^^ You are fucking stupid, that's all. Read the article, everyone, even conservatives who've commented, agree the old lady was being a rude bitch, she got put in her place.

Deal with it.

I never said she was a beotch. I said she should have followed general decorum about not talking politics.
If you think rude bitch is rude, just go, "gee aren't you special!", in the gayest voice you can or similar. Anything else like what freak boy did by writing the article, you're a pathetic little whiny puke with a sub one inch long hard penis. He really needs to pull a Zimmerman on that bitch, then say he stood his ground because what she was saying would offend another. One less old granny spouting political hackery bullshit on virgin ears!
This is just too ugly and compelling not to share. For you progressives and Obama sycophants all I can say is I am glad this guy is on your side of the political spectrum. Read it. I dare you.
The cashier should have kept her mouth shut. Politics is a good way to piss people off and loose customers. the writer of the story looses credibility by playing the race card. Why does the race of the cashier matter?
btw The cashier is uninformed. The Federal Reserve is making things cost more by debasing the currency.
though i seldom post here any more, i saw this and had a small chuckle and i knew i had to post something. i've kind of missed these board.

the above quote represents one of the primary components of the progressive ideology. that the writer felt fully justified in publicly cussing out someone because of their opinions and even felt proud of himself for doing so is the hallmark of the "compassion" of liberalism today. the use of the fear of authority to silence opposition is another favorite tool of the liberal machine. the ever expanding list of rules and regulations they embrace is the friend only of those who are incapable of controlling their own actions. they recognize that even the best intentioned law can be twisted to serve their own interests. what followed this quote is nearly as telling. that the woman must be ill-informed and rattled by the conservative fear machine is the sort of reasoning that allows the followers of progressive authoritarianism to believe their cause is just, because only they and their leaders are intelligent and informed enough to know what is best for the nation.

yes, it gave me a small chuckle. a sad and disgusted chuckle.
Agreed. Nothing works like fear. People who are backed into a corner usually have to buckle under. Never put yourself in that position. Always save so you don't have to put up with crap like that.
And don't discuss politics at work:eyesmoke:
Tell me one business where you are allowed to spout political rhetoric to your customers/clients/patrons and not get fired for it? He asked her to stop and she tried to continue with her diatribe of rhetoric and misinformation. He then threatened to go over her head. And in all fairness, he did state that he felt bad for his approach. Personally I think he could have handled it better. I would have said something similar. Sans the word FUCK of course.
I doubt the person felt too bad.
The last thing I want to hear after work is some idiot who has me as a captive audience, knows it and uses it to spout political bullshit at me. She was rude and her choice of topic was inappropriate and, judging by her response, against company policy. If she had been spouting leftist bullshit, you righties would have had her fired without batting an eyelash.
No need to when you can use facts.
Like hows that 8 percent unemployment working? Or What happened to not using military force unless it is defending our borders?
Agreed. Nothing works like fear. People who are backed into a corner usually have to buckle under. Never put yourself in that position. Always save so you don't have to put up with crap like that.
And don't discuss politics at work:eyesmoke:

My Dad lived thru the depression. The first thing he instilled was have your home paid off. Pay off your car. Save some if you can. If you do that you'll be able to make it thru almost any bad economic time. He was right.
My Dad lived thru the depression. The first thing he instilled was have your home paid off. Pay off your car. Save some if you can. If you do that you'll be able to make it thru almost any bad economic time. He was right.
Your Dad is a very smart man. My parents were the same way. Stuff like dont use credit cards unless its an emergency. They never purchased a new car until all the kids were grown up and paid cash.
though i seldom post here any more, i saw this and had a small chuckle and i knew i had to post something. i've kind of missed these board.

the above quote represents one of the primary components of the progressive ideology. that the writer felt fully justified in publicly cussing out someone because of their opinions and even felt proud of himself for doing so is the hallmark of the "compassion" of liberalism today. the use of the fear of authority to silence opposition is another favorite tool of the liberal machine. the ever expanding list of rules and regulations they embrace is the friend only of those who are incapable of controlling their own actions. they recognize that even the best intentioned law can be twisted to serve their own interests. what followed this quote is nearly as telling. that the woman must be ill-informed and rattled by the conservative fear machine is the sort of reasoning that allows the followers of progressive authoritarianism to believe their cause is just, because only they and their leaders are intelligent and informed enough to know what is best for the nation.

yes, it gave me a small chuckle. a sad and disgusted chuckle.

Plus rep if I could. Good to see you again, my friend. I have been wondering what became of you.
The last thing I want to hear after work is some idiot who has me as a captive audience, knows it and uses it to spout political bullshit at me. She was rude and her choice of topic was inappropriate and, judging by her response, against company policy. If she had been spouting leftist bullshit, you righties would have had her fired without batting an eyelash.

Nah, I'd more likely debate her.
I think they were both probably wrong but really? A man threatening a lady, espcially an older one, thats the worse, he is definitely more wrong than her. I would never tell a lady to 'shut the fuck up' or something. Women like to speak their mind, so what? This is some kind of girly man really...not an adult...I would never threaten a women period and I really don't understand how anyone could take his side even if what she was saying is wrong.
Aside from protecting women from dickheads, I especially despise people that disrespect minimum wage workers man or women thats some low ass shit. What an immature prick. If this was a man vs man or women vs a women scenario it would be quite a bit different but in this case its a man cursing at a women and there is absolutely no way I can relate to that as a grown man. Sorry if you can side with a man cursing at a women then you are NOT a man.
What the hell kind of demasculation process must you have gone through to think a woman is right at all times no matter what?

What if a woman kills her babies in the tub because the lord told her to? You gonna side with her on that one?

Think, buddy..
What the hell kind of demasculation process must you have gone through to think a woman is right at all times no matter what?

What if a woman kills her babies in the tub because the lord told her to? You gonna side with her on that one?

Think, buddy..
big difference between that and getting into a verbal argument and threatening a doesn't matter if I think shes right why would I argue with a women? Think Buddy, Don't argue with women, man 101....argueing with a woman gets you nowhere it just makes you a dick..doesn't mean you have to do what she says or something just be a man and don't argue...In your example I wouldn't scream and yell, a man never loses his temper especially to a women ....grow up. lol

You know how you win these kind of primitive arguments? You don't act primitive...You act like an adult..the shopper reacted like a child..
big difference between that and getting into a verbal argument and threatening a doesn't matter if I think shes right why would I argue with a women? Think Buddy, Don't argue with women, man 101....argueing with a woman gets you nowhere it just makes you a dick..doesn't mean you have to do what she says or something just be a man and don't argue...In your example I wouldn't scream and yell, a man never loses his temper especially to a women ....grow up. lol

You know how you win these kind of primitive arguments? You don't act primitive...You act like an adult..the shopper reacted like a child..

Well I wouldn't call it much of an "argument", 2 sentences doesn't really qualify in my book. Bitch got snippy, thought she was hot shit and got put in her place before she had time to react. It's not a man/woman thing, it's a right/wrong thing, regardless of gender. Had the woman and man been swapped, I'd of sided with the woman.

Arguing with a woman gets you nowhere? Does that imply arguing with a man does get you somewhere? Not sure I follow that logic..

So if you walked into the bathroom and the lady was dunking her kid under, you'd just be calm and collected "hey umm, miss, excuse me... miss? I'm not sure you should be doing that..."?

No, no you wouldn't. Stop trying to act like women are these bags of emotion and if a man shows the slightest bit of emotion or momentarily loses his composure, he's no longer a man.

There are instances when bitches, man or woman, need to be put in their place, just like this one. Being a certain gender, or age as I stated earlier in the thread, doesn't shield you from that.
A good rule to follow might be when in bussiness not to talk politics with the customers.

Or, if they talk back ask them nicely to leave. "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" It all depends what sort of business you want. I mean if you are offering up a nice steak and some fundamentalist vegan starts up...