"Progressive" Congresswomen Start To Show Their Stripes

A lot of the millennial's are poised to take over a lot of the middle management type roles that the baby boomers are now starting to vacate. There will be a lot of shuffling around, but they will have a lot more experience in their fields and be better able to use tech. I am not sure about the numbers in college/internships, but millennials lost id guess 5-8 years experience in the workforce than my generation (born in the 70s) and older.

With everything (lumber for houses, gas in transportation (pollution/costs), cheap plastics, etc) becoming more expensive because we finally are figuring out we need to also consider what a item we make does to the entire environment over its entire half-life. Millennials and younger are really becoming responsible, I really think when they start taking over they will do a good job.
Millenials are not doing as well compared to earlier generations. Call it what you will but many economists see their situation as due to the long term bleeding dry of middle America to benefit the 1%. Not just due to the recent recession. The gig economy, the rise in use of temps, the loss in manufacturing jobs are all piling on make the newcomers to the workforce less likely to do as well as their parents. To me, this is unacceptable given how much more productive the modern workforce is compared to 1971 when 61% of workers were middle class. a re-balancing of the ledger is overdue.
Millenials are not doing as well compared to earlier generations. Call it what you will but many economists see their situation as due to the long term bleeding dry of middle America to benefit the 1%. Not just due to the recent recession. The gig economy, the rise in use of temps, the loss in manufacturing jobs are all piling on make the newcomers to the workforce less likely to do as well as their parents. To me, this is unacceptable given how much more productive the modern workforce is compared to 1971 when 61% of workers were middle class. a re-balancing of the ledger is overdue.
How do you enthuse a generation that has watched as both parents of most families work and still have nothing? 40% of families just aren’t making it. Wages are rising! Finally. Almost 3%. Amazingly 3% inflation is the Fed’s magic number for keeping interest rates high. That’s DESIRABLE inflation. Yet wages have never risen 3% so, figure it out, the further you go the behinder you get as they used to say. Now what young person couldn’t be thrilled looking at years of work as the retirement age rises towards 72? As our life expectancy in the USA drops. C’mon, kids. Get happy and get after it. In this country where it costs thousands and thousands for an education. Required so you can go serve rich suck ass sonsofbitches who cry like stuck pigs if they hear those horrid words like “raise” or especially “health insurance”.
Millenials are not doing as well compared to earlier generations. Call it what you will but many economists see their situation as due to the long term bleeding dry of middle America to benefit the 1%. Not just due to the recent recession. The gig economy, the rise in use of temps, the loss in manufacturing jobs are all piling on make the newcomers to the workforce less likely to do as well as their parents. To me, this is unacceptable given how much more productive the modern workforce is compared to 1971 when 61% of workers were middle class. a re-balancing of the ledger is overdue.
One of the big things causing their lack of assets is that their parents are living much longer than previous generations, so they get their inheritance much later if at all. The solution?


How do you enthuse a generation that has watched as both parents of most families work and still have nothing? 40% of families just aren’t making it. Wages are rising! Finally. Almost 3%. Amazingly 3% inflation is the Fed’s magic number for keeping interest rates high. That’s DESIRABLE inflation. Yet wages have never risen 3% so, figure it out, the further you go the behinder you get as they used to say. Now what young person couldn’t be thrilled looking at years of work as the retirement age rises towards 72? As our life expectancy in the USA drops. C’mon, kids. Get happy and get after it. In this country where it costs thousands and thousands for an education. Required so you can go serve rich suck ass sonsofbitches who cry like stuck pigs if they hear those horrid words like “raise” or especially “health insurance”.

We have basically doubled our life expectancy of our species over the last hundred years and (maybe I shouldn't have smoked before this, but I'm going to try!) are starting to really get a good idea of the problems we haven't dealt with ever in human history. Pollution, Pesticides, Farm land abuse, desertification, on and on.

The millennials are the first (here in America) that haven't been sucking water out of lead pipes all their lives. They are really becoming impressive with their productivity, and all the jokes about how un-manly they all are seem to have helped them not be as molest-y which gives women that might not have entered the workplace in the first half of the last century opportunities to advance our economy.

I am pretty excited for our future, with techniques like cover crops and no-till farming, less driving around as people are able to work from home more, everything is becoming efficient enough that we should be more than able to take care of all our vulnerable citizens sooner rather than later. And since they have a much better understanding of communicating online they should be able to find good information to combat the trolling from affecting their understanding of reality (unlike a lot of our older population that didn't grow up with a computer in their pocket).

We have basically doubled our life expectancy of our species over the last hundred years and (maybe I shouldn't have smoked before this, but I'm going to try!) are starting to really get a good idea of the problems we haven't dealt with ever in human history. Pollution, Pesticides, Farm land abuse, desertification, on and on.

The millennials are the first (here in America) that haven't been sucking water out of lead pipes all their lives. They are really becoming impressive with their productivity, and all the jokes about how un-manly they all are seem to have helped them not be as molest-y which gives women that might not have entered the workplace in the first half of the last century opportunities to advance our economy.

I am pretty excited for our future, with techniques like cover crops and no-till farming, less driving around as people are able to work from home more, everything is becoming efficient enough that we should be more than able to take care of all our vulnerable citizens sooner rather than later. And since they have a much better understanding of communicating online they should be able to find good information to combat the trolling from affecting their understanding of reality (unlike a lot of our older population that didn't grow up with a computer in their pocket).
“The U.S. has lost three-tenths of a year in life expectancy since 2014, a marked reversal for a developed nation. Life expectancy is 84.1 years in Japan and 83.7 years in Switzerland, first and second in the most-recent ranking by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The U.S. ranks 29th on that list.”

There ya go! Notice all the scary socialism has forced people to live longer. Don’t believe it? Check which 28 countries have a higher life expectancy.
How do you enthuse a generation that has watched as both parents of most families work and still have nothing? 40% of families just aren’t making it. Wages are rising! Finally. Almost 3%. Amazingly 3% inflation is the Fed’s magic number for keeping interest rates high. That’s DESIRABLE inflation. Yet wages have never risen 3% so, figure it out, the further you go the behinder you get as they used to say. Now what young person couldn’t be thrilled looking at years of work as the retirement age rises towards 72? As our life expectancy in the USA drops. C’mon, kids. Get happy and get after it. In this country where it costs thousands and thousands for an education. Required so you can go serve rich suck ass sonsofbitches who cry like stuck pigs if they hear those horrid words like “raise” or especially “health insurance”.
the millenial generation shows signs of understanding the problem and are why the 1% is working so hard at voter suppression.
the millenial generation shows signs of understanding the problem and are why the 1% is working so hard at voter suppression.
Damned right they’re on to it. A lot larger percentage of that group have eschewed cars and the payments and insurance and etc than previous generations. Forgoing buying homes and obligating themselves and their money for 30 years. I had hope for my generation but most turned into the same suckass types that our parents were but worse.
Sanders bill is an incomplete plan.
If any other Democratic candidate proposed M4A, you would support it. You oppose it, not because it's not sound, but because the progressives you oppose support it, even though it would benefit the overwhelming majority of Americans, including an overwhelming amount of minorities and women of color

CBO has estimated the cost. Page 27; Key Design Components and Considerations for Establishing a Single-Payer Health Care System

Medicare has a 73% approval rating in the US. The medicare system will cope with adding additional people to the system the same way it always does, with the added benefit of the elimination of copays, deductibles, and premiums


Medicare for all will actually decrease the size of administrative costs..

What more do you want Sanders to have done? He's done everything you've requested here, already. You just never bothered to actually look up his plans for the questions you've asked
If any other Democratic candidate proposed M4A, you would support it. You oppose it, not because it's not sound, but because the progressives you oppose support it, even though it would benefit the overwhelming majority of Americans, including an overwhelming amount of minorities and women of color

CBO has estimated the cost. Page 27; Key Design Components and Considerations for Establishing a Single-Payer Health Care System

Medicare has a 73% approval rating in the US. The medicare system will cope with adding additional people to the system the same way it always does, with the added benefit of the elimination of copays, deductibles, and premiums


Medicare for all will actually decrease the size of administrative costs..

What more do you want Sanders to have done? He's done everything you've requested here, already. You just never bothered to actually look up his plans for the questions you've asked
Warren lost my support when she raised her hand for abolishing private insurance

Harris only got my support back when she clarified she was against that

I am more typical of the dem primary voter than you are
Supporting the for profit private health insurance industry is no different than support the for profit private prison industry

Neither the health insurance industry nor the prison industry should be for profit
Warren lost my support when she raised her hand for abolishing private insurance

Harris only got my support back when she clarified she was against that

I am more typical of the dem primary voter than you are

cant have it both ways- Harris raised her hand for M4A.
If any other Democratic candidate proposed M4A, you would support it. You oppose it, not because it's not sound, but because the progressives you oppose support it, even though it would benefit the overwhelming majority of Americans, including an overwhelming amount of minorities and women of color

CBO has estimated the cost. Page 27; Key Design Components and Considerations for Establishing a Single-Payer Health Care System

Medicare has a 73% approval rating in the US. The medicare system will cope with adding additional people to the system the same way it always does, with the added benefit of the elimination of copays, deductibles, and premiums


Medicare for all will actually decrease the size of administrative costs..

What more do you want Sanders to have done? He's done everything you've requested here, already. You just never bothered to actually look up his plans for the questions you've asked
Nope. Would not support it if from anybody else. Will not support Warren if she commits to that stupid bill. I support universal healthcare but not poor legislation for it.

What part of the fatal criticism that Berrnie's plan is "not funded, no price tag and no planning for the expansion of Medicare services" isn't clear to you? Also, you make a provably false claim that I haven't read the bill. Of course, you conveniently forgot that I explained the bill to you when you made yet more false claims about the bill. You may thank me now.

LOL, the polls you cite.
Supporting the for profit private health insurance industry is no different than support the for profit private prison industry

Neither the health insurance industry nor the prison industry should be for profit
supporting Bernie's bill is support for another four years of Trump.
Nope. Would not support it if from anybody else. Will not support Warren if she commits to that stupid bill. I support universal healthcare but not poor legislation for it.

What part of the fatal criticism that Berrnie's plan is "not funded, no price tag and no planning for the expansion of Medicare services" isn't clear to you? Also, you make a provably false claim that I haven't read the bill. Of course, you conveniently forgot that I explained the bill to you when you made yet more false claims about the bill. You may thank me now.

LOL, the polls you cite.
Its all bullshit because it will not happen. IF Bernie is Democratic nominee he will not be able to carry the house and senate, meaning he won't be able to get anything through. His 'I'm a socialist' crap i toxic for most America. Obama barely got the ACA through and spent most of his political capital because of it and lost the house for it and could barely get anything done after that. Sanders won't even be able to get that far.


Unless that is what you hope for..... By getting Americans pumped up for Bernie, if he loses, you use that as a way to sell those Americans against whomever beats him, and if he wins you can use Bernie to sell more hate and fear to the right wingers.
Supporting the for profit private health insurance industry is no different than support the for profit private prison industry

Neither the health insurance industry nor the prison industry should be for profit
Then propose a bill eliminating profit in those industries instead of abolishing them